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  1. #1
    Coon Club Road's Avatar
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    BLM Starting To Lose Support! Finally!

    "Rioting is beginning to turn people off to BLM and protests while Biden has no solution"

    People are finally getting it through their thick skulls B.L.M. actually stands for BEHAVE LIKE MONKEYS.

    People are finally realizing all the destruction America has seen all summer long is nothing but a ploy by the nigger to receive Gibbs Me's Dat and nothing else.

    Americans are starting to note niggers don't care about niggers as clearly demonstrated by continual black on black crime.

    Its refreshing that people are starting to see the white light!

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

  2. #2
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    On Face Book I am in a "patriot" group and recently they were bitching about patriots showing up to counter protests, letting BLM/Antifa get the better of them and eventually walking away in what some of the people in the group called cowardly.

    My response to them was: Is this the hill you want to die on? Is now really the time? True patriots are under the microscope and anything they do that could be viewed as violence is going to be met with arrests and jail time. The authorities are afraid to arrest and squelch the BLM/Antifa rioters for fear of the media demonizing them because they are "peaceful protesters".

    As hard as it is to accept, let these bottom feeders continue their bullshit. Eventually people are going to wise up and see them for what they really are.

    The time is not right to make a stand that could turn into a full blown fire fight with multiple dead people. The patriots involved would be vilified as the instigators and ones in the wrong while the BLM/Antifa get a pass.

    No, the time is not right yet. If we just sit back, grit our teeth and let these domestic terrorist continue to loot, burn and harass people, eventually the public opinion will swing to the side of the patriots and then... then a time to strike and show these degenerate commie fucks they wrote a check their asses can't cover will come.
    "About ten minutes I'm gonna be back, you better be fucking gone!"

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    On Face Book I am in a "patriot" group and recently they were bitching about patriots showing up to counter protests, letting BLM/Antifa get the better of them and eventually walking away in what some of the people in the group called cowardly.

    My response to them was: Is this the hill you want to die on? Is now really the time? True patriots are under the microscope and anything they do that could be viewed as violence is going to be met with arrests and jail time. The authorities are afraid to arrest and squelch the BLM/Antifa rioters for fear of the media demonizing them because they are "peaceful protesters".

    As hard as it is to accept, let these bottom feeders continue their bullshit. Eventually people are going to wise up and see them for what they really are.

    The time is not right to make a stand that could turn into a full blown fire fight with multiple dead people. The patriots involved would be vilified as the instigators and ones in the wrong while the BLM/Antifa get a pass.

    No, the time is not right yet. If we just sit back, grit our teeth and let these domestic terrorist continue to loot, burn and harass people, eventually the public opinion will swing to the side of the patriots and then... then a time to strike and show these degenerate commie fucks they wrote a check their asses can't cover will come.
    I think I'll agree with you Frank. We're already seeing the effects of the police letting the savages Chimpout and burn their nigger infested blocks down. With the crime rates soaring it's starting to prove these apes deserve each other and the destruction they cause. I just hope the collateral human damage can be mitigated in the long term. And I mean real humans, not the coddlers.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    The time is not right to make a stand that could turn into a full blown fire fight with multiple dead people. The patriots involved would be vilified as the instigators and ones in the wrong while the BLM/Antifa get a pass.

    No, the time is not right yet. If we just sit back, grit our teeth and let these domestic terrorist continue to loot, burn and harass people, eventually the public opinion will swing to the side of the patriots and then... then a time to strike and show these degenerate commie fucks they wrote a check their asses can't cover will come.

    I would never advocate violence toward anyone, even niggers and I know you feel the same way.

    With that said, a wise man once told me, "You better never be the one to throw the first punch - but you damn sure better throw the last."

    I fear that day is coming and coming soon. I don't want it. I fear and pray for the safety of my family, my friends and my beloved country not if, but when it comes. Fear and hope alone won't stop it.

    Over a quarter of a century ago, it started building like a pressure cooker with King George. People said then what I'm saying now. Not if, but when - and then it blew. Only small fraction of our people could or would stand up to fight. We won anyway.

    When it blows, the same breed of men who signed the Declaration of Independence and lost everything must stand up and be willing to give all as our fathers did or there will be no hope. Anywhere. For anyone.

    The bigger picture is that this is not about niggers. They are simply useful idiots. Violent sock monkey puppet slaves. Fodder. The same as they've always been. The same as antifa and every other communist front organization that have declared themselves the enemies of all free men worldwide.

    Patriots, you better be getting ready or there will be no place to run no matter where in the country or even the world in which we all live. You had better be ready to accept the fact you are the same small fraction willing to fight - not if, but when it happens.

    To my service brothers, remember there was no expiration date or any other caveats included with our oath. We just took it and we did it willingly.

    Our founders were not violent men. They didn't advocate violence anymore than we do, either - but they damn sure knew how to deal with it when it knocked on the door.

    ... And they damn sure threw the last punch.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  5. #5
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    I think that with all the rioting and looting ,people can see where this is headed. BLM is starting something that they will lose.And there are a lot of people that don’t want to be on the losing end.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    ... BLM is starting something that they will lose...

    I am ready to stand my ground!

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    To my service brothers, remember there was no expiration date or any other caveats included with our oath. We just took it and we did it willingly.
    We may have a difference of opinion on some issues, but I distinctly remember part of my oath being something along the lines of "protect our nation and countrymen from all enemies, foreign AND domestic."

    edit: It is unfortunate, but I do recall having to dismiss certain members of the military due to their gang loyalties and/or questionable allegiances to the USA. I was in several positions where I did not have the luxury of being able to blindly trust everyone that took the oath.

    And yes, some were dismissed due to failure to observe the rules of the UCMJ. Shit happens.

    But there are some things that go beyond the UCMJ and are absolutely unacceptable.

    Call me a fascist if you want, but rules and laws must exist in any society or civilization if it wants to survive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    We may have a difference of opinion on some issues, but I distinctly remember part of my oath being something along the lines of "protect our nation and countrymen from all enemies, foreign AND domestic."

    Call me a fascist if you want, but rules and laws must exist in any society or civilization if it wants to survive.

    You got it. That's exactly what I'm talking about and that's not Fascism.

    "No punishment is too great, for the man who builds his greatness upon his country’s ruin.”
    – George Washington

    "If I had one bullet left, and an enemy soldier and a traitor before me, I’d shoot the traitor.”
    – Cornelius Codreanu

    Obviously, I'm not advocating violence toward anyone except in times of war. Wars are declared by governments even if one of them fails.

    Had we lost the American Revolution, it would no doubt to this day be called the Colonial Civil War Against the Crown.

    To the victor goes the spoils AND the naming rights.

    "Without rules, we'd all be swinging from tree limbs throwing our feces at each other."
    Red Foreman

    I never blindly trusted any of the members just because they took the oath. Most of them had never read the very Constitution that they were taking the oath to support and defend. Most of them proved that regularly.

    I kept mine in my pocket almost everyday - my left front shirt pocket to be exact and you can probably guess why.
    Last edited by tweakstick; 09-10-2020 at 06:16 AM. Reason: P.P.S.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coon Club Road View Post
    "Rioting is beginning to turn people off to BLM and protests while Biden has no solution"

    People are finally getting it through their thick skulls B.L.M. actually stands for BEHAVE LIKE MONKEYS.

    People are finally realizing all the destruction America has seen all summer long is nothing but a ploy by the nigger to receive Gibbs Me's Dat and nothing else.

    Americans are starting to note niggers don't care about niggers as clearly demonstrated by continual black on black crime.

    Its refreshing that people are starting to see the white light!
    About FUCKING time!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I never blindly trusted any of the members just because they took the oath. Most of them had never read the very Constitution that they were taking the oath to support and defend. Most of them proved that regularly.

    I kept mine in my pocket almost everyday - my left front shirt pocket to be exact and you can probably guess why.
    It is rare to find someone with such dedication.

    When I was in the service, I held a TS/SCI clearance, and when I left, I managed to obtain a Q clearance.

    I object strongly to any implications that my loyalties are to any nation but the USA, and its countrymen.

    But I will not reveal who I really am. I am among you. I remain hidden.

    And I really wish some folks would start treating folks that work in customer service positions with a little respect.

    Y'all really have no idea how bad things can be for you in the afterlife... (trite, but true; I'm an avatar for something you really, REALLY don't want to deal with)

    For reasons I can't elaborate upon, I really like the USA in this time period.

  11. #11
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    I always told my kids that I would never tolerate them starting a fight, but I would fully support them if they had to finish one. That day is coming for us humans - things have escalated to that point. It's sad that it has to happen, but we didn't start it. We'll just be ending it.

  12. #12
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    When reporters stop calling them peaceful protesters and when they actually stop releasing them, literally right away and no charges. Is when people are sick of them. Other wise they still got official support to cause chaos.

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