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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    A deck full of race cards

    Roger Goodell, NFL commissioner, a liberal that would literally bend over backwards to kiss a coon's ass, has announced that the nigger nat'l anthem will be played at all future NFL games.. Gee, I didn't even know such a beast existed. How can these clowns complain about a lack of inclusion when they want to play a black anthem at a public event. How more divisive can that be ? Blacks are the most racist people on the planet. They make a racial issue about almost any situation. They complain about not having a level playing field - implying that they are biased against in their life pursuits. But, in actuality, liberal academia love them and accepts them over far more qualified applicants in the name of racial diversity. Harvard (a liberal zoo), in particular is infatuated with the black bastards, accepting them over whites and chinks with near perfect SATs. (the chinks have filed a lawsuit) If they go to nigger colleges, they're given Pell grants and loaf around for 1 or 2 years on gov't funds until they flunk out. About 16% actually graduate. Also, companies with government contracts with diversity requirements put blacks with even modest qualifications in high demand. An equal playing field is the last thing a nigger actually wants.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
    Bottle_of_Hate's Avatar
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    Just wait until the first human wont stand for the nigger "amfum". The camera will zoom right down into their face and the media wont rest until all his personal info is out for all to see. The nigger felon league has long been shit. Now that the nigger Patrick Mahomes is rising up not only will they prop him up using Brady hate, they will make him into the center of attention. Then again he may take a sideline to Kapperkoon if the felon leauge wants to retract and bow to that nigger for more virtue signaling to the niggers. Maybe they will put them side by side on an EBT card. Kneeling on old glory of course...
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    Someone posted about this before. Kneeling during the anthem won't be enough anymore. White players will probably be required to perform some kind of penance in the form of kissing nigger cleats or self-flagelation in the vein of medieval monks.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    I can only hope and pray when the coon anthem is played, the boo's drown out the stadium PA system sending a clear signal we don't want to hear that shit so they cut to a commercial and never subject us to that again. If that doesn't happen, I will NEVER watch another NFL game in my life.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Harvard (a liberal zoo), in particular is infatuated with the black bastards, accepting them over whites and chinks with near perfect SATs. (the chinks have filed a lawsuit)
    Unreggie, for future reference, we don't do that here. Our mutual enemies are - Niggers, burners/drillers, coddlers, enablers and dunecoons. Say what you want about forms of government, politics etc. but we do NOT denigrate fellow humans here so let's keep the human slurs out of the discussions, please. Besides, I wish I had the all the best traits of Asians to go along with my Caucasian self as long as I could keep the rest.

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Roger Goodell, NFL commissioner, a liberal that would literally bend over backwards to kiss a coon's ass, has announced that the nigger nat'l anthem will be played at all future NFL games.. Gee, I didn't even know such a beast existed. How can these clowns complain about a lack of inclusion when they want to play a black anthem at a public event. How more divisive can that be ? Blacks are the most racist people on the planet. They make a racial issue about almost any situation. They complain about not having a level playing field - implying that they are biased against in their life pursuits. But, in actuality, liberal academia love them and accepts them over far more qualified applicants in the name of racial diversity. Harvard (a liberal zoo), in particular is infatuated with the black bastards, accepting them over whites and chinks with near perfect SATs. (the chinks have filed a lawsuit) If they go to nigger colleges, they're given Pell grants and loaf around for 1 or 2 years on gov't funds until they flunk out. About 16% actually graduate. Also, companies with government contracts with diversity requirements put blacks with even modest qualifications in high demand. An equal playing field is the last thing a nigger actually wants.
    I never really liked feetsbawl anyway. I was always more of an MMA guy and I LOVE IT when a nigger gets it's ass kicked. I especially liked it when andercoon silvaback broke it's leg in the fight with Weidman. Anyway don't watch feetsbawl and see if the Nigger Felon League dries up. I don't want these apes making millions of dollars.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Unreggie, for future reference, we don't do that here. Our mutual enemies are - Niggers, burners/drillers, coddlers, enablers and dunecoons. Say what you want about forms of government, politics etc. but we do NOT denigrate fellow humans here so let's keep the human slurs out of the discussions, please. Besides, I wish I had the all the best traits of Asians to go along with my Caucasian self as long as I could keep the rest.
    Sorry, I meant no disdain to fellow Asians. I've worked with people from Taiwan and China for decades, one was a nuclear scientist - they're brilliant people and hard workers. They were good friends, and I've been to their homes many times. However, in the work place we all used slur monikers in a friendly sort of way , including the Asians and the people from other countries including Greece and India. In today's social environment, I guess I should have left all that at work when I retired.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Sorry, I meant no disdain to fellow Asians. I've worked with people from Taiwan and China for decades, one was a nuclear scientist - they're brilliant people and hard workers. They were good friends, and I've been to their homes many times. However, in the work place we all used slur monikers in a friendly sort of way , including the Asians and the people from other countries including Greece and India. In today's social environment, I guess I should have left all that at work when I retired.
    It's cool and I get it. Words like Chinc, Jap, Ruskies are really only abbreviations of countries and as for myself, I wouldn't get offended if anyone from overseas called me a Yankee (even though I'm a southerner and them's fightin' words round these parts!) but we have human members spanning the globe and do not wish to offend. We have had some problems in the past with this - some very recently - which cost us some great forum contributors. We also have lurkers watching and waiting for an excuse to lump us in with white supremacist sites especially when it comes to (not that you did this, but) perceived calls to violence. They look for any excuse to shut us down so we do have to be very careful with these things.

    With all that out of the way, you should join up! You sound like you have a lot to offer.

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