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  1. Can you believe this shit? (0 replies)
  2. Niggers really do ruin everything! (1 replies)
  3. A feel good story (5 replies)
  4. Local Nigger Teen Self Deletes (1 replies)
  5. Always trust your “Spidy”senses(niggdar) (2 replies)
  6. "Those" People (3 replies)
  7. Nigger trying me. (13 replies)
  8. I saw a mudshark (14 replies)
  9. Pickaninny Wildflowers...and a mudshark. (11 replies)
  10. Nigger at the gas station (7 replies)
  11. Latrecia “Trish” Littles-Floyd, Acting Chair and Chief Administrator (1 replies)
  12. Not coontact, but niggergerians want to get Linked In with me. (6 replies)
  13. How five niggers ruined my brand new boots (8 replies)
  14. 12 Step Nigress (8 replies)
  15. Nigger raising my blood pressure in the am (19 replies)
  16. Neighbor With Dementia (10 replies)
  17. Ignoring niggers (7 replies)
  18. It’s a nigger! (5 replies)
  19. A vile buck-or-sow was spitting on the grocery store floor, but wait, there's more! (4 replies)
  20. Niggers at restaurant (3 replies)
  21. Tales From The Road (6 replies)
  22. Nigger gone from farm. Good riddence. (11 replies)
  23. Can you believe this shit! (17 replies)
  24. Couldn’t hold back my anger towards a sow! (13 replies)
  25. Pissed a working nigger off (3 replies)
  26. Nigmart trip (7 replies)
  27. Sheriff and Local PoPo Harass Innocent Niggers (2 replies)
  28. Earth, Wind, and Niggers (5 replies)
  29. Fucking Walmart nigger! (7 replies)
  30. University students (13 replies)
  31. Hot off the Presses.... N I G G E R S.... (2 replies)
  32. I upset a Niggergerian scammer (20 replies)
  33. Dentist (9 replies)
  34. I have to deal with two bucks and a chick at work (2 replies)
  35. Wild Wool Ringing My Doorbell (15 replies)
  36. Potential liberal neighbors. (21 replies)
  37. The Chimpout Weight Loss Program (1 replies)
  38. Liberal sister finally coming around! (14 replies)
  39. Nigger cashier at the grocery store (2 replies)
  40. Nigger hooptie (3 replies)
  41. More humans are feeling like we do! (4 replies)
  42. Tales from the ER: Sheboon (witch) doctor (6 replies)
  43. Walmart She boon landwhale. Man the harpoons. (18 replies)
  44. Chimpout due: Nigger on the the train (7 replies)
  45. Fat, lazy, and violent nursing home niggersows (7 replies)
  46. I got fast food again. Because apparently I never learn. (5 replies)
  47. Liquor Store Observation (4 replies)
  48. Wheelie teenaper (3 replies)
  49. Close encoonter of the extra dark kind (9 replies)
  50. Got into another fight with niggers on Facebook, again. (6 replies)
  51. I hate seeing niggers in every fast food restaurant. (5 replies)
  52. Libtards in my own family. (27 replies)
  53. Troope of boons were hooting so loud I could hear them in my apartment. (5 replies)
  54. Stupid dangerous 4x4 loving nog (4 replies)
  55. Nigger fun with the family tonight! (11 replies)
  56. What the fuck is going on in Africa? (9 replies)
  57. Walmart "customer service manager" giving me a hard time about a return (5 replies)
  58. Niggers knowing their place (14 replies)
  59. Question from long term substitute teacher application..... (9 replies)
  60. Nigger in my Kitchen!!! (9 replies)
  61. 400 lb welfare sow stole my sushi (3 replies)
  62. We wuz jews n sheit (6 replies)
  63. Rasslin' Nigger Gets Whitey (1 replies)
  64. Snakehead down!Snakehead down! (19 replies)
  65. Why is niggaz so dumb (11 replies)
  66. Coontact (5 replies)
  67. Urgent Care clinic voodoo doctor (12 replies)
  68. Sunday Morning Coontact (3 replies)
  69. Interns (13 replies)
  70. Newest billionaire MAY be a nigger (7 replies)
  71. Nazis Commies and Black Lives (Don't) Matter (5 replies)
  72. Tales from the ER: What do you call the person who graduates last in their medical school class? (13 replies)
  73. Work ethics training (4 replies)
  74. Nigger member at gunclub (4 replies)
  75. Jury selection (10 replies)
  76. A Trip to Vermont... Niggers, Asslifters and NPR...... (6 replies)
  77. Every mudshark I have met is bitchy (14 replies)
  78. I am so proud of my little niece! (16 replies)
  79. ' Miss Tree ' is not a mystery ! (3 replies)
  80. Niggers at work... (10 replies)
  81. Couldn’t resist! (16 replies)
  82. Suprise NTG...You are at a Coal Burners Wedding.... (8 replies)
  83. The Long Trip (12 replies)
  84. Nigger working at US airp (7 replies)
  85. Niglets at the store (18 replies)
  86. From the next aisle over came bixnood cRapping and the sound of basketball dribbling (7 replies)
  87. The Job I Did NOT Get...... (12 replies)
  88. Neighbors renting to high stepp'ns (3 replies)
  89. Oildrillers come in all types, I guess (20 replies)
  90. nigglet stench (16 replies)
  91. Demetrius gets fired (6 replies)
  92. The Niggers of Northern New York...... The Nigger Burner Happy Hunting Ground.... (25 replies)
  93. My dashcam: yoofs demanding money (18 replies)
  94. Casual N-Bomb Friday, Long Island Edition (10 replies)
  95. Dumb Jig Cashier at Supermarket Really Helped Me (8 replies)
  96. Nigger trying to steal! (6 replies)
  97. NAACP visit the BBQ joint (16 replies)
  98. Niggress axed me where a bank is (7 replies)
  99. Vile niggress pushing me to the edge! (13 replies)
  100. Nigrette Wanted Donations (1 replies)
  101. The Three Niggerteers (4 replies)
  102. Comment of the year (3 replies)
  103. Oil drillers piss me right off (11 replies)
  104. Nigger house goes up in flames! (7 replies)
  105. Nigger at ATM (2 replies)
  106. Every nigger causes problems! (10 replies)
  107. three niglets flipped a car (3 replies)
  108. this is old but i still want to share (3 replies)
  109. Future Felon at the pharmacist (9 replies)
  110. Fambly Reunion in the Drive Thru (1 replies)
  111. Hilarity from another site (2 replies)
  112. Tales of a Nigger Skoo - part1 (9 replies)
  113. Nigger pissing on the wall of a popular restaurant on a busy street (4 replies)
  114. Niggers always start shit! (15 replies)
  115. 100 teens having a friendly discussion with police as i drive by (8 replies)
  116. There goes the neighborhood! Time to move... (12 replies)
  117. Y'all Ever Notice....... (5 replies)
  118. So... I Was Pulled Over by the Pooleese Today.... (6 replies)
  119. Sir Pimps Alot must have mixed up Easter and St. Patricks Day. (16 replies)
  120. Pizza be rauciss! (12 replies)
  121. X employee cannot log in to network (8 replies)
  122. Nigger ticket inspectors (14 replies)
  123. wench charges me for item I did not buy at large dept store (21 replies)
  124. What is the most obnoxious thing you have ever seen a nigger do? (9 replies)
  125. Nigger plows over older lady in parking lot (7 replies)
  126. Tranny-loving nigger libtard lawyer (14 replies)
  127. Save the children (19 replies)
  128. My checklist was correct (22 replies)
  129. I knew my new job is at an ultra-woke company, so I can't be surprised at our three NIGGER new hires (8 replies)
  130. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at this soyboy cuck and his niglet (26 replies)
  131. Nigerian morality, stupidity and greed (31 replies)
  132. Spring Break Niggers (10 replies)
  133. Nigger ads... (9 replies)
  134. Two niggers at a computer store I worked at during my teens (16 replies)
  135. Nigger trying to bait us! (16 replies)
  136. Our Future Replacements (1 replies)
  137. Taxes... and niggers in the office (5 replies)
  138. “N” word you don’t want to call a nigger! (8 replies)
  139. My co-worker the coalburner (9 replies)
  140. Looking for Trannies at the Pull a Part Junkyard (15 replies)
  141. It was like the local grocery store was hosting a bestiality convention (5 replies)
  142. Niggers in my neighborhood??? (11 replies)
  143. Nigga owned bidnesses in my county. (5 replies)
  144. Our house hasn't exploded yet after the nigger "repaired" our furnace a few days ago (14 replies)
  145. Even in North Dakota (6 replies)
  146. Cat 5 Chimpout (5 replies)
  147. Niggers at the Movie Theater (10 replies)
  148. Shitskins have a use (7 replies)
  149. New job... thank god (11 replies)
  150. Fed Gov Class (4 replies)
  151. Customer service nightmare (6 replies)
  152. Look at this crap (2 replies)
  153. Menards (2 replies)
  154. Back of the restaurant, jig (9 replies)
  155. Big Lots (9 replies)
  156. Paradise Lost (8 replies)
  157. Nigger health inspector (10 replies)
  158. Malcolm H. sings Johnny Rebel (2 replies)
  159. Nigger sow crossed the street to avoid me (13 replies)
  160. Always be careful, you never know where they'll crawl out from (23 replies)
  161. Went To Antifa/BLM Faggot-Fest (15 replies)
  162. USAF Human... (4 replies)
  163. Shit missiles incoming! (6 replies)
  164. On the phone with a moronic nigger sow for 50 minutes (9 replies)
  165. Comcast outage (6 replies)
  166. Local haunt update (4 replies)
  167. Lazy Ass Nigger at the Drugstore (6 replies)
  168. My Doctor Hired a Spook! (18 replies)
  169. Got stuck on a plane loaded with zoo animals... (12 replies)
  170. Nigger Truck Driver (2 replies)
  171. Nigger’s plan backfires! (9 replies)
  172. Oakboro Ted has gotten dead. (3 replies)
  173. Ready for the nigger-treaters... (9 replies)
  174. Alzheimer Nigger Pisses in Trash Can (11 replies)
  175. Santa Monica story (6 replies)
  176. Haunted house niggers (14 replies)
  177. Niggers, water and joe-dunz (9 replies)
  178. I beez rayciss (7 replies)
  179. I got poisoned by niggerstank like never before (11 replies)
  180. Woke cocksuckers at work! (11 replies)
  181. Burger King now Nigger King (21 replies)
  182. Walgreens UN (6 replies)
  183. Nigger family across the street moved out, left behind a mess (14 replies)
  184. Piss stop at the circle coon (7 replies)
  185. Niggers can’t drive (18 replies)
  186. Mudshark got a new pair of sunglasses (13 replies)
  187. Niggers and Restaurants part 2 (9 replies)
  188. The new nigger bank teller resulted in a line I've never seen so long (12 replies)
  189. Nigger harassment training at work (2 replies)
  190. YT and (C)rap music? (25 replies)
  191. Another example of niggers being the ones that initiate problems (2 replies)
  192. MURDER!!! - Hurricane Ida Niggers with update from anon. (19 replies)
  193. Got a nigger in trouble (7 replies)
  194. Nigger food menu (7 replies)
  195. Niggers in History Class (12 replies)
  196. Racist Royalty : Married To My Mom's Cousin, MLB's Dixie Walker (5 replies)
  197. Niggers will ruin anything! (12 replies)
  198. Co-worker Made a Funny (6 replies)
  199. Nigger Flag Crew (15 replies)
  200. Nigger lover neighbor tries to play me. (23 replies)
  201. Its's sad how clueless many humans are (7 replies)
  202. Knock on the door... (8 replies)
  203. Nigger at the Fish House (14 replies)
  204. Niglet taking its sweet time at the self check-out (10 replies)
  205. Abdullah the Butcher Reincarnated (4 replies)
  206. Just the facts Ma'am... (15 replies)
  207. Nigger lubs at the grocery store (15 replies)
  208. 'Outsourcing' in the GOOD ole' days.... (1 replies)
  209. Nigger Farting in the ER (17 replies)
  210. If there's not much on the Tee-Bee... (2 replies)
  211. One more 'Faymuss' Nigger beez dayed! (11 replies)
  212. Equalattee? Houston, we have a problem! (11 replies)
  213. I'm coonfused - again.... (8 replies)
  214. Your worst nightmare.... (9 replies)
  215. And then the Nigger walks in... (16 replies)
  216. Walmart invaded by niggerfaggots (10 replies)
  217. Nigger decides to sue my old company... You can't make this up. (43 replies)
  218. Morning Shocker (8 replies)
  219. Nigger wanted my stuff, didn't get it (37 replies)
  220. He beez de Olympic chimpion! (12 replies)
  221. Pale mutt neighbor activist (10 replies)
  222. Nigger going door to door, no doubt casing houses and looking for easy victims (17 replies)
  223. COVID vaccination for animals... (1 replies)
  224. .....and the 'Problem' was? (6 replies)
  225. This is not a direct nigger story, but a conversation I had begs the question as to why Whites are so self-loathing? (9 replies)
  226. Cry me a river, Shezilla! (6 replies)
  227. Serious question - really. (15 replies)
  228. Rarely (if ever) seen together? (3 replies)
  229. MAYDAY ('Slam Dunk') Air crash investigation (5 replies)
  230. Who Fucked Up My Driveway? (21 replies)
  231. Niggers and Masks (10 replies)
  232. Fat bitch with a niglet at my dentist! (9 replies)
  233. Because of Shaniqua, guess what credit cards WON'T be in my wallet any longer? (4 replies)
  234. At Manchester Airport (16 replies)
  235. Shot in the face with a pellet gun, possibly by nigger (4 replies)
  236. "Jogger" thinks it's Tron (14 replies)
  237. Nigger door greeter in Walmart chumped by yours truly (23 replies)
  238. Serious question: why does it seem like niggers enjoy rubbing it in to other non-whites "you ain't white!" (24 replies)
  239. God I love my town (15 replies)
  240. Only the Amazon Nigger! (5 replies)
  241. Hoppin' Crap! A Miniature Negress! (33 replies)
  242. Niggers chimping out over getting arrested (13 replies)
  243. Nastiest thing you have ever seen a nigger do... (27 replies)
  244. Niggers and Restaurants (31 replies)
  245. Niggers should not be allowed to drive anything, especially delivery trucks (5 replies)
  246. Niggers ruined my dinner (14 replies)
  247. Muh Light Bill (5 replies)
  248. Close......oh, so close, but no batwings. (12 replies)
  249. Hardware store niggers... (6 replies)
  250. Muddaland hospital (64 replies)