Quote Originally Posted by ShitSkinScientist View Post
Yes, in Russian it is actually Soyuz Sovietskich Socialisticzeskich Respublik (Soyuz = Union), Russian uses -ich at plural adjectives to specify the genitive, English uses "of", Sovietskich means Soviet (Actually sovetskij (in nominative) is an adjective from soviet, which means either a council or an advice, the meaning was that the Soveit Union was allegedly governed by councils.), Socialisticzeskich means socialist, what a surprise, and Respublik means Republics in genitive.
(I had a mandatory Russian at elementary school and high school, as we were their puppet state.)

Karl Marx was actually a lazy bastard who never really worked, he was supported by his wife and his pal Friedrich Engels, who was rich. Karl just spent his time in coffees and elaborated on his lunatic ideas.

Russia was probably one of few states which could be possibly receptive to Karl Marx's lunatic ideas. While capitalism in the industrialized world already improved living conditions of ordinary workers, in Russia, a primitive medieval age with absolute power of the monarch and nobility met industrialization, there was virtually no middle class. Solzhenitsyn (The GULag Archipelago) documents that in Russia, even social democrats were dreaming about workers' revolution and class struggle, but when these people got to western world, they realized that there would never be one and they even realized it was not needed. This was the difference against bolsheviks, who insisted upon the revolution no matter what. (Actually bolsheviks means people of majority (bolshinstvo), since they expelled the minority social democrats from the party and endorsed the communist ideology.)

Then you know the story. Russian empire collapsed during the Great War and bolsheviks were well organized to seize the power. After they established it, they started spreading that communist shit like a cancer. Mongolia was first, Eastern Europe and China followed after the World War Two, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Nicaragua, etc.

Current Russia is pretty close to the once Soviet Union, they have some mix of socialist and capitalist economy, they are fully socialist in terms of liberties, and they use the same methods to subdue and oppress its neighbors as Soviet Union and Russian empire did. Remarkable examples may be seen in Georgia (I mean the one in Asia, not the US state.), Nagorno-Karabakh, or Ukraine.
For example, red star military marking is not a Russian tradition, it was established by the Soviet Union and Russia keeps it, they also returned to the Soviet Anthem, only changed words.
You summed it up perfectly! And you are absolutely right with Marx, he was a work-shy lazy ass (like the typical Liberal).

Two additional things not to forget:
The Nazis as well were Socialists (hence their name: Nazional SOZIALISTISCHE Partei). And they delivered: nationalization of all companies, planned economy, etc. The Left of today HATES it when you point that out.

Second, Marx, Engels, Freud, Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin etc. were the founders of the "Frankfurt School", and the "Critical Theory". The irony of the story is, that one of the first things the Nazis did was closing this institutet because they couldn't stand people who were lazy. Also, most of them were Jewish, but since the persecution of the Jews came much later – in the beginning Hitler was pro-Jewish – I assume the original reason for closing the institute was “laziness”.
And that's how the US inhereted these people: They immigrated to the US, and re-founded the institute for "social philosophy" at Columbia University, NY, amongst others.