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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
    jenkemfactory's Avatar
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    Nucking Figger killed my plants

    Fucking nigger 'plant expert' killed my plants.

    There's this nigger buck at work (do they really need to hire token niggers?) who keeps passing by my office and wanders in without my invitation. He keeps insisting my plants are dying for water. I told him no they are fine. There is no sunlight inside and the roots will rot in a week or two if over watered. They get a cup of water every two weeks.
    I didn't realise the nigger went in and watered it anyway when I'm not around. He thought he was doing a good deed, the nigger expert. I had these plants for years. It took a nigger mere weeks to kill them.

  2. #2
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Did he admit he watered it? Seems obvious but if you can't say 100% sure you won't be able to get HR to do anything, as in tell the nigger to mind it's own business. It seems to me that having these plants for years and having them killed, that you are pissed. I hope you are able to get relief as in having them replaced, or having the nigger be reprimanded.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  3. #3
    LT. Colonel
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    Niggers are devils. Once it heard you say the plants were fine, it deliberately wanted to kill them and knew how.
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  4. #4
    Senior Corrections Officer
    Sheboon DeLuxe's Avatar
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    That's a real drag, jf. I know how you feel. I am very much into horticulture, and have a greenhouse with nearly two hundred plants, some of which are now several years old, some of which are quite valuable. No niggers in my life to mess with them, and I still worry about somebody getting into my greenhouse. What kind of plants were they?

  5. #5
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    If be kinda pissed too. I also enjoy horticulture and usually keep quite a few houseplants. Nothing special and generally limited to low-light, indoor stuff.

    In a different house I was co-managing last year there was a variegated spider plant on a patio table on the porch. It was in pretty sorry shape when I got there. Wilted, brown and mostly dead. All I did was pluck off all the dead stuff and watered occasionally. It made an amazing comeback, grew new shoots and 'babies ' the way spider plants do. It even flowered later in the summer and I've never seen one do that. It's pretty satisfying to see your plants do well and thrive. I can imagine the frustration. F'ng niggers!

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