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  1. #1
    LT. Colonel
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    Priest's German shepherd hates niggers, sow claims the priest is racist

    Can you blame the dog, or the priest? If it's just an excuse to get rid of a nigger janitor that couldn't clean properly, oh well.

    The sow naturally is turning this into a gibs moment, like the niggers claiming "discrimination" and demanding "back pay" for a job they were unqualified to get.

    A Catholic priest in Tennessee says an African American woman wasn’t allowed to clean his church home because his dog dislikes black people, media outlets report.

    The woman wants the priest disciplined for discrimination, she says.

    LaShundra Allen of Memphis got a job to clean the Catholic Church of the Incarnation in Collierville and the rectory where the priest lives, according to WHBQ. When she went to the church with the woman she was supposed to replace, Allen says she was rebuffed by staff, she told the Memphis TV station.
    Kowal said he’s concerned his German shepherd named Ceaser will harm Allen because the dog once had a bad experience with an African American person and has since acted aggressively toward strangers, especially black people, the newspaper reported.
    But Allen doesn’t believe the explanation. She and the woman she’s replacing asked if the dog could be crated while they cleaned, but Jacek said back-to-school activities didn’t allow him time for that, WHBQ reported.
    Allen wants the Catholic Diocese of Memphis to discipline him and pay for compensatory damages, according to WATN.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  2. #2
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    The dog is just doing his job, helping his owner avoid the groid. Dogs know niggers are up to no good and they don't smell human either.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    Dogs naturally know niggers are dangerous!

    Anytime I see a nigger with a dog, the dog is always sad or cautious. They are never happy.

    It disgusts me.

    Niggers should not be allowed to have pets.

    Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

  4. #4
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    Why do German Shepherds lick their asses? To get the taste of NIGGER out of their mouths!

  5. #5
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    There's a certain irony to be found in a nigger asking that a dog be caged.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  6. #6
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    GOOD boyyyy, good puppy! Here's a treat! I LOVE a land shark!

  7. #7
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    Nothing, not one single story, that comes out of Memphrica would surprise me.

    In my younger days, Memphis was just Memphis and it was my and my friends favorite weekend haunts. We would go there every weekend we could since it was only an hour drive from home and we really loved everything about it. In those times, the Orange Mound section of southeast Memphis was the only truly 100% nigger section of the city and everyone knew to stay on the white side of the tracks. We would walk freely even though Beale Street after the renovation and not worry about groid shenanigans. This all changed in the early 90's when Willie Harrington stole the Mayoral election. I say this because one of my best friend's uncle was working for a private accounting firm that oversaw the election, vote tallying and audit of the selection Memphis' first nog mayor. He told us all that he lost by a landslide but the white duly elected incumbent mayor simply abdicated because he knew that the city he loved would be torn to shreds by the marauding thugs if he challenged the results claimed by this crook. Basically, "Trashboat Willie" as we called him, simply went on air and declared victory. The 10 o'clock news showed all the niggers taking to the streets in celebration. They were all doing the Larsenio Hall woop woop fist in the air shit that was so popular then. The rest is history - fake though it was.

    Afterwards, everything changed. The city would go on to become the murder per capita leader of the US constantly competing with Shitcago (my first duty station in the Navy), and other such shitholes. Trash littered the streets and highways. Niggers shut down almost every mall in the city because of crime with murders in the parking lots, drugs, gangs, and every form of rapey stabby shooty robby stealy behavior known this side of deepest darkest Africoon. Everyone started calling it Memphrica and Willieworld. I would almost swear that I started the trend by coining the phrases but the truth is that it probably started simultaneously and organically throughout the mid-south with everyone.

    My grandparents home was in a middle class white neighborhood which turned black within a few short months and property values tanked. His house was broken into by his new section 8 nigger next door neighbors and he was powerless to do anything about it. He walked in on them and called the poleece who didn't give a shit as the popoes were now controlled by Willie's nigger appointees as well. They walked right past him with his TVs and anything else they wanted even making return trips with with both of my elderly grandparents and my aunt standing in the house bewildered and powerless to stop them as these niggers would have sued him for defending his home and family. The damndest thing was that my grandfather had in his possession his father's service revolver given to him by the neighboring county sheriff's department after the murder of his father at the hands of a feral nigger beast back in the fifties. He was the first law enforcement office in that county to ever lose his life in the line of duty. My grandfather knew better than to use it lest they all be murdered in their sleep afterwards. They were all lucky to live through this ordeal only because he kept it in a shoe box under others in his closet. I guess that because they weren't Niggey Air Jordans the bastards didn't bother. It's funny because after farming, he moved to Memphis and would retire as a shoe salesman from JC Penney's so yep - a shoebox saved his life.

    Since the passing of my GP's, I have no reason to go on another Memphrican safari and I now go out of my way to drive around the city to get back home.

    On a side note, I'll skip forward a couple of years to when I was stationed in Shitcago for my first tour of duty. Mayor Trashboat Willie got caught dipping his pen in the company ink when he knocked up his sheboon secretary. He promised her a promotion if she just kept her mouth shut and got an uhhbowshun. She did so (hey at least that's one less Memphricoon ) but she didn't get the job or raise she wanted so she went public. She sued him for sexual harassment and he lost the next election. He then put in his name in the hat to become Shitcago's Stuperintendemph of duh screwelbowuhd. They were prepared to hire him immediately but the day it was announced, I had already heard about it. I called all the local TV and radio news stations and papers to alert them of his shenanigans. It made the news that night and he withdrew his name from consideration. I'm sure I probably wasn't the only one that dropped the dime on that nigger but I was proud to do my part.

    The worst part is that niggers just don't learn. He has since gone on to be reelected several times since. SMFH!

    Stick a fork in Memphis - it's done.

  8. #8
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    Racist dog doesn't like darkies

    Racist dog doesn't like nigs.
    What do you think?
    Is it the color or the monkey smell? Or the behavior? Maybe the dog was mistreated by nigs?

  9. #9
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    Animals instinctively know danger.

    Maybe it is the look, smell or actions, however I believe it is more the energy that surrounds all living things.

    Dogs know that niggers are dangerous and up to no good.

    That is why dogs kept by niggers always look terrified.

    Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Nothing, not one single story, that comes out of Memphrica would surprise me.

    In my younger days, Memphis was just Memphis and it was my and my friends favorite weekend haunts. We would go there every weekend we could since it was only an hour drive from home and we really loved everything about it. In those times, the Orange Mound section of southeast Memphis was the only truly 100% nigger section of the city and everyone knew to stay on the white side of the tracks. We would walk freely even though Beale Street after the renovation and not worry about groid shenanigans. This all changed in the early 90's when Willie Harrington stole the Mayoral election. I say this because one of my best friend's uncle was working for a private accounting firm that oversaw the election, vote tallying and audit of the selection Memphis' first nog mayor. He told us all that he lost by a landslide but the white duly elected incumbent mayor simply abdicated because he knew that the city he loved would be torn to shreds by the marauding thugs if he challenged the results claimed by this crook. Basically, "Trashboat Willie" as we called him, simply went on air and declared victory. The 10 o'clock news showed all the niggers taking to the streets in celebration. They were all doing the Larsenio Hall woop woop fist in the air shit that was so popular then. The rest is history - fake though it was.

    Afterwards, everything changed. The city would go on to become the murder per capita leader of the US constantly competing with Shitcago (my first duty station in the Navy), and other such shitholes. Trash littered the streets and highways. Niggers shut down almost every mall in the city because of crime with murders in the parking lots, drugs, gangs, and every form of rapey stabby shooty robby stealy behavior known this side of deepest darkest Africoon. Everyone started calling it Memphrica and Willieworld. I would almost swear that I started the trend by coining the phrases but the truth is that it probably started simultaneously and organically throughout the mid-south with everyone.

    My grandparents home was in a middle class white neighborhood which turned black within a few short months and property values tanked. His house was broken into by his new section 8 nigger next door neighbors and he was powerless to do anything about it. He walked in on them and called the poleece who didn't give a shit as the popoes were now controlled by Willie's nigger appointees as well. They walked right past him with his TVs and anything else they wanted even making return trips with with both of my elderly grandparents and my aunt standing in the house bewildered and powerless to stop them as these niggers would have sued him for defending his home and family. The damndest thing was that my grandfather had in his possession his father's service revolver given to him by the neighboring county sheriff's department after the murder of his father at the hands of a feral nigger beast back in the fifties. He was the first law enforcement office in that county to ever lose his life in the line of duty. My grandfather knew better than to use it lest they all be murdered in their sleep afterwards. They were all lucky to live through this ordeal only because he kept it in a shoe box under others in his closet. I guess that because they weren't Niggey Air Jordans the bastards didn't bother. It's funny because after farming, he moved to Memphis and would retire as a shoe salesman from JC Penney's so yep - a shoebox saved his life.

    Since the passing of my GP's, I have no reason to go on another Memphrican safari and I now go out of my way to drive around the city to get back home.

    On a side note, I'll skip forward a couple of years to when I was stationed in Shitcago for my first tour of duty. Mayor Trashboat Willie got caught dipping his pen in the company ink when he knocked up his sheboon secretary. He promised her a promotion if she just kept her mouth shut and got an uhhbowshun. She did so (hey at least that's one less Memphricoon ) but she didn't get the job or raise she wanted so she went public. She sued him for sexual harassment and he lost the next election. He then put in his name in the hat to become Shitcago's Stuperintendemph of duh screwelbowuhd. They were prepared to hire him immediately but the day it was announced, I had already heard about it. I called all the local TV and radio news stations and papers to alert them of his shenanigans. It made the news that night and he withdrew his name from consideration. I'm sure I probably wasn't the only one that dropped the dime on that nigger but I was proud to do my part.

    The worst part is that niggers just don't learn. He has since gone on to be reelected several times since. SMFH!

    Stick a fork in Memphis - it's done.
    I hate filthy niggers. Good work!

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