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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    One of the hardest facts of life to swallow is that there are not two humans on the face of this Earth that will agree on every subject. Even if you think you have the perfect mate, you could be twenty years in only to find that she will still insist on putting the toilette paper roll on backwards no matter how often the cat showed her repeatedly via the pile of paper by the toilette that she had it wrong the whole time.

    Sometimes, it's best just to let shit slide. While Mrs. Tweak will eventually admit that I am right some 95% of the time, there is no telling how much time I have wasted trying to convince her of things that are common sense to me. She will readily admit that if it were not for meeting me, she would likely have been on her third husband and would likely be a democrat, just like most of the rest of her idiot family. This did NOT happen overnight. I also had to let her find out a lot of things on her own by planting seeds and watching them grow without taking Roundup to the whole garden. Sometimes, that's all you can do.

    In the mean time, I figure that my job as her husband is to keep her safe, housed, fed, and happy - IN THAT ORDER! This means her happiness, unfortunately for her, comes last. It's a hard pill for her to swallow and it's the same everywhere. Just keep her away from niggers as best you can to keep her safe. She will see it eventually and even if she never admits that you were right, does it really matter? Remember the goal is that her safety comes first. Your own happiness isn't even part of your job description. Do everything right, and it will become hers. The man makes for the living, the woman makes the living worthwhile.

    Don't try to fix everything that's wrong with her. For some damned inexplicable reason, women don't even want you to bring them a glass of water when they complain about being thirsty but don't mind you doing it after they are done complaining about their dry mouths. Then, and only then, may you offer them the glass. I don't write or bother to make sense of these rules, I'm just trying to observe them to the extent that I can tolerate them while still molding hearts and minds.

    Choose your battles, my friend. Don't look for them or try to fight every one. It's bad for survival. Sun Tzu rules apply in life as well as war.
    Thanks Tweak, well said. I know there's just some things she wants her way. There's a method to load the dishwasher. To put the trash liners. To recycle stuff. She says I just have my own way of doing things, and differently for her. I said that she'd be hard pressed to find a guy who will be like her in these little things. (I happen to believe these are little things, but to her they're important.) I always maintain that all material things are just things, and while we take care not to break stuff, they happen. I'm staying so that means I'm still accepting her behavior, though, there's been many times I just want to leave. I have my own place, but sometimes I let compassion make me stay. And my anger does subside. I'm not worried to be alone, and I'm damn sure I can get another GF, just that I'd hate to do the whole dating thing again, and having to discern the filthy burners and liberals.

    We don't have children, so we bond most on animals, corgis and cats. And it's funny to be with someone who is also so thrifty.

    I do, however, tell her, that it should be fair game to say the N word, so long as they don't stop saying it. I hardly say it around her, but she knows how I can't stand them. I know she's set in her ways, and so am I. Our politics still align, it just boils down to - she still thinks niggers are human and can be equals, while I say differently.

    BTW I always refer to Africans have not evolved higher thinking skills, and therefore human culture, because their environment is so hot that they can't think of anything but the heat. And for millions of years, they just don't act or think like us. Facts are facts, but she thinks they can change to help themselves. I said, no amount of support, money and societal, will ever make them change for the better.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    IMO, the "Magics" can be more dangerous than the common pavement ape-type thug nigga. You will always avoid the latter, but may be fooled by the former. Remember the case posted here, where a magic nog was hired as assistant by a Pakistani CEO?

    The nigger looked and no doubt sounded quite tame: Here's Tyrese in his nice suit, studious glasses and all. Looks harmless, right?
    Attachment 21263

    But then:

    So much for "magic".
    This is EXACTLY my point to her, so she'll have the street smarts not to be near any nigger. Why learn the hard way, I always say. If intentionally avoiding any and all of them is a racist act...then I'm a racist. A safe and sensible racist.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    I have to admit though, that I am relentless is hating what isn't right. My prevailing life passion is righteousness. The New Testament says it should be compassion, but I'm still stuck in the Old Testament.
    That one blank page with 12 letters is just an arbitrary division made by man. Remember that humans are the only critters on the planet that makes a distinction between flowers and weeds. If you don't understand and believe the old, how can you with the new?
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    There's a method to load the dishwasher.
    ...their environment is so hot that they can't think of anything but the heat. And for millions of years, they just don't act or think like us.
    My logic dictates that the dirty side faces the pressurized water for maximum cleaning. Let me guess, she loads them face up.

    You might be onto something. Ann Rice once quipped that New Orleans is full of historic buildings simply because the heat makes people too hot, tired and lazy to build anything new or better.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  7. #25
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    OK, coupla things....

    First off, I see a lot of this, particularly from the ladies. They like to cherry pick that 'one' nigger that ain't like the rest, to assuage their consciences about being a 'racist hater'. Lots of people like Candace Owens for example, because she'll take her fellow niggers to the mat as quick as she will a brain-dead white lefty enabler. And she is both a conservative and a well-spoken one. SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas might be another people would cite. It happens. I met blacks who I felt would be quality people, but it happens so rarely that it doesn't really affect my own calculus about world niggardry. That one-in-one-hundred-thousand magic nigger just isn't enough to sway the more experienced among us. My wife gives me a ration of shit now and again the way I go on about them sometimes, not because she disagrees in principal, it just sometimes offends her Catholic sensibilities. I know my wife is more important to me than the niggers ever will be, so I've learned when to just let it go. Tomorrow is another day.

    Second...she's a girlfriend. Until she's your spouse, this shouldn't be such a big deal. All you NEED to do is ensure she isn't spending her time with, or sucking off, one of those magic nogs she think's is the cat's ass. If you've been with her since 2016, and she's railing about your 'racism', well, one of two things is going on. One, you're just too loud and aggressive with your viewpoint, and she's frustrated (see again what I said about me and my wife), or, she's been drinking the Kool-Aid under your nose all this time, and just nodding her head in typical, go-along-to-get-along fashion. And believe it or not, the older (again, primarily women, no offense to the ladies here) gals are more interested in feathering a nest for later years than they are in engaging in political arguments of any kind, so running it into the ground isn't going to have the desired effect here, I wouldn't think.

    Either way, you have a problem that needs to be examined, and frankly, it ain't the nigger(s). She's either on board with your views (pretty sure she's clear on WHAT your views are after 6 years), or she ain't. Or, you're just beating it into the ground (which is possible, if we're being honest here), which doesn't really help in the long run. As an objective observer, I'd ask, 'is this someone you want to spend you life with, or indoctrinate'? You can't do other peoples' thinking for them. That's why we're IN the fucking mess we are now, too many people offloading their critical thinking onto someone else. All you can do is make her own her position. Take a deep breath and give it a think.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    OK, coupla things....

    First off, I see a lot of this, particularly from the ladies. They like to cherry pick that 'one' nigger that ain't like the rest, to assuage their consciences about being a 'racist hater'. Lots of people like Candace Owens for example, because she'll take her fellow niggers to the mat as quick as she will a brain-dead white lefty enabler. And she is both a conservative and a well-spoken one. SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas might be another people would cite. It happens. I met blacks who I felt would be quality people, but it happens so rarely that it doesn't really affect my own calculus about world niggardry. That one-in-one-hundred-thousand magic nigger just isn't enough to sway the more experienced among us. My wife gives me a ration of shit now and again the way I go on about them sometimes, not because she disagrees in principal, it just sometimes offends her Catholic sensibilities. I know my wife is more important to me than the niggers ever will be, so I've learned when to just let it go. Tomorrow is another day.

    Second...she's a girlfriend. Until she's your spouse, this shouldn't be such a big deal. All you NEED to do is ensure she isn't spending her time with, or sucking off, one of those magic nogs she think's is the cat's ass. If you've been with her since 2016, and she's railing about your 'racism', well, one of two things is going on. One, you're just too loud and aggressive with your viewpoint, and she's frustrated (see again what I said about me and my wife), or, she's been drinking the Kool-Aid under your nose all this time, and just nodding her head in typical, go-along-to-get-along fashion. And believe it or not, the older (again, primarily women, no offense to the ladies here) gals are more interested in feathering a nest for later years than they are in engaging in political arguments of any kind, so running it into the ground isn't going to have the desired effect here, I wouldn't think.

    Either way, you have a problem that needs to be examined, and frankly, it ain't the nigger(s). She's either on board with your views (pretty sure she's clear on WHAT your views are after 6 years), or she ain't. Or, you're just beating it into the ground (which is possible, if we're being honest here), which doesn't really help in the long run. As an objective observer, I'd ask, 'is this someone you want to spend you life with, or indoctrinate'? You can't do other peoples' thinking for them. That's why we're IN the fucking mess we are now, too many people offloading their critical thinking onto someone else. All you can do is make her own her position. Take a deep breath and give it a think.
    Yup, she's not my wife, and I don't intend to get married again. Lost a lot with the 1st and only one, but it's fine, it's over, and I wished her well. The one after the wife wanted to get married, but I told her up front I'm not looking to get married again. So, goodbye after 10 years. This one now, at least we both agree not getting married.

    Believe me, I don't say nigger this, faggot that all day everyday. The most I say is Niggerian; foul ugly race; vicious; savages. She likes to discuss politics as it pertains to education, she works for a university in a financial/accounting capacity. So she engages me in talk about financial aid for blacks, and then I'd say it's just a waste...then I talk about IQ comparisons, I quote DNA Dr. Watson, Haiti, South Africa, etc. It probably irritates her that she knows I'm right, and can't refute my assertions; hence, "tired of racisms".

    Actually, prior to this episode, she commented, out of her own free thought, upon seeing an Audi ad with magics driving a nice new SUV and living in a grand modern house, "as if that happens in real life". That made me real proud.

    I've decided I'll just be less critical of niggers when I'm with her. Keeping the peace is better than being right, at least in this instance.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  9. #27
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    I don't know the details of your relationship, but if she's saying "you be too rayciss" right out of the blue, the issue is with her. She needs to respect your beliefs and worldview and not just pick fights about it for no reason.

    Nobody wants to see a relationship get wrecked, certainly not over something as stupid as niggers, but there have to be boundaries that have to be respected. I hope she can agree to disagree and recognize that you just can't believe in magic niggers the way she does. If she's worth keeping, she'll put you ahead of her magic nigger friends at work.

    I typically keep my political and racial views to myself with guys I've dated until I get to know them well. When the subject comes up, most of them have responded positively - I like to think I have good taste and can weed out the bad ones. I can't stand wiggers and any kind of wiggerness in a guy is a huge, instant turn-off, so usually I've been able to avoid those problems before they come up. Of course, you can't get them all right - one ex got offended at a nigger joke I made and started in on this big woke speech. I just said, "There's the door...nigger lover." (He chimped out and left).

    Luckily, I'm now seeing a guy who "gets it" when it comes to niggers and other problem groups. He's the same as me - cautious and reserved when it comes to talking about niggers with strangers, mostly keeping politics to ourselves, but when the time is right, like witnessing a nigger chimp out in public, not shying away from calling them what they are.

  10. #28
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    Reading all of your posts, I know my opinion will be probably unpopular. And of course you guys are absolutely right when you say that you shouldn't let a nigger ruin your relationship.
    But to my mind, you also should protect yourself: Do you think you / she can live with this disagreement in the long run? I personally don't have a problem with minor things, like the mentioned dishwasher topic, they are part of every relationship.
    But when it comes to "they are just like us" (the argument "but there are decent niggers as well" equals "they are just like us", imho), I personally wouldn't be able to be tolerant. Because that means more nigger contacts than necessary, and it is likely that sooner or later one of these encounters will end unpleasantly. Neither would I want to live through such a situation, nor would I like to constantly need to worry if my wife is all right.

    Of course, as you say she's conservative, perhaps you can convince her with arguments. What you didn't mention, but what I'd be interested to hear: Does she apply the same standards to niggers, liberals etc. as well? Or is she ok with niggers calling Whites "crackers", or with liberals constantly insulting "old white men"?
    I ask because there are some absolutely wonderful and adorable inherently good people out there (true angels - I am not one of them), who always and all the time only see the good in people. They are incredibly rare, but they exist. If she's one of them, then of course your job is to keep her save and hold back when she's around. (But even then you should try to educate her on the "law of large numbers".)

  11. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    This is EXACTLY my point to her, so she'll have the street smarts not to be near any nigger. Why learn the hard way, I always say. If intentionally avoiding any and all of them is a racist act...then I'm a racist. A safe and sensible racist.
    Aren't we all!! And I am PROUD of it!!

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  13. #30
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    I think you have done everything you possibly could, Ig! I hope you guys work this out and she doesn't have to learn first hand....

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  15. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tar Remover View Post
    I think you have done everything you possibly could, Ig! I hope you guys work this out and she doesn't have to learn first hand....
    Thanks brother Tar Remover! Things have been quiet on the sub-simian discussion front. The most I get in is to say she-boons are ugly, something she cannot refute. And being in Nut California, I can point out illegals and my disdain for them. Another thing I can point out is nigger crime, she gets that, but again she cherry picks the 0.01% good magic negroes. I probably can't convince her that all negroes are niggers, but at least she has a "working knowledge" of the situation. I have to portray niggers as beasts in a more logical method.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  17. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    I don't know the details of your relationship, but if she's saying "you be too rayciss" right out of the blue, the issue is with her. She needs to respect your beliefs and worldview and not just pick fights about it for no reason.

    Nobody wants to see a relationship get wrecked, certainly not over something as stupid as niggers, but there have to be boundaries that have to be respected. I hope she can agree to disagree and recognize that you just can't believe in magic niggers the way she does. If she's worth keeping, she'll put you ahead of her magic nigger friends at work.

    I typically keep my political and racial views to myself with guys I've dated until I get to know them well. When the subject comes up, most of them have responded positively - I like to think I have good taste and can weed out the bad ones. I can't stand wiggers and any kind of wiggerness in a guy is a huge, instant turn-off, so usually I've been able to avoid those problems before they come up. Of course, you can't get them all right - one ex got offended at a nigger joke I made and started in on this big woke speech. I just said, "There's the door...nigger lover." (He chimped out and left).

    Luckily, I'm now seeing a guy who "gets it" when it comes to niggers and other problem groups. He's the same as me - cautious and reserved when it comes to talking about niggers with strangers, mostly keeping politics to ourselves, but when the time is right, like witnessing a nigger chimp out in public, not shying away from calling them what they are.
    You have found yourself a "keeper!!" My current girl friend is like that as well.

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  19. #33
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    I love it when the libtards say you have to keep an open mind. I have all my life. That is how I know most blacks are stupid useless nigger scum who can't be trusted.
    Last edited by Groid_Rage; 12-01-2022 at 02:13 AM. Reason: add
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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  21. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Groid_Rage View Post
    I love it when the libtards say you have to keep an open mind. I have all my life. That is how I know most blacks are stupid nigger scum who can't be trusted.
    Libtards are extremely CLOSE-MINDED to the idea that maybe niggers aren't magical kangz and qweenz an sheeit.

  22. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    Libtards are extremely CLOSE-MINDED to the idea that maybe niggers aren't magical kangz and qweenz an sheeit.
    It's kweenz.
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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