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    Stories of my youth and my nigger filled school days

    I have been wanting to do this for quite a while. To post stories of my childhood-school years and how every school i went to was slowly overran by niggers. We all have fond memories of our younger years and the time we spent in school. Some of us better memories than others. We all have stories to tell. My stories are a great example of the reasons why you should never send your kid to a nigger filled school. So sit back and enjoy a earlier time in my life.

    Where do I begin? Its the 1970s. I am in elementary school. The school went from Kindergarten up to 8th grade. The first few years were very uneventful. No nigger teachers, very very few nigger students. Maybe 1-2 niggers per class. I have few memories from that far back, probably because it was all so basic. Then one day 6th grade rolls around and things changed for the worse.
    It is the beginning of a new school year. We are told to expect a bunch of new students. Apparently some do-gooder noticed that our school was not diverse enough. We just cant have that. So they shut down a certain school and sent those kids to various other schools in the area. I still remember all of this like it was just yesterday. It is funny how a person can remember small details from back in their childhood yet i can't remember peoples names i worked with 2 years ago. Anyways I was part of a welcoming group to greet the new students. We were all told to stand at the front doors of the building and welcome in the new students. Sing some silly song, then help show them around the building. Show them where the restrooms, lunchroom and all the good stuff is. Here comes the school buses, I can still see them pulling up in front of the building. Up until this point we never even had school buses. Everyone at our school lived in the same neighborhood within walking distance, thus seeing a school bus was something special. 3-4 buses pull up. The bus doors fling open. At that very moment my life changed forever.

    Out of the buses storm the biggest group of niglets I had ever seen. They crash off the bus in typical TNB fashion and come running through the front doors like a Cat 5 Hurricane. A niggercane is probably a better term. Every one of them-niggers. One would think that kids showing up at a new school would be somewhat shy, quiet and on their best behavior. Not these niggers. They come charging in, shoving people around, darting in and out of every room they see. The teachers are losing their minds trying to get them under control. None of them had probably ever dealt with a niglet. More than likely under the assumption that they are just like us. I still remember this one detail as clear as day. This one teacher who I always considered snotty and a total bitch was talking to this certain girl who was in my class. This girl from the time we were in Kindergarten up until High school graduation was always little miss perfect, most likely to succeed in everything. But anyways the two of them are talking, the girl says to the teacher Boy there certainly are a lot of negroes this year and the teacher responded with yes, 30% more negroes. And yes-she used that word! Imagine a teacher today using words like negro to describe her students. I have always loved words like negro and colored almost more than nigger, I still remember my Grandma calling them coloreds. Looking back on it all judging from the teachers reactions I really believe that they were clueless as to what to expect. I do not think they had any idea how many new students they were getting or that they were niggers. How is it I still remember these tiny details? Was it that this was such a important part of my life? A life-changing event?

    There is plenty more to tell. I hope someone takes the time to read this all and that I am not boring anyone. Believe me, it really gets much better than this. I have many stories to tell, some will anger you and some will make you laugh. I will update it as I get time.
    Last edited by Buck Simian; 06-07-2017 at 01:39 AM.

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    I always read the Tales From the Field!
    I don't hate negroes, I just feel better when they aren't around.

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    Yeah I realize now I believe I originally posted this in the wrong forum. Late night posts can do that to people. I hope this topic is accepted well, I have so much more to add to it. I could almost write a book on my life experiences with niggers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post
    I hope this topic is accepted well, I have so much more to add to it. I could almost write a book on my life experiences with niggers.
    Keep them coming!

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    The bathroom habits of the young dindu.

    One of the first things I can remember as a nigger hating youth was the bathroom habits of niglets. Probably adult niggers as well. Now some people might read this and think I am making all of this up. Honestly I wish I was, I really do. First, this would have been in between the 7th and 8th grade. I remember this because these grades were separated from the rest of the school. Even though it was in the same building it was considered Junior High. Our part of the building was relatively newer than the other half. The rooms were carpeted for one thing. Carpeted in the colors of the school, blue and gold. Well, our little niglet friends had a nasty habit during the middle of the class if the teacher stepped out of the room to piss in a trash can, piss in a corner, even piss under their own desks. Why nobody ever told on them I do not know. This went on all year. The carpets were stained, I can not recall for certain but I imagine it stunk, but then again being surrounded by niggers who would have noticed? This gradually progressed into something worse. Some of the rooms had large walk in closets for storage. Some of the dindus would sneak back into there and yes-take a dump. This all was not just a one time thing. It was not just one or two niggers. It was all of them in several classes.
    Now this all ties into another issue. My mom worked at the school, at the very same school I went to. She was not a teacher, she worked in the office doing something. This really left me in a bind. Can you imagine your mom working at your school? Anything you do there is no way to cover it up when you get home. Anyways I guess the teachers finally caught on to what the little nasty bastards were doing and my mom had the nerve to ask me if I was doing this as well. I forget my response-I don't know if at that point in my life I would have blurted out that it was those God Damn niggers, that probably would have got me in trouble either way. More than likely I just played dumb and acted like I didn't know anything about it.
    I dindu nuffins mom!

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    I also went to very "diverse" schools. Niggers were always the biggest problem students if you could call them students. I also remember a time they started bussing the the shitskins around to other schools in an attempt to spread the filth to better schools to create a "more level playing field". A practice that is still used today in a lot of areas. These days, many of the schools that had niggers and other minorities bussed in don't have to do that anymore because sadly, many of those areas have become bastions of section 8 housing, providing an endless supply of niglets to fill their classrooms.

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    Last edited by Koolaid Hair; 06-08-2017 at 01:25 PM.

  7. #7
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    Most of the niggers at the school came from the same area. A neighborhood of ran down nigger nest section 8 apartments which was roughly around 5 miles away from my neighborhood give or take. This place was nigger Heaven. It was every niggers dream. Government funded housing for niggers with a McDonalds right down the street. What more could a nigger ask for? Needless to say this place was off limits for my friends and i or any other white kids that I knew of. The old saying of the other side of the tracks, that describes this place perfectly. To get to it from my neighborhood and from the school you had to cross a large set of train tracks, walk past various old factories and cross several busy roads. So this all was a good buffer keeping the niglets out of our neighborhood and keeping kids like me from riding our bikes in the wrong area.

    Even though this was a nigger infested section 8 ghetto sadly there was a handful of white families with kids living there. One boy in particular who went to my school. I will call him Steve. Steve was the target for all bullies and even non bullies. Everyone picked on him because of where he lived, because of his clothes, because of his parents, because of everything. And as bad as the white kids picked on him, the niggers at school gave it to him 100 times worse. He got it at school from his own kind and then when he got home by the niggers.

    One nigger in particular gave him Hell. He was kind of like King Nigger at our school. The ringleader of niggers and he had quite the following of white kids as well who thought he was cool. I don't want to use actual names, I will call him Reggie. That is close to his real name and sounds rather niggerish. He treated Steve as if he was his virtual slave. Every free moment he was on his back. And the sad thing is as I recall Reggie was not a big nigger. He actually was somewhat small-especially back then when we were kids. He is around my height now, around 5' 6" give or take (yeah I'm a short guy) so as a 12-13 year old you could imagine how short he was. Steve on the other hand was of average height, certainly taller than Reggie and outweighed him as well. What I am getting at is this kid could have kicked that niggers ass from one end of the school to the other if he wanted. But he lacked the guts, plus one other major thing. Had he given that nigger the ass kicking he deserved at school he would have had hell to pay when they got home. When they got off the bus in the nigger filled section 8 neighborhood he would have had every nigger in the area on him.

    There was one horrible story that has always stuck out in my mind of what Reggie and some other niggers did to Steve. They made him get down on his hands and knees, eat grass out of the ground and moo like a cow. Now I did not see this happen as it was not on school property, but I am certain it did. Imagine what that must have been like for him, what that kid went through growing up.

    I lost contact with Steve after around 8th-9th grade. I believe his family was able to get out of that Hell hole and move to a better neighborhood allowing him to switch schools and get away from that mess. I did run into him around 2-3 years ago and swapped facebook info with him. He seems to be doing ok now. Reggie on the other hand, I run into him every now and then too. Not that I want to. He has done quite a few years in prison for stupid nigger crimes- TNB. No job, selling drugs on the street and still thinks he is 100% king nigger. I have more stories about Reggie to share later.

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    Keep em coming. I love hearing other people's nigger tales.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post

    He treated Steve as if he was his virtual slave. Every free moment he was on his back.
    I literally had some spastic little nigger climb up my back in gym class freshman year of HS. Nigger must have thought I was a tree. I turn to the gym teacher with a WTF!? look while pointing at the nigger perched around my head and shoulders. When the teacher turned her head I hefted the little nigger over my head and gave it a pile driver into the gym floor. It KD'd away from me, seemingly unfazed.

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    The story of my first nigger teacher and why I failed 8th grade English: Mrs. Shazilma

    Even though my school had been invaded by the negroes several years earlier for the most part I never had any nigger teachers. Then 8th grade rolls around and we get a true taste of diversity. A nigger sow. Not only a nigger sow, but a nigger sow straight from Africa. Not only a nigger sow straight from Africa but a nigger sow that could barely speak English, but that doesn't matter. Affirmative Action being what it is got her a job as a English teacher. She was born in some part of Africa and had a very heavy accent. Nobody in the class could understand a damn word this woman was saying. I don't even think the nigger students understood it. Yet this lady was there to teach us the proper way to speak English.
    I only recall several things from her class. One was the time I was sitting in class daydreaming - probably about some little girl sitting in front of me, that was one subject I excelled in. Mrs. Sheboonzilla calls out my name and follows it up with some nonsense that I could not understand. Zebadadooda! Zebadadooda! EEEK! OOOK! EEEEK! Zaghimma! I am like WTF is this woman saying? She continues commanding orders at me, and I can not understand a word of it. All the other kids are looking at me, laughing. Finally she says something I understand "OFFICE NOW!" I knew then I was in trouble. As I mentioned earlier my mom worked at that school in the office, so the idea of being sent to the office was the same as getting the death penalty. I remember telling them I just could not understand what she was saying, of course all of the adults took me as being a little smart ass. I forget the punishment now, probably X amount of detention. What was the sheboon yelling? Why was she trying to get my attention in the first place? To this day I really don't know.
    The other thing I remember is failing English that year-or nearly failing. Along with many other students in the class. I say due to the fact of her teaching skills. I found myself in summer school that year, trying to make up this class so I could move on to high school....which ended up being a whole other story.

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    I told a negro that I know from the Bahamas (workingest negro I ever met) that if he had gone to school with the negroes that I went to school with that even he would hate blacks.

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    Sex education, buck niggers and your 10 year old daughter.

    What could possibly go wrong right? One of the fond memories of my childhood was a little game the niggers would play. It seems like all the classes, the desks were arranged in groups of four. I don't know why. Anyhow, the niggers would always group together of course, probably so us dumb white kids couldn't cheat off of them. Well King Nigger Reggie and his little friends, they had a game they liked to play. When the teacher would leave the room they would call for a white girl to come over for something. Once she came over to where they were sitting they would have their muhdikks out and shake it at them. They also would hide out in the girls restroom and flash them there or try to sneak a peak. Now how in the Hell they got by with this I don't know. I guess it is a tough call. Two protected groups, niggers and females. Which side is a coddler suppose to take? The niggers of course. Keep in mind this was like in the 6th-7th grade. We are talking about little girls who probably are around 10-11 years old and buck niggers-well a buck nigger in the 6th grade is probably what? A average of around 15? 16? Flashing their dicks at little girls. At what could theoretically be your daughter. This is one of the great parts of diversity that our liberal friends fail to tell us about.

    Having coloreds in a class full of white kids is just punishment for us all. Niggers in the same class as humans brings everyones test scores down. It is the main reason why we see these reports of how America is behind every other major country when it comes to subjects such as math and science. We have niggers grouped in with us. Take a bunch of A and B white students, stick a bunch of D and F niggers in with them and that brings our average down to what? A C-? It makes our country look stupid as a whole. Its like having a one legged man on your team in a relay race. I would love to see these statistics where niggers and nigger schools are left out. Lets see how well the USA ranks up against other countries then. I guarantee you we would hold our own. Niggers disrupt the class with nigger nonsense which slows down the teacher, distracts others and holds us all back. Niggers are a bad influence on white kids. Kids will follow anything they think is cool without guidance and niggers are just that. Teachers waste precious time and resources trying to educate niggers which is a hopeless cause while some white kid that really is trying but who might need a little extra help gets none and thus falls behind because all of the extra assistance is being given to niggers.

    Sending your kids to school with niggers is a no win situation. If you do they suffer by not getting a proper education, then again they stand to learn something by going to school with niggers. If they live in a sheltered lily white world never exposed to the black plague they could grow up thinking that niggers are no different than anyone else-that they are just like us. Had I always went to a all white school with hardly any niggers in my class would have I learned how evil they are and to hate them? Or would have I been some naïve liberal cuck boasting on the internet about how I am adopting my 3rd niglet from Africa?
    You tell me, which is better? Send your kid to a school with niggers or go out of your way to shelter them from the dark demons?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post
    Sex education, buck niggers and your 10 year old daughter.

    What could possibly go wrong right? One of the fond memories of my childhood was a little game the niggers would play. It seems like all the classes, the desks were arranged in groups of four. I don't know why. Anyhow, the niggers would always group together of course, probably so us dumb white kids couldn't cheat off of them. Well King Nigger Reggie and his little friends, they had a game they liked to play. When the teacher would leave the room they would call for a white girl to come over for something. Once she came over to where they were sitting they would have their muhdikks out and shake it at them. They also would hide out in the girls restroom and flash them there or try to sneak a peak. Now how in the Hell they got by with this I don't know. I guess it is a tough call. Two protected groups, niggers and females. Which side is a coddler suppose to take? The niggers of course. Keep in mind this was like in the 6th-7th grade. We are talking about little girls who probably are around 10-11 years old and buck niggers-well a buck nigger in the 6th grade is probably what? A average of around 15? 16? Flashing their dicks at little girls. At what could theoretically be your daughter. This is one of the great parts of diversity that our liberal friends fail to tell us about.

    Having coloreds in a class full of white kids is just punishment for us all. Niggers in the same class as humans brings everyones test scores down. It is the main reason why we see these reports of how America is behind every other major country when it comes to subjects such as math and science. We have niggers grouped in with us. Take a bunch of A and B white students, stick a bunch of D and F niggers in with them and that brings our average down to what? A C-? It makes our country look stupid as a whole. Its like having a one legged man on your team in a relay race. I would love to see these statistics where niggers and nigger schools are left out. Lets see how well the USA ranks up against other countries then. I guarantee you we would hold our own. Niggers disrupt the class with nigger nonsense which slows down the teacher, distracts others and holds us all back. Niggers are a bad influence on white kids. Kids will follow anything they think is cool without guidance and niggers are just that. Teachers waste precious time and resources trying to educate niggers which is a hopeless cause while some white kid that really is trying but who might need a little extra help gets none and thus falls behind because all of the extra assistance is being given to niggers.

    Sending your kids to school with niggers is a no win situation. If you do they suffer by not getting a proper education, then again they stand to learn something by going to school with niggers. If they live in a sheltered lily white world never exposed to the black plague they could grow up thinking that niggers are no different than anyone else-that they are just like us. Had I always went to a all white school with hardly any niggers in my class would have I learned how evil they are and to hate them? Or would have I been some naïve liberal cuck boasting on the internet about how I am adopting my 3rd niglet from Africa?
    You tell me, which is better? Send your kid to a school with niggers or go out of your way to shelter them from the dark demons?
    And to that point, at "diverse" schools they dumb down the curriculum for the humans so the niggers can pass, which is another reason we can't compete globally.

    I can tell plenty of stories about that experience from my school years as well.

    It's bad enough niggers are fucking retarded, they drag humans down along with them.

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    In Junior High I watched 2 future crack whores fight. One was thrown against a curb so hard her eye socket was busted and the eye popped out of the socket.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimpwhipper View Post
    In Junior High I watched 2 future crack whores fight. One was thrown against a curb so hard her eye socket was busted and the eye popped out of the socket.
    Wonder what they were fighting for? That last piece of fried chicken? Who had the better weave? Breeding rights with the 45 year old nigger school janitor? All of these things are important to a nigger.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post
    Wonder what they were fighting for? That last piece of fried chicken? Who had the better weave? Breeding rights with the 45 year old nigger school janitor? All of these things are important to a nigger.
    Probably over food stamps.

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    One of the last things I can remember from my elementary school days was a event involving niglets and a dog. There was this family of rather rough white guys in my neighborhood. Always fighting or getting into trouble one way or another. Not nigger type trouble or anything like that. But you know the type. Long hair, wearing denim or leather jackets with their favorite rock bands names on them. Nice guys! The two older brothers were high school age. They had a little brother who was maybe around 2-3 years younger than me. The niggers at the school were always picking on this kid. These guys were less than politically correct when it came to niggers. One day the two brothers decided to skip school so they could walk their little brother to school and straighten the niggers out. They brought with them the family dog. A tiny little white Chihuahua. I still remember this day like it was yesterday. Apparently this dog was rather racist. We all are standing in back of the school and I thought hey this is cool, these high school guys hanging out with us! All of a sudden one of them spoke up and said well come on, lets go take care of some niggers and said to his dog you wanna go get some niggers boy? That dog perked all up. Next thing I know they were out on the playground and this tiny little mean ass dog was chasing these little niglets around like a police dog after a full grown buck nigger. Oh it was a beautiful sight! The little chimps trying to climb the monkey bars to get away from the dogs and then these guys yanking the little bastards down so the dog could chase them some more.
    This was pretty much the end of my grade school days. I am certain there were a lot more things that took place but it was time to move on to high school. Living in the area, we had around 3 different high schools to choose from. Choice A was a regular city school named Colonel White. Oddly enough Colonel White was very black. Nigger filled all the way. No way was I going there. Choice B was a local Catholic high school. That was out of the question as well, although it probably would have been a good choice at the time my parents couldn't afford that and I wasn't catholic anyways. Choice c was a school which was well known in the area for being a good place, probably the best option to send your kids if they had to go to a city public school. I had several older cousins who went there, but that was like 10 years earlier. I was expecting this place to be white, nice and white. I was expecting a whole new life. Looking back now I see how naïve I was.
    Last edited by Buck Simian; 07-06-2017 at 11:58 PM.

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    I haven't updated this in quite a while, so lets head on to high school.
    I went into high school very naïve and not ready for what was in store for me. My elementary school days had some niggers, but still the white kids vastly outnumbered the niggers. Plus it was a rather small school, most of the kids grew up in the same neighborhood and our parents did as well. So it was as if we all knew each other. I was not expecting such drastic changes that were coming ahead. I still remember several weeks before school started they had some sort of orientation, you showed up with your parents and took a tour of the school. My Dad took me, for some reason my mom wasn't there. Regardless I was amazed at how huge this building was. 4 floors, it looked more like some sort of office building than any school I had ever seen. Being a 14 year old straight male I had these big dreams that I would meet all sorts of new girls, something which was a rarity in elementary and Jr. High. All of those girls seemed more like sisters due to the fact of how much time we all had spent together. I had no clue how many niggers there would be. Was I in for a culture shock.
    This was a very large school, around 1000 students. Maybe I am wrong about that, but I do know it was a big place. Probably around 65% niggers. I still have my yearbook, I could break it down and add it up if I ever have the time. I don't think my parents realized how black this place was, or else they would have tried to find me a different option. I had a handful of older cousins who had went there, but they had all graduated around 10+ years earlier and at the time it would have been mostly white. I had never been around so many niggers needless to say. The kids from my earlier school days, many of them were there as well but the place was so big we all pretty much got separated. This was going to be a interesting four years.

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    Lets do math!
    Not one of my strong subjects, I tended to excel in lunch. I was slightly bored so I pulled out the old yearbook from my senior year and did a survey. Counting from my grade, we had 256 niggers and 117 white kids. Lets just round it off to make it simple plus the fact I might have miscounted here or there while skimming through the book, lets go with 250 niggers and 125 whites. Then lets multiply this by 4 to account for all grades, assuming their was a average of the same amount of niggers vs. whites in all grades at the school. So I went to a high school where we had approximately 1000 niggers and 500 whites. Double the amount of shitskins give or take. I actually thought the percentage of niggers was much higher, it seemed like it was. It could have been worse though, it could have been much worse. One of the other options in my city was a school which would have been around 90% nigger.
    Another thing I noticed, the hair. Human and nigger both-what were we thinking?

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    "As students of XXX Elementary school, it is our pleasure to extend a laurel and hardy handshake to our new.."
    (Bus doors open and they all come crapping out)

    I had a similar childhood. In the fifth grade, I was in a decent elementary school near the local Air Force base, where there were few niggers or illegal wetbacks. Then, next year, I went to middle school in the middle of what in my town is known as the "combat zone". Chock full of illegal Mexican wannabe gang bangers, and or course, groidle upon groidle of feral, welfare sucking, worthless nigger apelets. From that point on, for me as YT, school was more of a matter of survival rather than education. Hell, it's not like I was going to learn anything anyhow since schools always dumb everything down to the dumbest students. (i.e. the fucking niglets) Probably the best thing that ever happened to me was moving to California to live with my Dad. There, I was blessed with a high school that was very nearly nigger free. At least 90% white with exactly two nignogs who fucking knew their place. I dread to think how I would have ended up if I had been stuck at the niggerized school.
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