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  1. #1
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
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    Your tax money feeds these things

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Super morbidly obese niggers can claim "Muh disability" and get even more gibs from the public trough. Better get second jobs, everyone, to pay more for gluttonous nogs. BTW, if you haven't heard, the obesity of sows is Trump's fault.

  3. #3
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

  4. #4
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    A'm I the only one who cracked up when that fat 580lb nigger said "dayum" at the 800lb sow? I bet they had to take separate trips in the elevator as not to snap the cables.

    They are probably going to get a gastric bypass, lipo, reconstruction surgery, hostpital stays, nutrition counseling, doctor visists, skin reomval, and everything else at taxpayer cost. Including the cattle trailer to get them. New walls from having to take them down to get them out of the house and a new floors that were damaged when they rolled off the bed sending them onto then through the floor into the section 8 apartment below them.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    They are probably going to get a gastric bypass, lipo, reconstruction surgery, hostpital stays, nutrition counseling, doctor visists, skin reomval, and everything else at taxpayer cost.
    Yup the'll get it all removed except that cartoonishly large ass, need that to attract the bucks!
    'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23

  6. #6
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    "How much dat scale go up to?" Holy shit!

    What really does astonish me is that these niggers pretend to be surprised. There was only one way to turn themselves into massive blobs of bite at a time. And on our dime.

    Not one of those niggers woke up one day and thought " pants are getting a little tight, maybe I should watch what I eat".

    I'm on the first diet of my life right now because i want to lose 20 by the time i go skydiving next month. I'll be 62 right after Christmas and my whole adult life I've been tall and thin. Now, getting older and having a somewhat sedentary lifestyle these days, I'm starting to get a belly. Aw hell no.
    I've never been on a diet and never given any thought to my weight or what I eat (junk food, soda, candy, chips, etc..). I decided to cut all that crap out, bought a digital bathroom scale and am on track to hit my mark way ahead of time.

    It sucks balls but it's doable.

    These niggers? I'm wondering why Mr. Cardiac hasn't been by to deliver them to the bat fairy (and relieve us of the tax burden) I wish he would.

  7. #7
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    In the good old days, there were obese niggers, but not like these pigs. They had to move and work under the massa's whip. Well they didn't work hard but they had the fear of God in them and knew their place. Now all of a sudden they're equal and want freebies all the time. I hate this foul and ugly species. Just seeing them disgusts me.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Your tax dollars at work, how do you think these vile obese niggers got so fat..... yep EBT and the GibsMeDats... free section 8 housing, free medical care, free everything to get fat on your dime. Then whine they be fat and all......

    Fuck I hate niggers
    Mixed emotions here. I hate paying for niggers. On the other hand, If a nigger shows signs of thunder thighs and cankles, maybe we should deliver garbage food, opiates, unfiltered Newpoatz and every other life shortening vice straight to it's front doe so it won't even have to exercise it's fat ass by walking one block down to the pakistani candy stand to buy a damn thing. We would probably save money in the long run by buying in bulk and would more than offset the cost of delivery.

    It will then self Darwinize in short order.

  9. #9
    SC Anemia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Can you even start to imagine being around or in close proximity to these niggers when they eat. It probably sounds like a industrial shop-vac sucking up chigguns
    Not really man. What has always annoyed the crap out of me is people who eat loud. I mean sometimes say if your eating chips or something, of course that'll make noise but niggers slurping, smaking their bootlips and chewing with their moufs open would send me off the deep end.

    I couldn't imagine the cacophony of sounds this tribe of whale shit would make around the table.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    Not really man. What has always annoyed the crap out of me is people who eat loud. I mean sometimes say if your eating chips or something, of course that'll make noise but niggers slurping, smaking their bootlips and chewing with their moufs open would send me off the deep end.

    I couldn't imagine the cacophony of sounds this tribe of whale shit would make around the table.
    I imagine it would sound something like a hybrid of a pig, an ape, and one of those giant vacuums they use to suck out the shit from a porta-potty, but louder. The stench would be unbearable.

  11. #11
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    ... wow that's disgusting. I saw I was gaining the wrong kind of weight because I was guzzling mountain dew but cut back after I hit a certain point because it was the wrong kind of weight. These animals? Good God.

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