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  1. #1
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    Entitled niggers at the drug store

    So your fellow Trustee here stopped at the local Rite Aid yesterday to pick up some prescriptions my doctor's office called in. Now usually I can pop in, pick up everything and be out within 7 to 10 minutes. Not this time.

    Wouldn't you know a fucking nigger sheboon was monopolizing the clerk's time arguing about stupid shit-one being aspirin not being covered by her insurance (Medicaid most likely) because "mai dockta wrote a presciption fo' it and sheeit!" Another round of arguing because TYLENOL wasn't covered either! No matter how many times that poor human clerk tried to explain that both are over the counter meds, sheboon insisted both should be covered because PRESCRIPTION. I must have stood there at least half an hour gradually getting pissed off because my ride was waiting outside and we both had other shit to do. Finally I get waited on after the dumb sheboon finally produced....wait for it...her EBT card.

    Only niggers would try to get aspirin and Tylenol for free. You can buy both at Dollar Tree for a buck apiece. JFC.

  2. #2
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    Didn't you know? The dollar store isn't for buying things at bargain prices. It is for crack deals in the parking lot.

  3. #3
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    I will admit to being a cynical son-of-a-bitch by nature, but when I read stories like this, I can't help wondering if the nigger sow didn't hold up the Humans waiting in line out of the pure hatred they are born with. I have no doubt the ugly sub-Human vermin was trying to get something for nothing, but if that was its only motivation, it would have done what all niggers do on a daily basis and simply swiped it.

  4. #4
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    Of course, the dumb niggerbitch went to the dock-tah 'cuz she bees having headaches and sheeit.

    That's why the docktah tolds her to gets the aspirins and the tylenols.

    She probably went to the ER. "My tummy bees hurtin'. And I gots the headaches. what do I bee dooin?"

    Doctor : *buries face in hands* "tylenol. Or aspirin"

    Sheboon at Rite-Aid : "dis be a 'scription and sheeit! Eeekeeek ookook!"
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Stoopnig View Post
    You could put a blonde wig on a mousetrap and a nigger will fuck it.

  5. #5
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    No shit, no kidding...
    Shortly after Oragu-care kicked in, my wife had a tooth pulled. Afterward, she had a prescription for 10 oxycontin.
    We left the dentist and attempted to promptly fill the script so as the local wore off, it would be more tolerable.

    We went to 4 pharmacy's and were told, "there is none in stock, we can not fill the script".
    Finally at the 5th pharmacy, we got it filled. She was already in pain. I asked the girl at the counter why it was so hard to fill, and she said, "since Obamacare kicked in, everyone with a crooked doc and a section 8 voucher is getting pain pills on tap".

    Thanks Oranguh.
    Glad we could be last in line, but taxed first to pay for it all!
    'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23

  6. #6
    SC Anemia
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOrganGrinder View Post
    Thanks Oranguh.
    Glad we could be last in line, but taxed first to pay for it all!
    There was mention in the new Chimpout Radio episode of my occupation. To set the record straight, I'm not the resident manager of an apartment building. I manage a sober living house.

    Every last shithead here has MediCal and receives dental and medical care, including prescriptions at little or no cost.

    Except for me.

    Although I imagine my pissy little income would qualify me, because I'm a veteran and eligible to be seen at the VA (108 MILES AWAY) I'm not eligible.

    These dirtbags run to Western Dental or urgent care for every damn thing and the state pays the tab. Free prescriptions, the whole enchilada.
    Meanwhile, I was gnawing on some beef jerky last month, managed to literally snap-off a three tooth bridge and I'm just plain shit out of luck. I've been back & forth with the VA over dental care eligibility for a month now, cant chew fuck-all and indeed in a great deal of pain. Tough shit, that's what I get for actually earning a living. Fuck!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    I will admit to being a cynical son-of-a-bitch by nature, but when I read stories like this, I can't help wondering if the nigger sow didn't hold up the Humans waiting in line out of the pure hatred they are born with. I have no doubt the ugly sub-Human vermin was trying to get something for nothing, but if that was its only motivation, it would have done what all niggers do on a daily basis and simply swiped it.
    You're not cynical. You're being observant. That she-nig was already going to be bad enough in wasting the pharmacist's time, but once it saw ebbil YTs waiting behind it, it was going to be worse.

    Pharmacies, demanding "essra kechip" in the drive-thru, and when being seated at a nicer restaurant (first of the month when EBT cards are recharged), going through 5 or 6 different tables but finding a problem with each one.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOrganGrinder View Post
    No shit, no kidding...
    Shortly after Oragu-care kicked in, my wife had a tooth pulled. Afterward, she had a prescription for 10 oxycontin.
    We left the dentist and attempted to promptly fill the script so as the local wore off, it would be more tolerable.

    We went to 4 pharmacy's and were told, "there is none in stock, we can not fill the script".
    Finally at the 5th pharmacy, we got it filled. She was already in pain. I asked the girl at the counter why it was so hard to fill, and she said, "since Obamacare kicked in, everyone with a crooked doc and a section 8 voucher is getting pain pills on tap".

    Thanks Oranguh.
    Glad we could be last in line, but taxed first to pay for it all!
    This is what really ticks me off. Three ruptured discs in the back, two other discs with degenerative disc disorder, sciatic nerve pain, damaged left knee, all from working my entire adult life and much of my teen years, and I end up seeing a new pain specialist after my old one retired, first thing she does is pull me off ALL pain meds. After my appointment, some knuckledragger goes in to see the same doc, I'm still in the waiting room, waiting for a friend to pick me up after my appointment, after the knuckledragger leaves its appointmnent. It's maybe five steps past the receptionist, it gets out its sail fawn, ooks about "Ize gotz da vicoden script how much you wanna gibsme for' dem'". I alerted the receptionist, nothing. Then alert a nearby security guard who just shrugged and said its nothing new. Since the guy didn't even have a gun or tazer, he probably values his life enough not to confront a drug dealing nigger.

    Now remember I saw a new doc, first visit, first thing she does is pull me off ALL pain meds because they are "Open to abuse". Yet some filthy nigger can knuckledrag in, get a script, practically advertise the fact it's selling them, and no one gives a crap.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigfreewisconsin View Post
    Now remember I saw a new doc, first visit, first thing she does is pull me off ALL pain meds because they are "Open to abuse". Yet some filthy nigger can knuckledrag in, get a script, practically advertise the fact it's selling them, and no one gives a crap.
    Shit like this pisses me off to no end. I had to jump through hoops to get Tylenol with codeine after having my appendix out, and I usually have a high pain tolerance. Fuck Barney Fife the security guard and that do-nothing receptionist; I'd gotten a good look at that nigger and called the cops with a perfect description.

  10. #10
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    Nigresses lub fucking stuff up
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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