View Full Version : Niggers at restaurant

09-26-2023, 09:17 PM
Hey everyone. A while back my wife and I were going to an Asian buffet that we go to whenever we just wanna pig out. For context where I live is mostly white but unfortunately over the years we’ve had a slow increase in niggers here. We pull up and see a group of niggers just acting like niggers. They were fighting each other and falling on to other peoples cars and just doing everything possible to get the law called on them. As soon as my wife and I saw them we just turned around and went home. I have never seen a white,Asian or Hispanic person ever act like animals like that. I just don’t understand why the white liberal wants to coddle them so much, I’m convinced they just want to use niggers to destroy this country.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-26-2023, 10:04 PM
I have a restaurant with niggers story too. Why not. Me, my wife and 2 kids were at a Ruby Tuesday when a whole damn fambly of 10 or so niggers come in and sit down. The whole time they are complaining about their food after it comes out. The waitress brings us their ticket by mistake as we were sitting right next to them. Their ticket was cheaper than ours after all the complaining and free shit they got. I still think that waitress brought us their ticket on purpose to show what niggers they were.

10-02-2023, 10:45 PM
Niggers do indeed ruin everything their shitty paws infect. Stay away is the only way I'm afraid.

Jim Crow
10-03-2023, 03:21 PM
Niggers fight over food like the rabid subspecies of beast they is!