I'm glad she's standing her ground. The she boons were keeking and screetching and she called them what they are.
I'm glad she's standing her ground. The she boons were keeking and screetching and she called them what they are.
"Of course there's something wrong with him, he's a Negro probably been stealing since he could crawl".
Mortimer Duke, Trading Places, 1983. "Burn wood, not coal".
That woman is BASED! LOL
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.
The lady called out TNB. Are you sorry for using the NIGGER word? NO. Good I love that she did not back down, fuck the cuck nigger loving media.
Pretty spry old gal for 71, good on her! Sometimes ya just gotta call a spade, a spade.
What also gets me every time is the reaction from the offended ape. Somehow they expect everyone around to be apologetic and feel outraged. I love it when that doesn't happen and the niggers have suck it up and knuckle away. Sticks & stones nigger, it's just a name.
Now that her full name is out there expect some retaliation even from cuck whites.
"Of course there's something wrong with him, he's a Negro probably been stealing since he could crawl".
Mortimer Duke, Trading Places, 1983. "Burn wood, not coal".
I like how she said she'd do it again. Fuck yeah! She should get an honorary invite to be on here.
"Of course there's something wrong with him, he's a Negro probably been stealing since he could crawl".
Mortimer Duke, Trading Places, 1983. "Burn wood, not coal".
My grandfather and my father (and my mother, who was the sweetest person ever) never called them anything BUT niggers.
"Do you see how that word could be incredibly offensive?"
"Yes I do, and that's why I said it and I would say it again."
Oh Baby, I LOVE it!
Little story and I'll keep it short. When I was very young my father was sent to Atlanta for his work. (I'm Canadian) When he returned, he told us how he was talking to a man on the street one day, when suddenly the man called out to a passing nigger, saying, "Hey boy - go pick up that trash there." The nigger did it. My father told this story with an expression of wonder, awe and delight. I can only imagine what he would think of the world now, with savages being put on pedestals, murdering and muh dikkin' with impunity.
My dad.....
If you're going to be a bitch, be the whole bitch.
Once you call a nigger what it is -- a nigger, then NEVER EVER apologize. Apologizing will only make it worse because coons and their SJW coddlers can smell weakness and fear.
This lady shows how it's done.
islam (is-LAHM) n.
- The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.
She "hurled" the nigger word. So what.
Niggers hurl bullets.
Niggers behave like niggers. So why are the sows offended? Oh yeah, they think they're queens and that all humans are into nigger worship.
Coalburning is bestiality.
How ridiculous is it that media tracks people down and tries to shame them for using a little bit of harsh language? I'm glad she didn't back down.
Whenever I see a troop of niggers on tv or on YouTube or in movies ( I avoid the groid in real life ) all I ever hear them say is " nigger this" and " nigger that" at each other. Why do they get so offended when a human also calls them a nigger? I have never understood that. I have also never understood people saying " the n word". We all know it means nigger, are people seriously afraid of these outdated farming tools that they can't even type a word anonymously online?
This lady needs a fucking medal. Props because these fucking niggers are hurling racial slurs at everyone else and no one says a God damned thing.