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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Paki asslifter Humza Yousaf becoming Scotland's leader

    I thought the Scots aren't as cucked as the English but what do you know. Well, enjoy the diversity, Scotlanistan - you must have voted for him after noticing how fabulously the asslifting mayor leads Londonistan.

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  3. #2
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    The SNP Scottish National Party is, ultra-left wing / communist. Despite their fight for an independent Scotland. (But lefties very often fight against each other, e.g. Stalinism vs. Maoism, today that's Greens vs. Socialists. One of the biggest lie the Left tries to tell you: That the Nazis in Germany (NSDAP) were conservative/'right wing'. They weren't! They were full-blown socialists - just against world communism, they wanted a 'national socialism', that's comparable to the SNP.)

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  5. #3
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    Build that wall ! The Roman's built a wall to keep the Scots out. I suggest to send all the mud flood up to Bonnie Scotland and rebuild that wall. Let those Scots enjoy their Muslim influx and get England free. Make sure to minefield the English side to stop any returns.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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  7. #4
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    Poor Scotland......

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  9. #5
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    The land of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Sand niggerized. May not be too late. Sons and daughters of Scotland and the UK, resist the heathen Muslim invaders!

    Braveheart is one of my favorite movies of all time. The funniest scene was when Edward I threw the faggot lover of his son from the castle tower. The theater was filled with laughter when that happened. To this day that's a favorite scene.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  11. #6
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    When I think of Scotland I think of a nigger and sand nigger free zone but I guess not anymore. Well, if this is what they want then so be it, let the wave of crime commence. Rape, beheading's, murder, you name it, all of it will be excused or just not cared about when someone who is not native to the land takes lead of the country. Enjoy your Paki leader Scotland.

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  13. #7
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    Come on guys, I'm sure not all Scots are cucks. Let's refrain from insulting humans here.

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  15. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    The land of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Sand niggerized. May not be too late. Sons and daughters of Scotland and the UK, resist the heathen Muslim invaders!

    Braveheart is one of my favorite movies of all time. The funniest scene was when Edward I threw the faggot lover of his son from the castle tower. The theater was filled with laughter when that happened. To this day that's a favorite scene.
    Imagine, the Scots used to be so fearsome Hadrian built a wall to separate the Romans from "the barbarians". Too bad the wall can't keep out niggers and sand niggers.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  16. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigHater View Post
    Come on guys, I'm sure not all Scots are cucks. Let's refrain from insulting humans here.
    Of course they aren't all cucks. It's the leaders of countries who are cucks, so fearful of being called "racist" that they refuse to protect from rape, robbery, and murder the very people who pay their salaries.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  18. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    The SNP Scottish National Party is, ultra-left wing / communist. Despite their fight for an independent Scotland. (But lefties very often fight against each other, e.g. Stalinism vs. Maoism, today that's Greens vs. Socialists. One of the biggest lie the Left tries to tell you: That the Nazis in Germany (NSDAP) were conservative/'right wing'. They weren't! They were full-blown socialists - just against world communism, they wanted a 'national socialism', that's comparable to the SNP.)
    100% CORRECT!! My knowledge of German is EXTREMELY limited however I know the Nazis were the "National Socialist" Party. Naziism is a creature of the left and so was Facism under another "socialist" Benito Mussolini!! The closest thing to Fascism today is "woke Capitalism!!"

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  20. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    The land of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Sand niggerized. May not be too late. Sons and daughters of Scotland and the UK, resist the heathen Muslim invaders!

    Braveheart is one of my favorite movies of all time. The funniest scene was when Edward I threw the faggot lover of his son from the castle tower. The theater was filled with laughter when that happened. To this day that's a favorite scene.
    Mine too!!

  21. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    100% CORRECT!! My knowledge of German is EXTREMELY limited however I know the Nazis were the "National Socialist" Party. Naziism is a creature of the left and so was Facism under another "socialist" Benito Mussolini!! The closest thing to Fascism today is "woke Capitalism!!"
    Exactly! NSDAP=Nazional Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (National Socialist German Worker's Party). In the name of that party, Socialism even appears two times (Socialist, Worker's Party)! Of course, the left today is trying to hide that (together with a few other interesting things), because they use the same methods as the nazis: Symbols, the creation of "good"/"bad" narratives, the creation of an "evil" (today that's the "white man"), a private gang that beats up "apostates": ANTIFA etc. etc.
    What's even worse, the people who invented/demanded "individual equal rights" and "human rights" were "right wing": These things were demanded by student fraternities → Paulskirchenverfassung! (By the way, as far as I know the designation of "left-wing" and "right-wing" comes from the said Paulskirchenverfassung: The nobles who wanted to retain their power sat on the left side of the emperor and the citizens of the working class on the right side.)

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  23. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    Exactly! NSDAP=Nazional Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (National Socialist German Worker's Party). In the name of that party, Socialism even appears two times (Socialist, Worker's Party)! Of course, the left today is trying to hide that (together with a few other interesting things), because they use the same methods as the nazis: Symbols, the creation of "good"/"bad" narratives, the creation of an "evil" (today that's the "white man"), a private gang that beats up "apostates": ANTIFA etc. etc.
    What's even worse, the people who invented/demanded "individual equal rights" and "human rights" were "right wing": These things were demanded by student fraternities → Paulskirchenverfassung! (By the way, as far as I know the designation of "left-wing" and "right-wing" comes from the said Paulskirchenverfassung: The nobles who wanted to retain their power sat on the left side of the emperor and the citizens of the working class on the right side.)
    Today the left distorts EVERYTHING!!

  24. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    Today the left distorts EVERYTHING!!
    True! For that reason, the left wants to get rid of schools & smart people: They would notice!

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  26. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    Exactly! NSDAP=Nazional Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (National Socialist German Worker's Party). In the name of that party, Socialism even appears two times (Socialist, Worker's Party)! Of course, the left today is trying to hide that (together with a few other interesting things), because they use the same methods as the nazis: Symbols, the creation of "good"/"bad" narratives, the creation of an "evil" (today that's the "white man"), a private gang that beats up "apostates": ANTIFA etc. etc.
    What's even worse, the people who invented/demanded "individual equal rights" and "human rights" were "right wing": These things were demanded by student fraternities → Paulskirchenverfassung! (By the way, as far as I know the designation of "left-wing" and "right-wing" comes from the said Paulskirchenverfassung: The nobles who wanted to retain their power sat on the left side of the emperor and the citizens of the working class on the right side.)
    During the French Revolution, the members of the National Assembly sat according to ideology, with the proto-communists (the ones who launched the Reign of Terror) on the left and the sane, reasonable people who wanted France to be a republic on the right.

  27. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    The land of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Sand niggerized. May not be too late. Sons and daughters of Scotland and the UK, resist the heathen Muslim invaders!

    Braveheart is one of my favorite movies of all time. The funniest scene was when Edward I threw the faggot lover of his son from the castle tower. The theater was filled with laughter when that happened. To this day that's a favorite scene.
    That was hilarious, especially with the guard on duty outside the tower looking up in alarm when the body of the fairy that couldn't fly went splat, then going back and acting like nothing happened when he saw the king. That kind of scene would never be allowed today; Hollywood has become far too WOKE.

    Edward I got a bad rap from that movie; in reality he was one of the greatest and most badass kings ever. He was one of the few medieval kings who was actually faithful to his wife, and in reality he never ordered his archers to fire on his own men. That would have been completely idiotic. And the Irish never switched sides in the real-life battle, ol' Edward knew how to keep his men loyal. He knew the score.

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  29. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    During the French Revolution, the members of the National Assembly sat according to ideology, with the proto-communists (the ones who launched the Reign of Terror) on the left and the sane, reasonable people who wanted France to be a republic on the right.
    True! Not to forget that ever since the ordinary people stood up, the nobles tried to get their power back. Just take a look at who wrote most of the communist manifests, which families started the world wars (and/or, became extremely wealthy during the wars). That goes on until today: BlackRock, Soros, Rockefeller and Rothschild usually are the four biggest donors for the ultra-left wing prosecutors & politicians in the US. And as soon as the cities got destroyed, they buy property for cheap. Best example is San Francisco: Black Rock purchased most of the inner city in the last two years, and the Rothschild family's various companies purchased supposedly 40% of Manhattan. (Of course, the same goes on everywhere, just the methods differ slightly: E.g. Germany is completely ruled by them, but here they own political parties & the press, that's enough to make the stupid self-hating Germans to vote for their own destruction. The German green government is completely us-paid & 'educated', 80% of the press is owned by dubious ngos - who then even get taxpayer money.)

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