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  1. #1
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    Canada: nigger students complain canucks call them niggers and racisms

    The crisis of anti-Black racism in schools persists across generations
    Inadequate teaching material and resources to support Black students means they are more likely to be underserved

    Wherever niggers are, they must also scream racist.

    Recent reports of the schooling experiences of Black students in elementary, middle and high school in Toronto tell a story of negligence and disregard. This disregard includes a lack of access to appropriate reading materials and supportive relationships with teachers and administrators.

    In conversations about their school life, Black students talk about adverse treatment by their teachers and peers, including regular use of the “n-word.”

    These issues contribute to alienating and problematic school days for Black students. And none of this is new: racism in Toronto and Ontario schools has been ongoing for decades.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    What are they suppose to call them? Dirty Snow Bunnies?
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  3. #3
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    In conversations about their school life, Black students talk about adverse treatment by their teachers and peers, including regular use of the “n-word.”
    Almost all the time, if not every time without exception, that's niggers calling each other niggers.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  4. #4
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    Jacques, my late father-in-law (d. 2016), was hardcore French-Canadian (Quebec born and raised) and always referred to a nigger as a "négro", which is basically pronounced like it's spelled.

    For years, I assumed that he was just using the accepted term in French for niggers, but at some point I realized that I had never heard my wife or her mother use the term. I mentioned that fact to her one time, and she explained that the term was basically the equivalent of the "n-word".

  5. #5
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    My French-Canadian husband usually refers to them as "Maudits Negre." Not the strict translation, but the essence is "Fucking niggers"(which he also uses when speaking English. He's never called them anything else) French Canadians are traditionally racist, even if they don't know any niggers.

    Recent reports of the schooling experiences of Black students in elementary, middle and high school in Toronto tell a story of negligence and disregard.
    Toronto, derisively referred to as "Toronto the Good", by the rest of us, has long been one of the most peaceful, clean, white and quiet cities to be found anywhere on the planet. If niggers are causing trouble, you can bet they are the sprogs of invading Jamaicans, Somalians and probably some Haitians.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    My French-Canadian husband usually refers to them as "Maudits Negre." Not the strict translation, but the essence is "Fucking niggers"(which he also uses when speaking English. He's never called them anything else) French Canadians are traditionally racist, even if they don't know any niggers.

    Toronto, derisively referred to as "Toronto the Good", by the rest of us, has long been one of the most peaceful, clean, white and quiet cities to be found anywhere on the planet. If niggers are causing trouble, you can bet they are the sprogs of invading Jamaicans, Somalians and probably some Haitians.
    Too funny that you are married to a F-C as well. Mine was an exchange student attending my alma mater (state U. in SoCal) as a foreign student. I met her when I was 25, and can honestly say, had never really known anything about French-Canadian culture. Now I love it of course, and most of that appreciation comes from my late father-in-law. It's such a unique culture, and yes, very nigger-unfriendly.

    "Maudits" is more of a curse, BTW... Like "goddamn".

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    Most french cursing is based around the church and it's not always possible to actually directly translate them (I know quite a few myself!)without losing the intent. "Maudits" literally translates to "cursed" or "accursed."

    Parisiennes might say "Putain des negres." But QC French is quite different. THere really is no way to use the exact phrase, "Fucking niggers" in French so they do the best they can.

    So, have you learned to love tourtiere, poutin and cretons? We won't talk about that "ragout" of pig's feet.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    So, have you learned to love tourtiere, poutin and cretons? We won't talk about that "ragout" of pig's feet.
    I'm something of a health-nut and a picky eater by nature, so no, I'm not in love with F-C cuisine, but when we go to Montreal, there are enough eateries around that we can usually find something we all agree upon.

    I suppose if I had to pick from your list, tourtière is the dish that I actually enjoy once in awhile. My wife makes it during the Holidays. If we're out and my wife orders it, I'll pick at her poutine, but a little goes a long way, as far as I'm concerned -- something about the cheese and gravy. Cretons is that pork fat spread, right? If it's what I'm thing of, pass. Tried it once years ago and gagged.

    I've tried most of it, passed on the "ragout", and I can't remember what it's called, but refused to even try the jellied pig's feet my late father-in-law would eat right out of the jar. So damn gross...

    I can't remember what it's called (and would probably spell it wrong anyway), but my mother-in-law makes a really chunky pea soup with pork sausage that supposedly her mother-in-law taught her. She knows I like it and always makes it when we're together.

    It just seems like everything has a lot of pork fat in it

  9. #9
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    Your father-in-law sounds just like mine!

    I had to learn how to make tourtiere. What a PITA but I got really good at it. No poutine for me, but I always loved fries with gravy. Cretons aren't pork fat (maybe you're thinking of tête fromagée- head cheese? Don't look it up!) just pork and spices but the smell of the onions first thing Christmas morning makes me gag.

    the jellied pig's feet my late father-in-law would eat right out of the jar. So damn gross...
    "Gross" doesn't even cover it. My mother in law use to make the pattes de cochon ragout and my husband couldn't wait to go over and have some. Honestly, huge stewed pig's feet slapped on a plate. My MIL, who was a darling, knew better than to give me that so I just had the veg and meatballs. I had to keep my eyes on my plate, so as not to see them all chowing down. The sight of those feet, with bristles and a ton of jelly-like fat, would make me ill if I watched them eat it.

    Yes, they're big fans of fat. They even stuff turkeys with ground beef and it turns out swimming in grease. I'd be billious for a week after eating that.

  10. #10
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    I've been the F-C numerous times and love it there.

    Funny story...

    First time there I'm in Montreal with a like-minded friend of mine, and we're talking to a local at a pub on Crescent St. My friend says we're supposed to call blacks "African-Americans" in the U.S., so what do Canadians call them, African-Canadians?

    The guy, who we'd known for about 10 minutes, replied "no, we just call them niggers".

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    ...Cretons aren't pork fat (maybe you're thinking of tête fromagée- head cheese? Don't look it up!) just pork and spices but the smell of the onions first thing Christmas morning makes me gag.
    Yeah -- it was a long time ago, and I only tried cretons once to know I didn't like it, and while did have a very "porky" flavor, it seemed awfully greasy to me. Maybe I need to try it again

    One more note on my French-Canadian family... From the first day I met them, they went out of their way to make me feel like part of their family. I've said it many times, and this is coming from the son of a retired U.S. Navy RADM (whom I love dearly and who is talking REALLY LOUD ON HIS PHONE from the couch 20' away), but my late FIL Jacques, was the greatest man I've ever known. His story is amazing!

    The only thing I miss these days is my wife's accent She's been in the U.S. since 1995 and has largely lost it. If she speaks to her mother or siblings (she has an older bro' and sis') often enough, it is more pronounced for a few days.

    Great folks!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeybash View Post
    I've been the F-C numerous times and love it there.

    Funny story...

    First time there I'm in Montreal with a like-minded friend of mine, and we're talking to a local at a pub on Crescent St. My friend says we're supposed to call blacks "African-Americans" in the U.S., so what do Canadians call them, African-Canadians?

    The guy, who we'd known for about 10 minutes, replied "no, we just call them niggers".

    Yep! That's sounds about right!

  13. #13
    SC Anemia
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    Spent a week in Toronto in 2007. Loved it and had a great time except I couldn't I couldn't help but see the pictures of diseased lungs and fucked-up livers on every pack of smokes and 6-pack of beer. Who's brilliant idea was that, do you guys still have that and has it done any good? My American lungs and liver were highly offended.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    ...Who's brilliant idea was that, do you guys still have that and has it done any good? My American lungs and liver were highly offended.
    Do they really do that? I've never smoked and rarely have a drink beyond whatever wine my wife gives me. I guess I've never noticed...

    My sister-in-law lives in Toronto, BTW.

  15. #15
    SC Anemia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    ....whatever wine my wife gives me.

    The short answer is yes, they really do that. My guess is it was a brainfart of the Canadian Minister of Health or whatever title they give to their equivalent of our Surgeon General (socialized medicine and all).

    On cigarette packs its pictures of throat cancer, lung cancer, all kinds of nasty shit. It's pretty offputting.

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    I couldn't help but see the pictures of diseased lungs and fucked-up livers on every pack of smokes and 6-pack of beer. Who's brilliant idea was that, do you guys still have that and has it done any good?
    Yeah, very decorative! That's our government. They care so much about us they don't want us smoking, drinking or gambling, even though our government runs all the liquor stores and the casinos and sucks up about an 80% tax on ciggies. It's like a pimp profiting from prostitution and preaching chastity.

    but my late FIL Jacques, was the greatest man I've ever known. His story is amazing!
    Same with mine! He was a boxer, a wrestler and performed on a sort of vaudeville stage when he was young. Still with an eye for the ladies at 87!

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    That is bizarre, and truly Canadian. They can't seem to decide if they want to go full nanny state retard. I'll have to look at a pack of smokes next time I visit

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