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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    And the buyer of the Da Vinci painting is

  2. #2
    justin igger
    Chimpout Guest
    Cultures with zero class, zero culture and zero sophistication are always trying to buy their way into white human society.

    Look at Saddam, He gold plated everything he owned. Owned 11 palaces, collected masterpieces of European culture and art but at the end of the day he was still a dirty buttfucking sand nigger hiding in a rat hole.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
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    The tablecloth head in charge is busily buying up châteaus and anything else that costs vast sums of cash.

    Middle eastern oil is running out and they know it.

    Saudi Arabia is about a decade away from reverting to the fly blown shithole it was 100 years ago.

    With the profligate spending, I give it two decades before the repo men start coming to take everything back.

  4. #4
    Senior Trustee
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    Yet we spend trillions on a war in that area, they just don't have the money to deal with it themselves... We buy their oil, then pay to have a base to defend them there, then pay for the war there. Then we have to play nice because we don't want the PC world to see ugly war but it is just "their way" when they blow up civilians in a market. We need to be rid of the oil dependency but it wont happen in our lifetime. To much money to be had. One thing for sure is once they can no longer make money off oil, we will have to many of them here by then.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    why not hang it upside down and slit its throat?

  6. #6
    Gul Dukat
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by justin igger View Post
    Cultures with zero class, zero culture and zero sophistication are always trying to buy their way into white human society.

    Look at Saddam, He gold plated everything he owned. Owned 11 palaces, collected masterpieces of European culture and art but at the end of the day he was still a dirty buttfucking sand nigger hiding in a rat hole.
    ^This. Same goes for niggers, how many times do they try and worm their way into white neighborhoods.

    The way Saudi, Al Derka princes blow their money, I'd give them five years at most.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    Sand niggers, much like regular niggers, are simply incapable of appreciating subtlety, architecture, artwork and fine engineering. For them, the more money it costs, the better. That's why Dubai is crumbling; all the European expats have left and they couldn't care less that the place is literally a house of cards. The buildings look good from the outside, but the foundations would be compromised following a stiff breeze. Money holds no value, it's just something else they can waste in order to show off. Even with billions of dollars at their fingertips, I'd bet nothing is even paid off and they still have 72 month contracts on their fleet of gold wrapped Lamborghinis and white-on-white Rolls Royce collection. It should surprise no one that some Middle Eastern countries have even lower average IQs than niggers.

    That being said, the Jesus painting is not only a display of wealth but a smack in the face to Christians. I'm sure it was bought just to spite others. It isn't just a painting of Jesus, it's translation means 'Savior of the Universe', a purely Christian philosophy. Muslims only believe that Jesus was a prophet, not a savior.

  8. #8
    Gul Dukat
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CoonTownYT View Post
    Sand niggers, much like regular niggers, are simply incapable of appreciating subtlety, architecture, artwork and fine engineering. For them, the more money it costs, the better. That's why Dubai is crumbling; all the European expats have left and they couldn't care less that the place is literally a house of cards. The buildings look good from the outside, but the foundations would be compromised following a stiff breeze. Money holds no value, it's just something else they can waste in order to show off. Even with billions of dollars at their fingertips, I'd bet nothing is even paid off and they still have 72 month contracts on their fleet of gold wrapped Lamborghinis and white-on-white Rolls Royce collection. It should surprise no one that some Middle Eastern countries have even lower average IQs than niggers.

    That being said, the Jesus painting is not only a display of wealth but a smack in the face to Christians. I'm sure it was bought just to spite others. It isn't just a painting of Jesus, it's translation means 'Savior of the Universe', a purely Christian philosophy. Muslims only believe that Jesus was a prophet, not a savior.
    How long before it gets ripped , torn or destroyed? How do mooslims treat Christian artifacts generally?

  9. #9
    Chimpout Guest
    I wouldn't be surprised if he bought it just to burn it.

  10. #10
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    I know a guy who was over in the middle-east, he is a petroleum-engineer and stated that they have roughly 10-15 years worth of oil left. If that. That the USA could easily go another 100-200 years on what we still have in the ground. That us paying for these wars and all the other bullshit we have dealt with over there for the last 40 years was an "investment" on our end. Because when their wells run dry, they will be forced to buy from us.

  11. #11
    Thin White Duke
    Chimpout Guest
    From what I gleaned, the authenticity of this piece is highly disputed, so hopefully he just spent a fortune on a massive forgery.

  12. #12
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Thin White Duke View Post
    From what I gleaned, the authenticity of this piece is highly disputed, so hopefully he just spent a fortune on a massive forgery.
    Figures. Who the hell would spend half a billion dollars on a piece without verified provenance and hadn't been authenticated by the world's top experts?

    Oh, right, a sand nigger would...

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