Quote Originally Posted by Intolerant View Post
The Oprah bacteria grew in the world petri dish during a time when the bold men of the talk show circuit were in their heyday. Being a female nigger working an afternoon talk show (which started out on a local nigger network in Chicago I believe) she got the attention of niggers AND brain dulled human women. Then the fat boon saw how the camera adds 1,000 lbs (to nigger sows) and decided to appeal to the average vain (and fat) housewife by televising her quest to lose weight. It made her millions and her handlers saw fit to diversify her earnings by marketing her popularity. A magazine, production company, and a cable network among I'm sure, many other ventures. She gets the credit but only her name is on any of her "products"...she's a nigger after all, so whitey has created the monster...as usual.
In the very beginning Oprah was pure trash TV, trannies, midgets, incest, it was a fucking zoo...ala Jerry Springer and Sally Jesse Raphael. For some reason they wanted to elevate this fat sow to serious talk TV, I guess it was the early 90's when the powers that be created this monster in its current form. It all was a ruse from the beginning. There were no free cars.. Each audience member had to open their checkbook and write a $7000 check for Federal and California taxes if they wanted to keep it. All of this charity crap Oprah did in Africa opening schools for girls turned into nothing but a rape house and child exploitation ring. The curtain hasn't been pulled back on this Nigger Wizard of Oz just yet, but there is plenty of dirt out there if people choose to look for it.