I admit, there's nothing concrete to confirm an asslifter, but would anyone like to bet me this was a white Australian kid? "Mentally ill" only confirms it for me.

The decision has raised fresh concerns about Victoria’s bail laws, given the 15-year-old was also allegedly found with 20,000 photos which included rocket launchers, body armour, guns and hand grenades on his computer.
Despite facing serious charges including attempted murder, reckless conduct endangering life and assaulting an emergency services worker, the teen was on Wednesday released on bail.

The court heard the teen would not pose a risk to the public as his alleged rampage has been attributed to mental health issues.

Police also allege the teen had taken Google Maps screenshots of Melbourne landmarks as well as police stations, gun shops and defence bases.
The 15-year-old has been told he cannot leave his house without his father or sister.

Can't leave home without the company of its close tribal members. That'll stop him!