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Thread: Nextdoor App

  1. #1
    Senior Administrator
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    Nextdoor App

    Ever hear of a website/app called nextdoor? It's a forum catering to clusters of neighborhood residents. I tried it out today, to see if they actually talked about things like rampaging niggers in their midst. Sadly, I didn't see much but the usual liberal coddling about addicts, vacant housing rehabilitation, signage, pit bulls, etc...yet, they all lament and whine about the 'condition' of the I decided to sign up and contribute. Here's my opener/introductory post (obviously targeted to a different audience):

    I'm a little late to the conversation, apologies. I've lived in Dayton for 50 years, and in my neighborhood for about 16 now. My wife and I are homeowners, and every day, I am filled with disgust at what these once very solidly middle-class neighborhoods have become.

    I get on here to look around, I read some of the posts from others, lamenting the current state of affairs in Dayton. Strangely enough, what I don't see is anyone actually putting their fingers on the pulse of the problem. There are several, and before you read any further, a word of caution: Many people won't LIKE what I'm going to say. In a nutshell, (and I'll use PC/leftist approved codewords here, out of consideration for the 'sensitive') the problems are:
    City leadership (or lack of it), prostitution, the opioid epidemic (I won't call it a drug problem, because it's gone way past that), transient welfare families, most of whom haven't any idea how to manage the cleanliness of their own front yards, let alone something 50 feet further away, as evidenced by the MOUNDS OF GARBAGE found everywhere, particularly in the alleys and streets. And finally, all the questionable night-time activity up and down Main Street, and the neighborhoods around it. Which is a surprise, seeing as there is nothing to do along Main Street in the evening that any reasonable person would call 'traditional'.

    But, let's back up and have look at a few of these things. I'll start with what we should be starting with, since it's the living, beating heart of all-things-wrong in this city (and nation), and the single largest contributing factor to all the other problems: Entitlement spending, or welfare. When we prop someone up almost endlessly, when we continually reward a person for their poor life choices (indeed, generations of people), neighborhoods like these are what we get.

    Many (not all, but many) of the livable homes along our street are rented out under section 8 guidelines these days, with absentee owners who take NO responsibility, nor held liable, for how their properties are used. As TAX PAYING homeowners, my wife and I have no say in how this process unfolds. The house right next door to me has been rented out 8-9 times in the last 10 years. No one asks me if it's ok if it becomes a drug house with 5 pit bulls out back, barking all night long and fighting each other. (I've been the cause of this house being raided in the past.) No one asks me if it's ok if the residents have BBQ porch parties until 1-2 am, with complete disregard for their neighbors' needs for such inconvenient things as sleep. No one asks me if I might object to my cars being broken into, or my garage, by the 'guests and cousins' of the people living there. No one asks me if I'd mind cleaning up their unmanaged filth that blows into my yard, into the alley, the street, the sewers... As transient residents, they have no 'skin in the game'. They move in, they exist, generally without any noticeable purpose, they move out, often after being evicted, and on the way out, the property is often gutted for copper and other items to be sold for a few bucks at the scrapyard, and the cycle begins again, after more money is thrown away rehabbing the property for the next bunch that will come along and destroy it. Transient residents, and their visitors (and additional, unapproved live-ins), will do 1000-3000 dollars damage to a car while breaking into it, to steal something worth maybe 100 bucks. Homeless transients will break into vacant homes and light fires on the carpet and fill the house with human waste, because there's no running water for the toilets. So, not only do they burn, they give off a wonderful aroma while doing so. I have SEEN all of this with my own eyes.

    I could go ON AND ON about this issue, but I think the reader by now must get the point. Let's move on the next major issue this city faces: Completely feckless leadership. All of you DO realize that a couple short years ago, our mayor was on TV, clamoring to become a 'sanctuary' city? Quite willing to take in a population whose political, religious, and cultural beliefs are so radically different from our own, as to be actually dangerous to human life? Don't believe me? Read up on what's happening in western Europe right now, as a direct result of current immigrant/refugee migration policy. Make a friend in Germany, or France, or Sweden (where rapes and assaults are at an all time historic high), and ask them what they think about this city's ideas of relocating middle eastern 'refugees', still living in the 14th century, here to Dayton. Good ol' Nan Whaley wanted to bring that cultural enrichment to all of you. And even today, the lemmings are still singing her praises. Her, and the liberal, swinging-door judges that infest this city, are the FIRST things that have to go, if any of you living in these neighborhoods EVER want to see the recovery you all clamor for.

    Want to know why the houses you'd like to see torn down aren't being torn down? I'm just guessing here, but it may have something to with the fact that as the population declines, (and is replaced with a population who don't pay taxes), tax receipts decline. As tax receipts decline, less money is available for demolition. (and to my view, money that IS available right now, either from property taxes or federal grants, is being spent on Narcan for these idiot opioid addicts) Because of that, these blights on the landscape still stand. I have one that burned out the better part of 8-9 years ago, just down the street from me. Couple our sorry leadership with a local judiciary who won't prosecute many offenders on a bet, and this is where we are. They also have NO problem sticking all of the recently released sex offenders in our midst. Blaming police response? That's laughable. Cops can't be everywhere at once, and they do a thankless job as it is. Also, it's worth mentioning that their manpower is one half to one third of what it was a generation ago. (those darned property taxes again)

    Which leads us, quite naturally, to the question of crime in our midst. Honestly, does anyone reading this have trouble connecting the dots to the two issues I've gone on about above? Cause and effect? Poor, ineffective leadership, coupled with a legal system that has almost completely abdicated its responsibility to its citizens? Entitlement spending, which historically does not bring the best, brightest, sensible, unviolent, productive members of our society to the table? None of that factors into the question of rising and violent crime coming into our neighborhoods? Prostitutes walk past my house daily, as do drug mules, lookouts, and those simply looking for a 'soft target' to burglarize or accost. I go to bed nightly to the sound of gunfire in the not-too-far-off distance. Private, fenced property is used everyday as a pathway from one street, through someone's yard, through an alley, through someone else's yard, to the next street over, with complete and total disregard for the rights and considerations of those property owners. Women (5 of them, last time I checked) are found DEAD and dumped in empty lots recently, and the neighborhoods barely raise a fuss. But, let's have a march for peace, or hold a rally for the dead, to make ourselves feel better about the fact that it wasn't one of us. We've been engaged in nonsense solutions like this for about 30 years now, do any of you feel all warm and fuzzy about the 'progress' being made by such exercises in futility?

    All of this can be a bit overwhelming, I'll admit. It's not everyday that people in general are called out for their heinous lack of courage to address issues in any meaningful way. I know I can't do it, as much as I desire to. Right now I'm just one guy, screaming into the wind. Until other people stand up and take a more active and STERN position about the condition of their communities, nothing will change. As I stated earlier, things that can be done by civilians are things no one wants to clamor about. Mostly because they're ever so afraid of being called a name, like intolerant, or racist, or God forbid, a republican. If anyone is actually interested in doing something meaningful, you might start with:

    Vote for quality leadership. And, stop pulling the damned Democrat lever! Get rid of this mayor, this city council, this local judiciary. Get people installed that will DO THE JOB. That's not going to be your typical democrat, those who want to enlarge and enhance the 'victim' classes, or grow entitlement spending. In all fairness, we might only still have Nan Whaley as our fearless leader because she ran UNOPPOSED, which means no one else apparently cares enough about our city to throw their name in the hat. Had I known, I might have actually considered it.

    Demand (loudly, publicly) that these blighted, destroyed homes be torn down, or rehabbed and sold to prospective *homeowners*. That restores the tax base. That makes residents have 'skin in the game'. That encourages economic development. That reduces the number of HUD hovels (I like to call them HUDvels) in our midst. Demand that local laws be passed that hold absentee homeowners (and their designated property management companies) renting out to section 8 be held liable for the actions of their tenants. Demand that they be held liable for being a primary cause of the appraised value of YOUR property going through the floor.

    Demand (loudly, publicly) the discontinuation of the use of multiple doses of Narcan on opioid addicts. This is a harsh one, but ask yourselves: HOW many times must the taxpayer (the ones paying for the cost of the Narcan doses) keep saving the lives of people who seem bound and determined to kill themselves? Once I can understand, I'm not above the idea of a second chance for anyone, but I personally know cops who have had to go to the same addicts on the same day, to snap them out of a second (even third) overdose. How long should we consider that pattern of 'saving people from themselves' reasonable?

    Demand (loudly, publicly) constant harrassment and interdiction of prostitutes and other individuals along Main street, particularly at night. A constant message being sent: "You are not welcome to ply your trade here, and bad things are going to happen if you continue trying to". Work with the cops, demand and support the creation of a police team whose entire job is interdiction of people who are obviously engaged in criminal or suspicious activity. (For the record, I am fully approving of both profiling and stop-and-frisk, I don't give a damn WHO it offends. At some point, common sense has to prevail.)

    Demand (loudly, publicly) that the judiciary stop taking the easy way out, along with prosecutors looking to pad their conviction rates through the plea-bargain process, and start exercising their judicial muscle towards sentencing a multiple offender to MAXIMUM allowable prison time, rather than minimum. If the jails are overcrowded as a result, well gee, we seem to have a lot of vacant property in this city that could be converted to house convicts.

    Additionally, (and frankly, this might be the most important item on this list) demand (loudly, publicly) that the local MEDIA start reporting crime with an eye towards accuracy and degree. People might begin to wake up to the threats they face if they got anything resembling an accurate picture of just how bad these neighborhoods, and their city, have become. In short, demand that they stop whitewashing the news, and do their jobs without the clearly partisan leftist tilt they give major news stories. IMHO, they can start by discontinuing interviews with Nan.

    The above items are things you can actually accomplish, with a little effort. I suppose we could talk about 'JOBS', but then again, if you had millions of dollars to bring industry to this area, would you do it? The people who had the millions to invest have largely bailed. They've all gone elsewhere. GM Truck and Bus, Delphi, Cooper Tire, NCR (I still chuckle when I remember they actually thought Atlanta, Georgia was somehow a better choice than here, would could go wrong with that plan?), Mead, endless numbers of small businesses that were supporting the major players who left. Downtown Dayton has become a collection of antique shoppes and coffee bars, those powerhouses of large scale employment opportunities. Pillbox flats and apartments abound, and are built at a steady pace. Just the other day, the one remaining gem of Downtown Dayton, the Schuster Center, received an advanced tutorial in cultural enrichment, when Mike Epps and his comedy crew came to town. Now, we'll need a SWAT presence to enjoy a show and a night out on the town, I guess. If we didn't have WPAFB, we'd be in even more trouble than we are now, economically speaking. On the plus side, we have a number of fine educational institutions, whose offerings include things like 'Feminist Studies' degrees. That's sure to bring employers running.

    Finally, before any of you who might be offended by my observations gets it into your heads to start typing out furious replies, let me save you the trouble. I couldn't care less. I've had my fill of watching the destruction of my home, my city, and my country by the whining, self-entitled victim classes, and the politicians who pander to them, who largely create problems they then have no interest in helping to solve. I'm only here to give a little badly-needed perspective to the concerns of others being expressed here. I live here too, and my opinion is just as valid, if not more so in some instances, as anyone else's, and I won't be shamed, shouted over, or otherwise emasculated over expressing that opinion. You'll also be kind enough to recognize that I have worked diligently to avoid references to things like race and gender in my little rant here. I can find worthless, morally corrupt, thoughtless people in any demographic or position in society, rich or poor. What we have (or don't have), or things like skin color, isn't supposed to be the determining factor in WHO we are. When you embrace and celebrate those who take whatever they can, and give nothing back, well, that's why your neighborhoods look the way they do. Have a nice MLK day.
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  2. #2
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Damn M.E. I just read every word and wish we had a golden one of these:


  3. #3
    Senior Administrator
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    Feel free to take it and adopt/edit it for use in your own communities.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    I don't hate negroes, I just feel better when they aren't around.

  5. #5
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    Great job MineEvolved.

  6. #6
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    Hat's off, head bowed in respect.

  7. #7
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    I can vouch for everything he said about Dayton and its mayor. Like many others this city has really went downhill. At one time it was full of factories and businesses, now its all gone. GM, Delco, Harrison radiator, Chrysler, Inland, Delphi, Standard Register, Reynolds & Reynolds the list goes on and they are all gone now. The dingy mayor Nan Whaley had a creative idea of what to do with these abandoned factories several years back. Turn them into temporary living facilities for thousands of illegals she was wanting to bring here as part of her sanctuary city program. Now how is that creating long term jobs for the people who already live here?
    The good thing about my neighborhood is it has went so far downhill that nobody bothers to steal or rob anything from here anymore. Nobody has anything worth taking.
    Most of the schools have been closed and bulldozed and if you have kids you can be assured that they will be shipped off to niggertown or niggers will be shipped in to school here to make their lives a living hell. The population of the city has dropped in half over the past 30 years, and that goes back to the lack of jobs. The only good things are the price of housing around here is dirt cheap. You can buy a house in Dayton for much less than the price of a new SUV. Of course you get what you pay for, a 100 year old house which is 10 feet away from another house that was burned out by arson and left to rot. Maybe buy that one too, tear it down and have a extra large yard. The is the city is surrounded by several suburbs and smaller cities which aren't as bad. But niggers are like a cancer and cancer always spreads.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  8. #8
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    And I'll bet your response has been crickets. I've proposed to bring back the stocks in the public square. Don't take care of the house and yard, slap his/her ass in the stocks for a day so everyone can see who they are. Getting injunctions takes time and costs money and you have to find some worthless fucker to do them. Just skip those steps and go straight to the stocks. Let them be ridiculed when they piss or shit their pants in public. Hungry? Here is some prunes to munch on. Start with the city leaders and the Judges first. Lock them in so they have to listen to all of your complaints. There not getting anything done any way so lock them down and give them an education. I know this would violate every human right issue and getting the people to enforce it would be non existent but dammit I think it would work.

  9. #9
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    So, more on this front....

    Recently, I borrowed a graphic from one of our stories here, and suggested we talk about getting some of them made for us, with our county sheriff:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dcf6182bad9c5b0a8d96e7547686aaff_jpg_max548.jpg 
Views:	83 
Size:	33.1 KB 
ID:	3826

    Someone said they thought this wouldn't have much in the way of deterrent value. I replied thus: (I'm trying SO hard to not throw down the 'nigger' bomb, but I'm rapidly reaching my limit...)

    The deterrent value of such a sign is minimal. It’s real use is to alert the liberal PC enforcers that they’ve finally managed to awaken something they shouldn’t have. The message is clear: the rest of us are tired of the virtue-signaling Starbucks crowd having a free and unrestricted hand in establishing policy, particularly drug policy. Maybe if people who could vote out the pathetic creatures we call ‘leaders’ in this city see that they aren’t alone in the PC wasteland, something might get done. If nothing else, it indicates that folks around here still care about where they live. Hard to convince people of that when garbage fills the streets, yards, and alleys, and people would rather cower in their homes than get to know the neighbors. Maybe THIS will garner the interest of businesses with money to invest to come have another look at our city, instead of those businesses getting out of town as fast as the u-hauls can carry them. It’s a DESERT for a reason, and all the blame can’t be placed at the feet of economic decline. But, we could always spend the money on another water fountain. That’s sure to brighten up the blight.

    Then again, maybe I’m just silly for thinking it wrong for the value of the property I own to drop through the floor year after year, while the racial grievance industry tells me I’m the one to blame for that. Everything starts with PRIDE in one's own community. Who here is proud that whores, gangstas, and drug peddlers control the surrounding areas to such a high degree? When the cops are OVERWHELMED on a daily basis, it’s time to start taking a closer look at why. That starts by demanding (by way of messages) that local government take off the kid gloves when dealing with druggies, dealers, hookers, and shooters. Punishment needs to swing back towards ‘harsh’. Signage such as this sends the message that there are people here that support that kind of un-PC thinking. I will say, however, that the number of positive responses to the idea is encouraging.
    As you can easily guess, there's always going to be those 'Pavlov's Dog' conditioned response types:

    <name of intolerant bigot poster here, i.e. ME>, why are you writing this to me.I think this sign is crap. If you want to live that way go away. But a whole lot of people do not feel that this is the way to be toward your neighbors. If you think it;s appropriate I feel sorry for you and glad you are NOT my neighbor!This kind of rhetoric is nothing to be proud of. It childish, hateful, and sick! Un-PC? It's ignorant!
    Of course, I can't let this fish go, and my need to bait is almost overwhelming:

    ‘Writing this to you?’...guilty conscience? Just in case you weren’t paying attention, I’m the one who started the thread. If anything, you’re responding to me, not the other way around...I also notice that without actually addressing the questions I pose herein, you still managed to get those ever-so-PC buzzwords into your post. Ugly? Hate? You came to that conclusion from me talking about hookers and drug dealers and addicts, and rapidly bottoming real estate values and garbage? Do you accuse everyone you disagree with of being hateful? So much for talking about real solutions to real problems, huh? That might ruffle feathers, and gee, wouldn’t that be terribly impolitic?
    Then I get a private message from someone else, because I dared to question the holy grail of waste recycling:

    I'm not sure if your response was directed towards me or my post. I didn't understand the point of it but I would love to be enlightened on what you do with your trash and recycling? If there is another way to do it I would really like to know.
    The question seems polite enough, so I respond in kind:

    My wife and I do the recycling, since she insists. But I won’t lie, I find it to be a hypocritical solution to a larger problem. It’s not economical, nor is it efficient. I have but to look out my back door into the alley to see the proof of this. Garbage EVERYWHERE. I saw a drug-addled hooker literally trip over some of it last week. Then, at the suggestion of my wife, I get on this app, and I see just how bad things really are, when it comes to finding out if there is a consensus on the issues facing these neighborhoods. But back to your question...Recycling is a failed concept, as evidenced by the story I read just today, about the several hundreds million tons of plastic garbage floating in the oceans, killing more than 100,000 aquatic life forms and birds yearly, because plastics won’t biodegrade in our lifetimes. Google it if you don’t believe me.

    My point is, we are way past the point of recycling being of any real benefit to our society. We’re running out of places to dump it, burn it, or landfill it. Recycling is just another inefficient, utopian waste of tax dollars, dreamed up by Starbucks latte drinking leftist idiots. We’re drowning in the waste we create. I’m not a tree hugger. I just take a practical view of such things. In this case, ‘recyclable’ garbage, if the rules are the same for you as they are where I live, is expected to be loose and unbagged in the special blue can. (I could go on about how the waste companies make bank by producing those extra cans for us, but I won’t bore you)...this loose garbage, gets kicked over by vagrants rummaging through it for aluminum, by feral animals foraging, and by other out of control elements, (you guys know I mean niggers) who, through either boredom or malice, feel that it’s ok to simply kick the cans over. Pick one. All three allow the loose unbagged waste to spread into the alleys, the streets, the storm drains, people's yards...then, to add insult to injury, we, as the local residents, are expected to go into our own finances a second time to have these little ‘garbage rallies’ (the first time was our property tax bill, which is what is supposed to pay for these services) to clean up the spreading mess. Let’s toss in all the vacant, now-uninhabitable housing, for good measure, since demolition of these unsafe structures increase the amount of garbage exponentially.

    When this problem is viewed without the benefit (or hindrance) of rose colored lenses, it seems neither economical or efficient. If it were, the surrounding streets and alleys wouldn’t look like downtown Mogadishu, Somalia. My message might not be very popular, or making me any allies (neither of which are things I care about in the least), but I’ve yet to hear someone counter my argument. So, the short answer? Bag the garbage, put it out every week, and be done with it. Recycling efforts are failing more and more with each passing day. One of the many benefits of living in a world with 7 billion+ people. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel I was placed here on this earth to clean up everyone else’s unmanaged waste, it’s problematic enough dealing with just my own. If it makes you feel any better, I sympathize with your question. The problems this city faces, waste management being one of the higher ranking ones, isn’t going away anytime soon, particularly since the taxpaying base is shrinking due to the massive business losses we’ve suffered, coupled with a soaring crime rate. Nice to make your acquaintance, and sorry if the answer sits badly, but, there it is. Have a nice weekend
    More to come. I'm already hated....lmao...
    Last edited by MineEvolved; 04-21-2018 at 04:23 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Ever hear of a website/app called nextdoor? It's a forum catering to clusters of neighborhood residents. I tried it out today, to see if they actually talked about things like rampaging niggers in their midst. Sadly, I didn't see much but the usual liberal coddling about addicts, vacant housing rehabilitation, signage, pit bulls, etc...yet, they all lament and whine about the 'condition' of the I decided to sign up and contribute. Here's my opener/introductory post (obviously targeted to a different audience):

    I am currently awaiting replies...
    Absolutely, brother. BRAVO!

  11. #11
    Super Moderator
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    You need to get some plantationites on this app. Maybe they will stir up a base.....

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