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  1. #1
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Mar 2017
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    We are well beyond the tipping point now

    Where I work that is. The vast majority-niggers. Easily 3/4ths of the place. It is really insane. And the sad thing is, it is starting to show. Quality has went downhill to the point that some of our major customers are threatening to pull out and go elsewhere.
    The place always had its fair share of niggers, then around a year or two ago the company bought out another company in the general area that makes similar products. Cant beat them, buy them. Well along with this deal came hundreds of niggers. All niggers. And to make matters worse, they decided to shut down the location they worked at and move them all in with us. A lot of the things we joke about niggers doing and how they act, it isn't a joke. It is very real. This one department has around 30-40 niggers in it. It sounds just like a zoo. I am serious, i swear to this. You can hear a constant OOOOK OOOOK OOOOK coming from that area. Go over there and all you see is a bunch of niggers playing around like grade school children. Bucks chasing sows around, niggers on sail foams even though phones are prohibited in work areas. Bucks with their pants dangling down and underwear showing, sheboons ready to shit out another niglet and only sticking around long enough to get maternity leave and medical insurance.
    I have been hearing bad things. Things regarding the future of the company. I give it another year. Either the company will lose quite a bit of business and have a mass layoff or close the doors all together. And at this point I really don't care. I feel worse for the older guys who maybe are less than 10 years from retiring. The place closes now they are fucked. Me, I am still somewhat young enough to start over elsewhere-maybe. When it happens I would love to be able to walk up to whomever pushed to flood the place with niggers and ask them so how did your little social experiment work out for you?

  2. #2
    justin igger
    Chimpout Guest
    Niggers are the end of every company. I've seen it happen. They do the least work, make the most trouble and eat up the majority of resources.

  3. #3
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    Buck, polish your walking shoes and update your resume.

  4. #4
    Senior Administrator
    MineEvolved's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cracka Jack View Post
    Buck, polish your walking shoes and update your resume.
    ^THIS. GTFO now, before all the other white people leave first. When upper management starts bailing, you've waited too long.

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