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  1. #1
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    Niglets set fire to 'Skoo bus' but she boon driver Imunek saves the day

    Pregnant driver saves students from burning school bus in Milwaukee

    Imunek Williams says she was the driver and had more than 30 students on-board right before the fire.

    "I just feel like I had to stay calm like it with my job to stay calm," said Williams.

    Williams says her route on Wednesday started off normal when she noticed a strange odor and smoke growing.

    She says they were just a few blocks from their destination, Milwaukee Academy of Science.

    But Williams didn't want to wait too long to stop. She says she tried to use her radio to call dispatch.

    Williams said, "I couldn't barely get what I was trying to say out because of the smoke was hitting me in the face in my eyes so I was just like OK forget the radio. Just got the kids off the bus."
    Highland Schools are self admittedly "diverse" and "enriching."
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
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    Niggers and education don't mix.

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    Pregnant driver saves students from burning school bus in Milwaukee

    Highland Schools are self admittedly "diverse" and "enriching."
    Is arson one of the subjects that they teach?!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    Pregnant driver saves students from burning school bus in Milwaukee
    Highland Schools are self admittedly "diverse" and "enriching."
    A nurturing environment, that enriches, empowers and inspires chilluns ?
    Yeah, to burn down the "skoo bus" ! Not a word, about how that got started...

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  9. #5
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    The whole Montessori concept is a failure and a joke. I had my son on Saipan and sent him to one... 'Brilliant Star'. Stunningly beautiful campus and over the top expensive. Many Haoles (White people) send their kids there. The teacher raved about what a good job he was doing and that he had advanced in the sciences so well that he was taking 'Zoology', where I was told he was excelling ... I asked my son what zoology was and he said.. 'I don't know'.... After pressing the question further, no additional headway was made... He really did not know. On returning to civilization, he needed remedial work to get back up to speed. Avoid these places.

    Montessori schools do, however, suit nigger filth well... A foundational concept of a Montessori education is the student follows their own path... Which means niggers can do whatever they want. Which means they do nothing. I'm surprised the beasts did not burn the school instead of just a bus
    At the core of Liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of spoiled brats. - PJ O'Rourke

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  11. #6
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    In all fairness, I don't think niglets started the fire. They are so stupid their species Homo erectus is still not capable of mastering creation of fire. They relied on fire from natural sources like lightning burns, etc. Watch the movie Quest for Fire. There you'll see how erectus really lived. There will be muh-dikk. Things haven't changed much for them, you know.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  13. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    In all fairness, I don't think niglets started the fire. They are so stupid their species Homo erectus is still not capable of mastering creation of fire. They relied on fire from natural sources like lightning burns, etc. Watch the movie Quest for Fire. There you'll see how erectus really loved. There will be muh-dikk. Things haven't changed much for them, you know.
    I'm still waiting for libturd Ron Perlman to take his Quest For Fire makeup off....
    Oh wait, he didn't need any.

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  15. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    In all fairness, I don't think niglets started the fire. They are so stupid their species Homo erectus is still not capable of mastering creation of fire. They relied on fire from natural sources like lightning burns, etc. Watch the movie Quest for Fire. There you'll see how erectus really lived. There will be muh-dikk. Things haven't changed much for them, you know.
    That is a good point. Niggers are fascinated by fire though, it seems. They are always lighting objects, each other, and themselves on fire. Unfortunately they now have access to YT's magic devices to ignite fires.

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  17. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    In all fairness, I don't think niglets started the fire. They are so stupid their species Homo erectus is still not capable of mastering creation of fire. They relied on fire from natural sources like lightning burns, etc. Watch the movie Quest for Fire. There you'll see how erectus really lived. There will be muh-dikk. Things haven't changed much for them, you know.
    You are absolutely correct! The thing is, stupid well-meaning humans allowed them to appropriate White Man's culture and technology. And niggers love fire, in South Apefrica they regularly burn streets, schools, whatever enrages them. And they do the same over here: Whenever a rapefugee accommodation doesn't meet their expectations, they burn it. (I am not joking, not too long ago they burned a - newly built! - building because it was 'so dirty'. Of course, they created the mess, but YT is even expected to clean for them. I don't have a cleaning lady, rapefugees do!)

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  19. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    The whole Montessori concept is a failure and a joke. I had my son on Saipan and sent him to one... 'Brilliant Star'. Stunningly beautiful campus and over the top expensive. Many Haoles (White people) send their kids there.
    My sentiments, exactly! We do have Montessori schools here as well. Montessori and Waldorf are actually one of the few private schools we do have (if I remember correctly, Waldorf is only elementary school). Liberal parents love them!
    Montessoris schools were already considered to be a joke when I was in high school (feels like a century ago). One running gag if someone gave an especially stupid answer: "You can't even dance your own name." That was referring to Montessori schools, where children learned to "dance their names" (every letter was a specific dance-figure).
    As the Montessoir kids have to write the same final exams as the public school kids to get their Abitur (equals roughly A-levels in UK), many parents sent their kids only to Montessory for elementary school, or at least sent them to public schools for the 10th-13th class. What shall I say, I had one classmate who came from a Montessori school - Oh boy!

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  21. #11
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    Sad…No batwings for any groids!Niggers can’t even do arson right!

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