Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
No way that sand nigger is 16. It's probably at least 30.

I was watching one of those "UK Border Security" shows and this Nigerian nigger had been caught trying to enter Britain illegally. This was a full-grown, middle-aged nigger buck, it was blatantly obvious that it was at least 35, but it claimed to be 15 years old (seriously) and ooked that it couldn't go back to da muddaland because its parents had been killed and it feared it would be next. The nigger was granted entry to the UK pending application for asylum.

At the end of the show, they do a little blurb on how each of the cases turned out, and in this Nigerian nigger's case, it was "the nigger disappeared from its assigned location and is now loose in England."
I watched that video some time ago! "I beez 15" when it was clearly more than twice that age. The airport authorities just figuratively shrugged and allowed it to run off to find other members of its troop and get set up to scam, rob, and rape, all on the taxpayers' dime. I was shocked at the laxity of allowing this big nigger to just walk away.