I am not going to go too deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole. I do admit i believe it is possible that flight 93 might have been shot down, but i am going to stick with the official report that it was forced down by either passengers or hijackers. Even if it were shot down, i would accept it as being a tragic choice for the greater good-it had to be done. One thing to consider, Could have they really covered that up? Look back at how hated George Bush and and his crew were back during his presidency. People hated him with a passion. I would say almost more than they hate Trump today. If that plane were shot down and his administration covered it up the word would have gotten out to others in DC. Some high ranking Democrat senator would have found out and used it against him. And then 8 years of Obama as president? He would have let it out for certain. It would have ruined any chance of a republican winning in 2016.

Conspiracy theories are easy to start and hard to kill. There is a little known conspiracy theory that started in hometown on 9/11. Sometime in the afternoon there was a couple of loud booms, it shook everyones houses. I go running outside, everyone is looking up into the sky but nothing is there. I go back inside and the local news is reporting on the mysterious booms, unconfirmed reports of a plane down in the west side of Dayton and also on a fire at our VA center. Everyone puts two and two together, assumes that another plane crashed and it hit the VA center! I jump in my car, drive out that way. All i see is a bunch of niggers knuckle dragging around as usual. I head back home, by this time the news finally has it right. The booms were sonic booms coming from fighter jets flying over, Wright Patterson AFB is right next door so that is possible. The fire? A field and a old vacant building next to the VA center had caught fire. Still to this day you have conspiracy theorists speaking of the mystery plane which was shot down over Dayton on 9/11. Believe me, if a plane was shot down here someone would have seen it, there is no way they could have covered it up. This is how it happens, a tragic event happens then every small, strange out of the ordinary quirk that happens in that time-frame is somehow combined into it by people panicking, making things appear to be a cover-up.

