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  1. #1
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    British military prepares for unrest in wake of a "No Brexit" verdict

    Brexit: Govt preparing to enter 'very high readiness mode' for no deal
    Operation Redfold will direct some 3,500 military personnel who have been put on standby for a no-deal scenario.
    Translation: no you're not getting the Brexit you voted for, F*** you if you don't like it and we have the military on standby to shoot you if you try to do anything about it.

    The armed forces have activated a team in a nuclear-proof bunker under the Ministry of Defence as the government prepares next Monday to enter "very high readiness mode" for a no-deal Brexit, Sky News can reveal.

    Control of overall planning for the impact of the UK leaving the European Union without a withdrawal agreement next week shifts from the Cabinet Office to the government's emergency committee Cobra.
    The military's crisis management operation - dubbed Operation Redfold - was mobilised at the beginning of this week.

    This is some scary shit. Proof positive the English Govt do not care what the people want and are prepared to use military force to enforce their decisions. Don't they have some sort of Posse Comitatus act in force in CuckBritain?
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    Translation: no you're not getting the Brexit you voted for, F*** you if you don't like it and we have the military on standby to shoot you if you try to do anything about it.
    And they effectively disarmed their citizens to make the task easy. Thanks to the liberal hoards this is what is in store for the U.S. soon.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by animal mother View Post
    Thanks to the liberal hoards this is what is in store for the U.S. soon.

    Over my M249 it will and numerous other weapons, never going to happen!!!

  4. #4
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    I'm confused. I thought that the no deal vote meant that Britain would leave the EU anyway but without an agreement as to their relationship with the EU going forward.

    Could someone enlighten me?

    I mean who gives a shit if they don't have any deal with the EU and what would the ramifications be?

  5. #5
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    The difference between a nation with no constitution that establishes the rights of its citizens (i.e., Britain), and the U.S.A., is that the government of the former controls the destiny of the governed without their consent.

    We are free in this country, as long as we want to be.

    After that, the communists win...

  6. #6
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    Wait a minute, I thought a "no deal" Brexit meant the UK just left, which it seems to me, is the best of all options. All of the "deals" that cuck May was proposing basically bent the UK over to accept more islamic and nigger dick from the EU. Fuck that. Leave the EU and close the borders. I guarantee nazi-land will come to the table real quick when they aren't selling any more Black Man's Wheels (BMWs) to brits. As for the French, who gives a fuck? They're part of Africa these days anyhow.
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  7. #7
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    Where the hell is Odin when we need him? We needs ansuhs!
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    I'm confused. I thought that the no deal vote meant that Britain would leave the EU anyway but without an agreement as to their relationship with the EU going forward.

    Could someone enlighten me?

    I mean who gives a shit if they don't have any deal with the EU and what would the ramifications be?
    Critics argue that leaving without an agreement would have disastrous consequences for businesses, create chaos at the borders,
    drive up food prices and lead to a shortage of essential goods.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Where the hell is Odin when we need him? We needs ansuhs!
    Happy to provide answers and run you through the whole thing. My apologies for missing this.

    Little bit busy at the moment with terminally ill parent and also liaising with police and lawyers because I have a stalker.

    I know. I should feel privileged that someone wants to pay me that much attention, but it has gone way past creepy and is now in the criminal / legal realm.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's balls View Post
    Happy to provide answers and run you through the whole thing. My apologies for missing this.

    Little bit busy at the moment with terminally ill parent and also liaising with police and lawyers because I have a stalker.

    I know. I should feel privileged that someone wants to pay me that much attention, but it has gone way past creepy and is now in the criminal / legal realm.
    Ah, it's all good m8. I just yank your chain. Deal with the real world stuff, we'll see ya when we see ya.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  11. #11
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Looking in from the outside, I really do think that this is much ado about nothing. Maybe the Ł might take a hit initially and trade tariffs could get steep for awhile but in the end I'd agree with Rape Ape, Great Britain can (and should) tell the EU to bugger off.

  12. #12
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    The EU concept was birthed by globalist / banker fucks looking for a new way to pillage the countries of Europe. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Italy and Greece can issue bonds at the same rates as the much more productive Nordic nations!?!?!?! And the bankster fucks use leverage and arbitrage to leach off of the citizens. And when it starts going to shit, they create an invasion of 100's of thousand of shitbeast from Africa.

    Get mad Europe, and get armed. US is in no position to come to the rescue again.
    Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

  13. #13
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    Ok, this is the way it is.

    For four decades we have been dictated to by the EU. What started out as a trade agreement between European states has somehow morphed into the fourth Reich, led by Germany with its lapdog France snapping at anyone who dares question the rules.

    The EU demand more and more money each year from the member states, but never actually have their accounts signed off or audited. So nobody really knows where the money goes, or what it is spent on. We know there is corruption on a grand scale and only four of the 28 states pay any money into the pot. the other 24 states are all net beneficiaries in hock to the European central bank, which is again run by Germany, with an ex KGB operative at it's helm. If that doesn't make your blood run cold, I don't know what will.

    The P.I.G.S. (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) have economies that are in such a shit state that they simply cannot leave the EU, the EU owns them. Or rather Germany does. The EU likes it this way, because it gets to dictate what kind of politics those nations are allowed to follow (Socialism). Look at the language used by the EU stooges to describe anyone who dares question it's authority or the method it allows for choosing it's presidents. Don't ask who they are, or what they do because nobody actually knows and the EU aren't about to tell us.

    When we stand up to the EU, or dare to question its policies we are labelled 'racist', 'xenophobic' or 'little Englanders'. The EU is terrified of the UK leaving because it will suddenly be missing 13% of it's annual budget, which will need to be met by the other member states who pay anything into the kitty (Germany, France and Italy)

    There has been increasing anger at our politicians over the last couple of decades, due in no small part to the tsunami of illegal immigrants floating up to our shores on the back of a cheap Ikea door and then demanding every benefit on offer to them and their newly imported family. Our own veterans are allowed to sleep rough in doorways all over the country because the council doesn't have any spare beds in hostels or council flats to put them up in. These have all been taken by the illegal immigrants who demand free WIFI, benefits, translators and a free pass when they rape or murder and kick off it they feel their treatment isn't good enough. They all seem to have the latest iphone and expensive clown shoes, but have the brass neck to pretend that they are poor refugees from some war torn shit hole.

    Then they blow us up, run us over with a truck of peace or just go on a stabbing rampage through central London. But thats OK. Because the EU says we can't get rid of them, even though refugees are meant to claim asylum in the first safe country they get to (The UK is an island, they have passed through at least two safe countries to get here, but the welfare isn't to their liking in France or Spain). They have more 'human' rights than the indigenous population who have to pay for their health care (try getting to see a doctor inside of two weeks if you're English), their transport (They get a free car because it costs too much to give them taxis to go and claim benefits), their translators at the doctor's, council and welfare offices and the status of some kind of protected species if you dare tell them to fuck off back to whatever toilet they came from (This will get you arrested on a trumped up bullshit charge of racially aggravated assault), even if they have just assaulted you with a machete. And no, I am not making this up.

    All of the above barely scratches the surface, but you can see why we are getting pissed off.

    So, on to Brexit.

    The Conservative government, seeing a surge in the voting habits of the population towards the right (namely UKIP). Decided that the rise in 'populism' could be quelled once and for all with a one-off, once in a lifetime vote to decide whether we as a nation wanted to continue being dictated to by a bunch of unelected Eurocrats, or whether we would like to go back to being British and decide our own laws, our own trade deals and who gets to live in our country.

    Well, as you know it didn't go the way they planned at all. Having rigged the vote heavily in favour of remain and rolled out 'Project fear' to put the willies up the population, the arrogant political elite pretty much sat back and waited for the vote to remain in the EU to come romping home. Except it didn't. It isn't as clear cut as the MSM would have you believe either. 69% of constituencies voted to leave, not the 52% / 48% narrow margin they like to keep harping on about.

    They had seriously misjudged the mood of the nation and our hatred for the EU. Not Europe or the people of Europe, just the EU, it's unelected leaders, it's laws which are heavily biased towards cultural Marxism and punishment of the victim and it's inability to listen to what the population of all member nations were telling it. ie: We're not fucking happy and we are not going to be dictated to by a bunch of Marxist cunts who nobody voted for in the first place.

    As you have probably seen on the news, there are almost weekly protests by whining leftards, the totally indoctrinated and thick as pigshit 'students' who think that people of my age and older have stolen their future. If by 'stolen their future' they mean not being conscripted into an EU army run by Germany, then yes, I guess we did.

    It is actually far more sinister than that. Germany would get to run the European armed forces and we know how that ends. Germany also dictates what cars we are allowed to produce and gets the EU to ensure that British built cars (eg: Land rover) are no longer meeting emissions or safety standards so give the German equivalent the upper hand in the market place. You may recall that Mercedes, BMW and VAG were recently fined shitloads of cash for falsifying their emissions data and even got as sneaky as to make the engines go into a passive mode if they went near a German car dealer to ensure that they would pass the emissions test on that day. Owners of these cars in England have still not been offered any compensation by the way. So don't buy German. They are mediocre at best anyway.

    The much loved Land Rover has now ceased production and the only real European equivalent is the Mercedes G wagon. If you want a good example of what the EU does to countries that defy them. That is a good one.

    Germany, once it runs the EU army wants all countries to ditch their own brand of tank and buy the German Leopard tank. You know, The ones that catch fire after taking one hit. The British Challenger II tank would wipe the Leopard off the battlefield in the space of a few minutes. It may be old, but by fuck does it do the job. The Germans don't like this. So we aren't allowed to make them anymore either.

    Anyway, I digress. After the vote didn't go the way the establishment wanted, they decided that we didn't understand what we were voting for (I did, I campaigned for 18 years for a vote on EU membership, or rather, not being a member of the EU) and that it may be best if we had a second referendum, because the first one was only advisory. The fact that all political parties in the UK said they would honour the result tells you everything you need to know about the level of vote rigging and the politician's cock-sure confidence that the cultural Marxist conditioned population would moo and bleat their approval of the EU dictatorship at the polling booths. Again they seriously underestimated the anger of the indigenous population and were told to fuck right off.

    Hence project fear went into overdrive, with threats of the Army being deployed on the streets to quell any violence from the Leave camp. Anyone watching the news will notice that the Leave camp have already won and therefore are unlikely to become violent. The left wing Marxist scum who hate fascism, but seem to embrace it's doctrines whenever confronted by fact and logic, take to the streets on a regular basis to shout 'Nazi' and 'Fascist' at anyone who disagrees with them and try to shut down any debate that makes sense from the Leave side. Irony is clearly lost on this bunch of conditioned Marxist losers.
    Now they just throw milkshakes at the leaders of the Leave campaigns because they aren't mature enough to have a reasoned debate.

    We have had a European Parliament election, the indigenous population have spoken again. So there is your second referendum. We still want out, despite project fear, despite the protesters shutting down central London on a regular basis so that they can have a social media and virtue signalling wankfest and despite the map of the UK turning mostly light blue (Brexit party) when the results came in.

    The Tory leadership are in a tailspin and are clutching at straws like a wanking scarecrow, desperately trying to get the illegal immigrant vote to prop up their failed plan to keep the UK in the failing EU dictatorship.

    They still don't understand why they lost. Twice. Want to make it best of three? Fucktards.
    Last edited by Odin's balls; 06-02-2019 at 09:29 AM.

  14. #14
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    I also urge you to watch this...

  15. #15
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    Excellent synopsis, OB. Thanks for taking the time to lay this out for us, during what must be a very difficult time for you.

  16. #16
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's balls View Post
    Decided that the rise in 'populism' could be quelled once and for all with a one-off, once in a lifetime vote to decide whether we as a nation wanted to continue being dictated to by a bunch of unelected Eurocrats, or whether we would like to go back to being British and decide our own laws, our own trade deals and who gets to live in our country.
    Man are you guys slow learners or what? They don't have the History Channel over there?

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Just messin' with ya OB. Thanks for taking the time to break that down. Well done Sir!

    P.S. How's it going with your folks?

  17. #17
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    Thank you OB. What little news we get over here on Brexit is very superficial and generally slanted.
    Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

  18. #18
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    OB, my tricorn hat's off to you for that excellent rundown. In a lot of ways, you have it worse than American colonials did. You have a bunch of kings across the water who have you paying far worse levels of taxes, and while you don't have soldiers able to force you to quarter them, all the niggers and asslifters are running around doing worse. Lots of the time, they're protected by bigger mockeries than mock trials, once they're declared "mentally unfit" and don't have to serve prison time. American Indians were deliberately riled up to attack colonials on the frontier. Your police in some cities have been exposed as willfully ignoring asslifter pedophiles and jihadists, after you paid taxes to import known criminals coddled as "refugees."

    American colonials couldn't transport directly to anywhere and back, especially the Caribbean. Things had to be rerouted to Britain at much increased expense. How much worse is it that the EU Parliament can dictate all trade terms, including crops and manufacturing that doesn't leave your own country?
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's balls View Post
    Ok, this is the way it is.

    For four decades we have been dictated to by the EU. What started out as a trade agreement between European states has somehow morphed into the fourth Reich, led by Germany with its lapdog France snapping at anyone who dares question the rules.

    The EU demand more and more money each year from the member states, but never actually have their accounts signed off or audited. So nobody really knows where the money goes, or what it is spent on. We know there is corruption on a grand scale and only four of the 28 states pay any money into the pot. the other 24 states are all net beneficiaries in hock to the European central bank, which is again run by Germany, with an ex KGB operative at it's helm. If that doesn't make your blood run cold, I don't know what will.

    The P.I.G.S. (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) have economies that are in such a shit state that they simply cannot leave the EU, the EU owns them. Or rather Germany does. The EU likes it this way, because it gets to dictate what kind of politics those nations are allowed to follow (Socialism). Look at the language used by the EU stooges to describe anyone who dares question it's authority or the method it allows for choosing it's presidents. Don't ask who they are, or what they do because nobody actually knows and the EU aren't about to tell us.

    When we stand up to the EU, or dare to question its policies we are labelled 'racist', 'xenophobic' or 'little Englanders'. The EU is terrified of the UK leaving because it will suddenly be missing 13% of it's annual budget, which will need to be met by the other member states who pay anything into the kitty (Germany, France and Italy)

    There has been increasing anger at our politicians over the last couple of decades, due in no small part to the tsunami of illegal immigrants floating up to our shores on the back of a cheap Ikea door and then demanding every benefit on offer to them and their newly imported family. Our own veterans are allowed to sleep rough in doorways all over the country because the council doesn't have any spare beds in hostels or council flats to put them up in. These have all been taken by the illegal immigrants who demand free WIFI, benefits, translators and a free pass when they rape or murder and kick off it they feel their treatment isn't good enough. They all seem to have the latest iphone and expensive clown shoes, but have the brass neck to pretend that they are poor refugees from some war torn shit hole.

    Then they blow us up, run us over with a truck of peace or just go on a stabbing rampage through central London. But thats OK. Because the EU says we can't get rid of them, even though refugees are meant to claim asylum in the first safe country they get to (The UK is an island, they have passed through at least two safe countries to get here, but the welfare isn't to their liking in France or Spain). They have more 'human' rights than the indigenous population who have to pay for their health care (try getting to see a doctor inside of two weeks if you're English), their transport (They get a free car because it costs too much to give them taxis to go and claim benefits), their translators at the doctor's, council and welfare offices and the status of some kind of protected species if you dare tell them to fuck off back to whatever toilet they came from (This will get you arrested on a trumped up bullshit charge of racially aggravated assault), even if they have just assaulted you with a machete. And no, I am not making this up.

    All of the above barely scratches the surface, but you can see why we are getting pissed off.

    So, on to Brexit.

    The Conservative government, seeing a surge in the voting habits of the population towards the right (namely UKIP). Decided that the rise in 'populism' could be quelled once and for all with a one-off, once in a lifetime vote to decide whether we as a nation wanted to continue being dictated to by a bunch of unelected Eurocrats, or whether we would like to go back to being British and decide our own laws, our own trade deals and who gets to live in our country.

    Well, as you know it didn't go the way they planned at all. Having rigged the vote heavily in favour of remain and rolled out 'Project fear' to put the willies up the population, the arrogant political elite pretty much sat back and waited for the vote to remain in the EU to come romping home. Except it didn't. It isn't as clear cut as the MSM would have you believe either. 69% of constituencies voted to leave, not the 52% / 48% narrow margin they like to keep harping on about.

    They had seriously misjudged the mood of the nation and our hatred for the EU. Not Europe or the people of Europe, just the EU, it's unelected leaders, it's laws which are heavily biased towards cultural Marxism and punishment of the victim and it's inability to listen to what the population of all member nations were telling it. ie: We're not fucking happy and we are not going to be dictated to by a bunch of Marxist cunts who nobody voted for in the first place.

    As you have probably seen on the news, there are almost weekly protests by whining leftards, the totally indoctrinated and thick as pigshit 'students' who think that people of my age and older have stolen their future. If by 'stolen their future' they mean not being conscripted into an EU army run by Germany, then yes, I guess we did.

    It is actually far more sinister than that. Germany would get to run the European armed forces and we know how that ends. Germany also dictates what cars we are allowed to produce and gets the EU to ensure that British built cars (eg: Land rover) are no longer meeting emissions or safety standards so give the German equivalent the upper hand in the market place. You may recall that Mercedes, BMW and VAG were recently fined shitloads of cash for falsifying their emissions data and even got as sneaky as to make the engines go into a passive mode if they went near a German car dealer to ensure that they would pass the emissions test on that day. Owners of these cars in England have still not been offered any compensation by the way. So don't buy German. They are mediocre at best anyway.

    The much loved Land Rover has now ceased production and the only real European equivalent is the Mercedes G wagon. If you want a good example of what the EU does to countries that defy them. That is a good one.

    Germany, once it runs the EU army wants all countries to ditch their own brand of tank and buy the German Leopard tank. You know, The ones that catch fire after taking one hit. The British Challenger II tank would wipe the Leopard off the battlefield in the space of a few minutes. It may be old, but by fuck does it do the job. The Germans don't like this. So we aren't allowed to make them anymore either.

    Anyway, I digress. After the vote didn't go the way the establishment wanted, they decided that we didn't understand what we were voting for (I did, I campaigned for 18 years for a vote on EU membership, or rather, not being a member of the EU) and that it may be best if we had a second referendum, because the first one was only advisory. The fact that all political parties in the UK said they would honour the result tells you everything you need to know about the level of vote rigging and the politician's cock-sure confidence that the cultural Marxist conditioned population would moo and bleat their approval of the EU dictatorship at the polling booths. Again they seriously underestimated the anger of the indigenous population and were told to fuck right off.

    Hence project fear went into overdrive, with threats of the Army being deployed on the streets to quell any violence from the Leave camp. Anyone watching the news will notice that the Leave camp have already won and therefore are unlikely to become violent. The left wing Marxist scum who hate fascism, but seem to embrace it's doctrines whenever confronted by fact and logic, take to the streets on a regular basis to shout 'Nazi' and 'Fascist' at anyone who disagrees with them and try to shut down any debate that makes sense from the Leave side. Irony is clearly lost on this bunch of conditioned Marxist losers.
    Now they just throw milkshakes at the leaders of the Leave campaigns because they aren't mature enough to have a reasoned debate.

    We have had a European Parliament election, the indigenous population have spoken again. So there is your second referendum. We still want out, despite project fear, despite the protesters shutting down central London on a regular basis so that they can have a social media and virtue signalling wankfest and despite the map of the UK turning mostly light blue (Brexit party) when the results came in.

    The Tory leadership are in a tailspin and are clutching at straws like a wanking scarecrow, desperately trying to get the illegal immigrant vote to prop up their failed plan to keep the UK in the failing EU dictatorship.

    They still don't understand why they lost. Twice. Want to make it best of three? Fucktards.

    May I use your fine treatise here as an example/explanation to others I know who don't fully understand Brexit and the underlying issues? Naturally, I'll refrain from telling them how I got it....
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

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