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  1. #1
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    A nigger hit my moms car

    Around 25 years ago. Maybe 30? I don't know. I'm getting old as dirt now. But I do remember this from back in my teenage years. One morning I get up and am getting ready for school. My mom is going to drive my Dad to work and also drive me since we both were going in the same general direction. I take it we only had one car at the time, or maybe one of our cars was broken down. At this point I can't remember. Anyways we go outside to load into the car. The car is not where it is suppose to be. Instead of being parked on the street in front of the house as usual it is in the yard. The fence is torn down as well. Damn mom, were you drinking last night?

    The entire back end of the car was just smashed in. The bumper, the taillights, everything. And this wasn't a small car either, it was early 80s impala if I remember right. My Dads first reaction was well I guess I am not going to work today. So I speak up with I guess I am not going to school today. He responds with get your ass down the street to the bus stop. I don't recall exactly what happened, but I don't think I went to school. I recall the police coming out and finding a truck in the alley right next to our house. In the truck was a drunk passed out nigger. This was before the days of air bags so I can imagine his head probably smashed into the windshield or steering wheel. I snuck back there to check it out and remember them loading his stinking ass into a ambulance. Apparently he had smashed into the back of the car then drove off back into the alley where either he passed out or the truck stalled on him.
    As I recall they were able to get the car fixed, being white people of course we always carried insurance. But still its a damn shame. My parents probably had to pay a deductible and their rates probably went up while the nigger just got to go sleep it off at the local hospital and maybe jail for a few days.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Tar Remover's Avatar
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    Niggers fuck up EVERYTHING.

  3. #3
    justin igger
    Chimpout Guest
    Before my Uncle escaped Kansas City, a nigger rear ended his new truck on the freeway. No insurance, nigger cops didn't care. (town is mostly nigger now)
    My uncle had to pay his own deductible and the nigger didn't even get a ticket. The insurance company wouldn't even go after the nigger for their money.

  4. #4
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    Bottle_of_Hate's Avatar
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    When I lived in Tennessee, it was not uncommon to see niggers rear end or even t-bone someone and simply drive off. We all know the reasons. Warrant, no insurance, car is stolen etc. It was also very common for niggers to stomp on the gas right when the light turns red and try to get through it before the cars coming from the intersection start moving. Thus resulting in said T-Bones or rear ending in frequent numbers. I literally saw a nigger in his big niggered up pontiac do this and smash straight into the side of an oncoming car and just slam his hooptie in reverse and drive around the wreck with his fucked up front end and speed off. It was actually a common thing. Once a month at least.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
    Tar Remover's Avatar
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    I would like to see a post- My Mom's car hit a nigger. That would be awesome!

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