Quote Originally Posted by Carolus Linnaeus Jr View Post
One thing that I really don't like about them is their weird instinctual desire to rub themselves with fat.


Here's another source to confirm that


The first source shows modern African tribes who still rub themselves with fat. The second source is a book that a Swedish scientist published in the 1700's. He made the observation that blacks, "anoint themselves with grease." You can read it on the page that the link will automatically go to under the section, "Africanus."

Modern blacks rub themselves with coco butter. We couldn't get them to stop. We had to give them an alternative. No humans do that. Blacks are the only weirdos who do that.

Did you know that the word nigger comes from the Latin word, niger? It means black and shiny. Ater is the Latin word that means black and dull. What is your obsession with making your skin shiny? You shame each other for a dry patch of skin on the elbow and call them ashy. No one else does that. We don't want smooth skin. We want to be able to grip a tool.

Don't even get me started on their tradition of eating dirt.

This is a little complaint but a big reason why I prefer my own kind.

The wool, too. I can't stand that they grow wool on their heads.
Never mind coating themselves with grease. The newest trend among African sows is injecting chicken broth (and a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices) to achieve massive buttocks to attract the bucks for breeding purposes.

Who says they aren't just like us?

Aproko (witch) doctor said recently, he saw a video where a woman injected a concoction of seasoning cubes and chicken broth into her anus because she believes that this will enlarge her bum. He stated that the concoction is put into a syringe which is used to convey the mixture into the anus.
Silly niggers. Hopefully, it will kill them all. If it does, the rest of the tribe can roast and eat them since they are already seasoned to taste just like KFC.
