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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Got a nigger fired from a road crew

    Yesterday, while driving through a road work zone, I noticed the vehicle ahead of me run over what looked like a pole laying across the lane we were travelling in.

    As soon as this happened, a silverback in a high-visibility vest came running out from the shade at the side of the road, picked up the object that had been run over, and proceeded to stand in the middle of the lane yelling and screaming obscenities at the vehicle which had run over the item in question. Not wanting to have to clean junglebunny out of my car's grille, I (unfortunately) managed to hit the brakes just in time to avoid making it good. This also gave me a chance to see what it was that the jig in question had retrieved from the road: one of those signs with 'STOP' printed on one side and 'SLOW' on the other used to control traffic through work zones.

    After the coon finished its tirade, it came around to my car and continued ranting and playing the dindu card - basically expecting me to side with it because it was too fucking stupid to not leave its sign in the middle of the road where vehicles could run over it. I happened to be driving a convertible at the time, and had the top down. This meant that the splib was leaning over my vehicle (and body) while spouting off, which was not going over well with me at all. While I am typically armed, this was not the day where I wanted to have to deal with the complications arising from shooting an impudent farm implement in public. In no uncertain terms, I loudly told it to back away from my car. It realized that I was pissed, and angrily sulked away, muttering under its breath as it did so.

    None of this made me happy. I pulled over into an open space in the work zone and set about finding the crew chief. He turned out to be a very nice, no-bullshit human who apologized to me for the coon's behavior, and said, "come with me, I'm taking care of this right now," and motioned to one of his crew to come with us. We walked over to where the darkie was standing with the sign, and the crew chief fired him on the spot, replacing him with the crewman who had followed us.

    Rastus chimped out. It was maybe only a category 2 or 2.5, but hearing him whine about how he always beez gettin' canned from jobs and it wasn't his fault his sign got run over was just precious - but even better was when the crew chief asked him how much of a dumbfuck he had to be to admit that he left his sign in the road and then went to go sit in the shade instead of doing his job. Sambo knew he'd just fucked himself over by admitting that he wasn't doing his job, let out a long, "sheeeeeeeit!", threw his hard hat on the ground, and stomped off.

    I thanked the crew chief for handling the problem, made a comment to the effect of, "they can't even do the simplest of tasks properly," which got a chuckle and a knowing smile out of him, and headed off about my business, happy that I'd ruined a nog's day.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    It's always a good day when you can get a nog fired.
    Sitting under a tree like a chimp while its sign is just laying in the road. How very typical of a coon.
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    They are doing road construction near my work, similar set up. One lane of traffic open, on one end is always a boon with the slow/stop sign on the other end of the run is the other boon with the same sign. Humans are running machinery, while these two stand there all day like dummies, holding signs.

  4. #4
    Senior Trustee
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    Got a nigger fired from a road crew

    I love it when they lean the sign out in front of your windshield because you are going 7 mph. I don't bother to slow down further. I'm waiting for the day one of them hits my car or truck and it breaks their arm.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest

    Good Riddence Nigger

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    but even better was when the crew chief asked him how much of a dumbfuck he had to be to admit that he left his sign in the road and then went to go sit in the shade instead of doing his job. Sambo knew he'd just fucked himself over by admitting that he wasn't doing his job, let out a long, "sheeeeeeeit!", threw his hard hat on the ground, and stomped off.
    Ultimate in worthless, stupid and lazy.
    1. Not doing the job for which it is getting paid
    2. So lazy that it leaves the sign just laying in the road
    3. So stupid that it thinks things left laying in the road won't get run over by cars

    A couple things to ponder though.
    1. Why did the nigger seek shade? Niggers have evolved to tolerate high heat through natural selection in their natural habitat. Large flat air intake manifolds prominent on the face; enormous boot lips that act as a heat exchangers; thick, greasy, dark hide that is impervious to sunburn
    2. Why did the employer issue a hard hat to a nigger? Nigger skulls are thick and tough. Extra protection for a nigger skull is not necessary and wasteful.

    It's good you got the beast fired. You have done the public a service. Imagine if the nigger saw a human female and started feeling rapey? Or a business man and started feeling robby or stabby? At least now the nigger isn't coming into contact with human society as much. It's probably back at it's nest smokin newports, chugging colt 45 malt liqueur, feasting on fried chicken, watermelon and purple drank.

  6. #6
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    Humans are running machinery, while these two stand there all day like.
    You have to rotate humans in & out of flagging because it's mind numbing but a house nigger can do it all day.

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