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    Argument tonight with GF, because of raycisms

    I didn't know where this belongs. In a nutshell, it is about how the subject of niggers always leads to trouble.

    I've been with my GF since 2016, so we know each other very well. She's a conservative, and it took a while before I started talking about niggers as "Niggerians". She doesn't like hearing nigger and faggot so to keep the peace, I avoid it.

    Out of the blue tonight, she said, "I'm getting tired of your racist outlook. You don't have an open mind ". I told her, I'm this way because of the truth, facts, and how I've dealt with blacks. She said, yeah, but "you have to take each person separately ".

    I said, feel free to go to Compton tonight, and we'll see what they are "Oh no, I wouldn't do that." Then I said something about it's good to be safe by knowing what they are, instead of finding out first hand their potential for violence.

    Then I continued that I'm tired of hearing illegals crossing, having to hear non-English talk at Lowe's, etc. I said why do I have to deal with that when they should not exist in here anyway. She said I've made my point. I said I'm tired of seeing them pregnant all the time and with 3 kids in tow.

    In retrospect, earlier in the evening she seemed to be angling for a fight. She was talking about people like me who take things too seriously, and voted for Trump. And that I think I'm always right. I said, I'm just for rule of law and righteousness. And I make my assertions based on facts and sound logical deductions. A male is male, no 2 things about it. In the past she complains if I give disapproving looks seeing gays on TV.

    Actually, tonight I hardly said anything about seeing gorilla faces in ads or in the news. They really are a foul ugly race that for the life of me, society thinks are our equals. I told her, lately, have you heard anything racist or complaints about illegals lately, from me?

    The exchange just pissed me off. She wanted to start a new series to watch on Netflix, but how could I, as I was already fuming? So I just said good night and left. And I'm still fuming.

    She maintains her black acquaintances and co- workers are nice and friendly. That's the point, though, is that what they portray but given time, watch out. I've actually decided I've told her as much as I could about the ferals, and her fate is her own if she really thinks her co-workers can be trusted.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  2. #2
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    Her co-workers are nice. But! That's those who work. What about the rest of the 95% who don't work?
    You can agree that some are nice.
    Hey, if you stick your ass in front of a lion, not always will they bite. So, therefore, lions are nice. You should trust lions.

    I hope you guys work it out. It's not worth it to break up over worthless coons.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    I didn't know where this belongs. In a nutshell, it is about how the subject of niggers always leads to trouble.

    I've been with my GF since 2016, so we know each other very well. She's a conservative, and it took a while before I started talking about niggers as "Niggerians". She doesn't like hearing nigger and faggot so to keep the peace, I avoid it.

    Out of the blue tonight, she said, "I'm getting tired of your racist outlook. You don't have an open mind ". I told her, I'm this way because of the truth, facts, and how I've dealt with blacks. She said, yeah, but "you have to take each person separately ".

    I said, feel free to go to Compton tonight, and we'll see what they are "Oh no, I wouldn't do that." Then I said something about it's good to be safe by knowing what they are, instead of finding out first hand their potential for violence.

    Then I continued that I'm tired of hearing illegals crossing, having to hear non-English talk at Lowe's, etc. I said why do I have to deal with that when they should not exist in here anyway. She said I've made my point. I said I'm tired of seeing them pregnant all the time and with 3 kids in tow.

    In retrospect, earlier in the evening she seemed to be angling for a fight. She was talking about people like me who take things too seriously, and voted for Trump. And that I think I'm always right. I said, I'm just for rule of law and righteousness. And I make my assertions based on facts and sound logical deductions. A male is male, no 2 things about it. In the past she complains if I give disapproving looks seeing gays on TV.

    Actually, tonight I hardly said anything about seeing gorilla faces in ads or in the news. They really are a foul ugly race that for the life of me, society thinks are our equals. I told her, lately, have you heard anything racist or complaints about illegals lately, from me?

    The exchange just pissed me off. She wanted to start a new series to watch on Netflix, but how could I, as I was already fuming? So I just said good night and left. And I'm still fuming.

    She maintains her black acquaintances and co- workers are nice and friendly. That's the point, though, is that what they portray but given time, watch out. I've actually decided I've told her as much as I could about the ferals, and her fate is her own if she really thinks her co-workers can be trusted.
    That sucks Ig. I'll be the first to say that it is hard to find a quality woman who is attractive, conservative and knows the TRUTH about the nigger beast!! Fortunately I hit the JACKPOT with my current G.F. She is a tall, voluptuous red head who is a CONSERVATIVE Republican and HATES niggers as much as I do. She owns her own bidnezz and is a fun person to be around. BEST of all, she laughs at my nigger jokes. She grew up about 12 miles outside of "Ba' Mo", Maryland, so she learned at a young age about the nigger beast!! She uses terms, like "coal burner, "oil driller" and "niglet" so I trained her well!! Yesterday she told me about a fat "sheboon" that she saw at the airport and I LAUGHED so hard I almost PISSED myself!! Good wimmens beez hard to find n' SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT, maing!!

  4. #4
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    Tough one.... You can hit her with data and facts.. Start with physiology... Smaller brain case per unit body mass, fewer neural folds, significantly reduced prefrontal cortex and all that implies (huge implications). Other physiological facts like 25% higher testosterone, denser bone mass (hence 'Rockfish')... They even have a different gestation period of 8-1/2 months instead of 9. The problem here is that Google's bearded dress-wearers have memory holed many of the original reports showing nigger physiological inferiority while making sure studies saying the niggers are normal show up with each and every google search.... Insidious, that.....

    Then you can go into the effect of those very real physiological differences on behavior and intellectual ability. You cite crime data ... FBI table 43 ( and the fact that the nation's highest crime areas (like LA) do not report on a criminal's race cuz 'RayCiss!!!' and therefore the problem is significantly worse than that data already portrays. You could also tell her that Whites were grouped with Hispanics for these reports so the niggers would not look so bad....

    Go into history....What were these apes doing when Beethoven was penning his symphonies and Newton discovered Calculus..?? Niggers were banging on trees with sticks trying to make music.. that's when they were not banging on each other's heads. And it's not 'the Jungle' that did this... It's not because it's Africa..... Meso America had the Aztec, Inca and the Maya with the great cities they built and the mathematics they understood. These were the SAME JUNGLES as found in Africa... Yet the niggers could barely build mud huts. Nigger languages have no past or present tense (link to reduced pre-frontal cortex)... Their counting went up to ONLY 4... after that they used 'A few' and then... 'A lot'...That's nigger mathematics at the time Europeans discovered Africa.. and were at the same time discovering Calculus (See Newton/Leibniz) . Fast forward to present day and Africa remains a roiling cesspool of poverty, chaos and violence.... AND THEY, AND THEY ALONE, ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT. Just look what they did to the Jewel of Africa when it was HANDED TO THEM... South Africa is now a roiling crime-filled cesspool resembling the rest of Africa more and more every day.

    You can point out that EACH AND EVERY TIME niggers come into a community here in the US THREE THINGS HAPPEN... Crime skyrockets, schools go to shit and real estate underperforms.... The three things any sane person cares about the most.. Personal safety, the well being of our kids and our biggest investment - our real estate.... How do you know? You can cross reference Census data bases (to find black areas) with FBI and Dept of Education data bases... EACH AND EVERY TIME NIGGERS SHOW UP....DISASTER.... The real estate metric is more difficult to prove, but it's true. This shit is unimpeachable fact....

    Lastly, you can show graphs showing school performance compared to other European and Asian nations... And the USA started to tank AT THE EXACT SAME TIME SCHOOL INTEGRATION WAS FORCE ON US IN THE 1960'S.. Diversity was and is A FUCKING DISASTER for our schools, and therefore our nation. Just google US school performance over time... Lots of graphs....

    LASTLY, and this is important... The MSM/BigTech spends TRILLIONS every year trying to foist the false narrative that niggers are somehow human... EVERY COMMERCIAL, EVERY NEWS STORY... Every new movie and television series portrays niggers as either innocent victims or in positions of authority.... TRILLIONS spent... However justified your feelings of anger, hurt and outrage, know the deck is stacked against your GF understanding what's really going on....

    You could also tell her you respect her opinion... But yours is based in data, fact and analysis... And that all you have to do is look out the window to know it's true.

    Or.... You could look for someone who knows how to deal with reality and 86 this one... Minds have been poisoned by the Left, my friend, and it would seem your GF is a victim.

    The above is a little disjointed but the facts are there... Only a fool would deny them.

    Good luck and it's most certainly true that the nigger is at the basis of discord... this time in your life!
    Last edited by Kagman; 10-30-2022 at 01:06 PM.

  5. #5
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    That sucks big time. But if you let niggers ruin what is a good relationship otherwise, they've won again. OTOH, it's very difficult when two people have such different core beliefs and outlooks.

    Around here, French/English have always had an adversarial relationship. My husband is French, so we just don't discuss local politics as it would always lead to arguments. Of course, I understand that's different since Frenchmen aren't running around here, raping, looting, robbing, destroying neighbourhoods, and gunning people down in the streets, so the whole thing is much easier to avoid.

    I understand your frustration when we read and hear about nigger atrocities on a daily basis, and your girlfriend's rebuttal that "you have to take each person separately " is infuriating to you as we know that even niggers who seem mild-mannered, or "nice" - even for years - can and most likely WILL chimp with no warning. I found that out with a sow co-worker who viciously chimped after 8 years of being "nice". The combination of low IQs, violent tendencies, and zero self-control always spells trouble.

    When you say, "Look at them raping and robbing!" and the other person says, "Well YT rape and rob, too" it's discussion over. There's no point. So, if you want to keep this woman in your life you may have to stop expressing your feelings about the darkies. If doing that makes you feel resentment and anger at being stifled and unable to be yourself, then you have to think about whether this is the right person for you. But don't let the niggers win!

    P.S. Would showing her this help? Pure statistics one cannot argue:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	HeyJackass .png 
Views:	51 
Size:	25.1 KB 
ID:	21251
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    Tough one.... You can hit her with data and facts.. Start with physiology... Smaller brain case per unit body mass, fewer neural folds, significantly reduced prefrontal cortex and all that implies (huge implications). Other physiological facts like 25% higher testosterone, denser bone mass (hence 'Rockfish')... They even have a different gestation period of 8-1/2 months instead of 9. The problem here is that Google's bearded dress-wearers have memory holed many of the original reports showing nigger physiological inferiority while making sure studies saying the niggers are normal show up with each and every google search.... Insidious, that.....

    Then you can go into the effect of those very real physiological differences on behavior and intellectual ability. You cite crime data ... FBI table 43 ( and the fact that the nation's highest crime areas (like LA) do not report on a criminal's race cuz 'RayCiss!!!' and therefore the problem is significantly worse than that data already portrays. You could also tell her that Whites were grouped with Hispanics for these reports so the niggers would not look so bad....

    Go into history....What were these apes doing when Beethoven was penning his symphonies and Newton discovered Calculus..?? Niggers were banging on trees with sticks trying to make music.. that's when they were not banging on each other's heads. And it's not 'the Jungle' that did this... It's not because it's Africa..... Meso America had the Aztec, Inca and the Maya with the great cities they built and the mathematics they understood. These were the SAME JUNGLES as found in Africa... Yet the niggers could barely build mud huts. Nigger languages have no past or present tense (link to reduced pre-frontal cortex)... Their counting went up to ONLY 4... after that they used 'A few' and then... 'A lot'...That's nigger mathematics at the time Europeans discovered them. Fast forward to present day and Africa remains a roiling cesspool of poverty, chaos and violence.... AND THEY, AND THEY ALONE, ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT. Just look what they did to the Jewel of Africa when it was HANDED TO THEM... South Africa is now a roiling crime-filled cesspool resembling the rest of Africa more and more every day.

    You can point out that EACH AND EVERY TIME niggers come into a community here in the US THREE THINGS HAPPEN... Crime skyrockets, schools go to shit and real estate underperforms.... The three things any sane person cares about the most.. Personal safety, the well being of our kids and our biggest investment - our real estate.... How do you know? You can cross reference Census data bases (to find black areas) with FBI and Dept of Education data bases... EACH AND EVERY TIME NIGGERS SHOW UP....DISASTER.... The real estate metric is more difficult to prove, but it's true. This shit is unimpeachable fact....

    Lastly, you can show graphs showing school performance compared to other European and Asian nations... And the USA started to tank AT THE EXACT SAME TIME SCHOOL INTEGRATION WAS FORCE ON US IN THE 1960'S.. Diversity was and is A FUCKING DISASTER for our schools, and therefore our nation. Just google US school performance over time... Lots of graphs....

    LASTLY, and this is important... The MSM/BigTech spends TRILLIONS every year trying to foist the false narrative that niggers are somehow human... EVERY COMMERCIAL, EVERY NEWS STORY... Every new movie and television series portrays niggers as either innocent victims or in positions of authority.... TRILLIONS spent... What every your justified feelings or anger, hurt and outrage, know the deck is stacked against your GF understanding what's really going on....

    You could also tell her you respect her opinion... But yours is based in data, fact and analysis... And that all you have to do is look out the window to know it's true.

    Or.... You could look for someone who knows how to deal with reality and 86 this one... Minds have been poisoned by the Left, my friend, and it would seem your GF is a victim.

    The above is a little disjointed but the facts are there... Only a fool would deny them.

    Good luck and it's most certainly true that the nigger is at the basis of discord... this time in your life!
    Kagman, EVERYTHING that you have stated is 100% CORRECT!! Hopefully Ignatow's girl friend will see the light!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    That sucks big time. But if you let niggers ruin what is a good relationship otherwise, they've won again. OTOH, it's very difficult when two people have such different core beliefs and outlooks.

    Around here, French/English have always had an adversarial relationship. My husband is French, so we just don't discuss local politics as it would always lead to arguments. Of course, I understand that's different since Frenchmen aren't running around here, raping, looting, robbing, destroying neighbourhoods, and gunning people down in the streets, so the whole thing is much easier to avoid.

    I understand your frustration when we read and hear about nigger atrocities on a daily basis, and your girlfriend's rebuttal that "you have to take each person separately " is infuriating to you as we know that even niggers who seem mild-mannered, or "nice" - even for years - can and most likely WILL chimp with no warning. I found that out with a sow co-worker who viciously chimped after 8 years of being "nice". The combination of low IQs, violent tendencies, and zero self-control always spells trouble.

    When you say, "Look at them raping and robbing!" and the other person says, "Well YT rape and rob, too" it's discussion over. There's no point. So, if you want to keep this woman in your life you may have to stop expressing your feelings about the darkies. If doing that makes you feel resentment and anger at being stifled and unable to be yourself, then you have to think about whether this is the right person for you. But don't let the niggers win!

    P.S. Would showing her this help? Pure statistics one cannot argue:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	HeyJackass .png 
Views:	51 
Size:	25.1 KB 
ID:	21251
    Diva, one unfortunate thing is that you can show a libtard TONS of ACCURATE data, and they still won't change their minds. I'm CONVINCED that even if you have a TRUCKLOAD of data, there will always be people who believe Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide, that george soros is a philanthropist and that jizzlam is a religion of peace!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    Diva, one unfortunate thing is that you can show a libtard TONS of ACCURATE data, and they still won't change their minds. I'm CONVINCED that even if you have a TRUCKLOAD of data, there will always be people who believe Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide, that george soros is a philanthropist and that jizzlam is a religion of peace!!

    You're right, of course, but I thought that pie chart that doesn't even have anything Libtards would have to actually read, might sink in. Probably not, when you think about the utter absurdities that they believe, like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	clowns.jpg 
Views:	58 
Size:	47.3 KB 
ID:	21252
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    You're right, of course, but I thought that pie chart that doesn't even have anything Libtards would have to actually read, might sink in. Probably not, when you think about the utter absurdities that they believe, like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	clowns.jpg 
Views:	58 
Size:	47.3 KB 
ID:	21252
    BINGO!! Those 9 pictures say it all!! PROOF THAT LIBTARDISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER!!

  10. #10
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    I am grateful to everyone for your support. Thank you.

    Yesterday was a "cease fire". I wasn't going to visit her, but she asked if I was coming, so I did. The most I got in yesterday was, "You have to admit, they are ugly", to which she said, "I agree". I said I really just talk about reality and facts.

    In the past, I've always told her that the proof is in the pudding, that there's no verifiable great sub-Saharan, black, civilization. None. No arts, sciences, philosophy, culture. She agrees. But the ones here, she says, have been friendly to her, so she has no problem with them. One time there was a very fair mixed mutt visit her, and I noticed it behaved ok, because it was a veterinarian and sheeit. I just maintained minimum contact and was congenial. It was moving to Florida...

    DACA is one she supports because she said those are the educated ones who can help us in the future. I said, no thanks. I'm sure they will use their education to further destroy Western culture, what with their focus on Hispanic culture. And, illegal is illegal, what's there to talk about? She says it's not their fault as they came here as minors. I said, it's their parent's faults, but that should not burden any of us, or us having to accept illegal aliens. I'm too tough on it, she says. I said, my sentiment applies to all of them regardless of race or national origin (Canada of course exempted). Just the facts. There's only one way to be here these days: through the legal process.

    She's a middle of the road Republican, but these days, now that's right wing conservative. She just wants me to judge a person individually. But I already know the answer, and I won't. Far too many times I've been fair to niggers and they've always proven they just act like savages.

    Again, my friends, thank you.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  11. #11
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    You could just show her the facts and let her make her own decisions. It's probably better.
    But sure as hell don't break up over worthless sub-apes.
    Show her all the vile rapes, the train pushers, the hammer guy in Haiti ....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    I am grateful to everyone for your support. Thank you.

    Yesterday was a "cease fire". I wasn't going to visit her, but she asked if I was coming, so I did. The most I got in yesterday was, "You have to admit, they are ugly", to which she said, "I agree". I said I really just talk about reality and facts.

    In the past, I've always told her that the proof is in the pudding, that there's no verifiable great sub-Saharan, black, civilization. None. No arts, sciences, philosophy, culture. She agrees. But the ones here, she says, have been friendly to her, so she has no problem with them. One time there was a very fair mixed mutt visit her, and I noticed it behaved ok, because it was a veterinarian and sheeit. I just maintained minimum contact and was congenial. It was moving to Florida...

    DACA is one she supports because she said those are the educated ones who can help us in the future. I said, no thanks. I'm sure they will use their education to further destroy Western culture, what with their focus on Hispanic culture. And, illegal is illegal, what's there to talk about? She says it's not their fault as they came here as minors. I said, it's their parent's faults, but that should not burden any of us, or us having to accept illegal aliens. I'm too tough on it, she says. I said, my sentiment applies to all of them regardless of race or national origin (Canada of course exempted). Just the facts. There's only one way to be here these days: through the legal process.

    She's a middle of the road Republican, but these days, now that's right wing conservative. She just wants me to judge a person individually. But I already know the answer, and I won't. Far too many times I've been fair to niggers and they've always proven they just act like savages.

    Again, my friends, thank you.
    I get it, yet how many reports have been posted here about people - and not just coal burners - but humans of all ages and walks of life who thought a nigger was one of the "good" ones and their friend then ended up battered, choked, shot to death, raped, hacked up with an axe/chainsaw and flung in a dumpster?

    I always think of Roy and his tigers. They were his pets and they loved him, until one of them got annoyed and tore him up. I am NOT blaming wild animals for acting true to their nature (10 million niggers aren't worth the life of one tiger). I blame the idiots who think they can make a tame pet from a wild animal, just as I blame the people who befriend niggers - who also act on their instincts - and learn in the worst way possible that niggers are NOT our friends.

    If your g/f wants to be friendly with some good niggers, fine. Just warn her to be very cautious and never be alone with any of them. They can be set off by the least little thing - a glance, a word, perceived disrespeck, a missing chiggun wang - and nearly always react with sudden violence and mayhem.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    I am grateful to everyone for your support. Thank you.

    Yesterday was a "cease fire". I wasn't going to visit her, but she asked if I was coming, so I did. The most I got in yesterday was, "You have to admit, they are ugly", to which she said, "I agree". I said I really just talk about reality and facts.

    In the past, I've always told her that the proof is in the pudding, that there's no verifiable great sub-Saharan, black, civilization. None. No arts, sciences, philosophy, culture. She agrees. But the ones here, she says, have been friendly to her, so she has no problem with them. One time there was a very fair mixed mutt visit her, and I noticed it behaved ok, because it was a veterinarian and sheeit. I just maintained minimum contact and was congenial. It was moving to Florida...

    DACA is one she supports because she said those are the educated ones who can help us in the future. I said, no thanks. I'm sure they will use their education to further destroy Western culture, what with their focus on Hispanic culture. And, illegal is illegal, what's there to talk about? She says it's not their fault as they came here as minors. I said, it's their parent's faults, but that should not burden any of us, or us having to accept illegal aliens. I'm too tough on it, she says. I said, my sentiment applies to all of them regardless of race or national origin (Canada of course exempted). Just the facts. There's only one way to be here these days: through the legal process.

    She's a middle of the road Republican, but these days, now that's right wing conservative. She just wants me to judge a person individually. But I already know the answer, and I won't. Far too many times I've been fair to niggers and they've always proven they just act like savages.

    Again, my friends, thank you.

    Just remember... Trillions are being spent to hide the truth of the nigger beast... Fighting such propaganda, regardless of the obviousness of the truth is an up hill battle.

    She makes cogent and logical arguments and distills it down to simplicity '... have been friendly to her'. Sounds like an open mind to me. She implies that if they were not friendly, she'd take a different tack... Happiness is hard to find and perfection is a pipe dream.... You could be facing worse behaviors. Good luck, bro... This is one of those posts you come back to... Glad it did not end your relationship

  14. #14
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    Hell, if anyone wants to break up, let it be something stupid like what type of bagel they're having, but not over niggers.

  15. #15
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    Oh, hell, I'm getting old, I'm repeating myself.

  16. #16
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    One of the hardest facts of life to swallow is that there are not two humans on the face of this Earth that will agree on every subject. Even if you think you have the perfect mate, you could be twenty years in only to find that she will still insist on putting the toilette paper roll on backwards no matter how often the cat showed her repeatedly via the pile of paper by the toilette that she had it wrong the whole time.

    Sometimes, it's best just to let shit slide. While Mrs. Tweak will eventually admit that I am right some 95% of the time, there is no telling how much time I have wasted trying to convince her of things that are common sense to me. She will readily admit that if it were not for meeting me, she would likely have been on her third husband and would likely be a democrat, just like most of the rest of her idiot family. This did NOT happen overnight. I also had to let her find out a lot of things on her own by planting seeds and watching them grow without taking Roundup to the whole garden. Sometimes, that's all you can do.

    In the mean time, I figure that my job as her husband is to keep her safe, housed, fed, and happy - IN THAT ORDER! This means her happiness, unfortunately for her, comes last. It's a hard pill for her to swallow and it's the same everywhere. Just keep her away from niggers as best you can to keep her safe. She will see it eventually and even if she never admits that you were right, does it really matter? Remember the goal is that her safety comes first. Your own happiness isn't even part of your job description. Do everything right, and it will become hers. The man makes for the living, the woman makes the living worthwhile.

    Don't try to fix everything that's wrong with her. For some damned inexplicable reason, women don't even want you to bring them a glass of water when they complain about being thirsty but don't mind you doing it after they are done complaining about their dry mouths. Then, and only then, may you offer them the glass. I don't write or bother to make sense of these rules, I'm just trying to observe them to the extent that I can tolerate them while still molding hearts and minds.

    Choose your battles, my friend. Don't look for them or try to fight every one. It's bad for survival. Sun Tzu rules apply in life as well as war.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    I get it, yet how many reports have been posted here about people - and not just coal burners - but humans of all ages and walks of life who thought a nigger was one of the "good" ones and their friend then ended up battered, choked, shot to death, raped, hacked up with an axe/chainsaw and flung in a dumpster?

    I always think of Roy and his tigers. They were his pets and they loved him, until one of them got annoyed and tore him up. I am NOT blaming wild animals for acting true to their nature (10 million niggers aren't worth the life of one tiger). I blame the idiots who think they can make a tame pet from a wild animal, just as I blame the people who befriend niggers - who also act on their instincts - and learn in the worst way possible that niggers are NOT our friends.

    If your g/f wants to be friendly with some good niggers, fine. Just warn her to be very cautious and never be alone with any of them. They can be set off by the least little thing - a glance, a word, perceived disrespeck, a missing chiggun wang - and nearly always react with sudden violence and mayhem.
    That's a great example, Roy getting munched on by his tiger. I'll have to think of a way to use this, that "nigger gonna nig".

    Admittedly, she didn't have black friends in her upbringing and up to college. And she's only been with one person before me - her ex-husband. That's a lot I can be grateful for.

    I have to admit though, that I am relentless is hating what isn't right. My prevailing life passion is righteousness. The New Testament says it should be compassion, but I'm still stuck in the Old Testament. Thus, I do tend to talk about niggers as they are. And the news is everywhere, of their violence and ungratefulness.

    She said I have to show her facts about nigger violence and crime. For a brief moment I wanted to show her Chimpout stories then I back pedalled. I'll have to get FBI data. Thing is, she admits they are a dangerous race, but she has exceptions, for the magics.

    Thankfully, since the pandemic, she now works at home and doesn't go to the university campus. It's a state public university, so she's shown me newsletters of how twisted and liberal their students are. They got a $60 million or so donation from Mackenzie Bezos.

    So far, things have been quiet. Not trying to provoke her, but I do smirk when a TV ad of magics appear. Oh yes, she keeps hearing from me the error of coalburning, like "I'm sure her dad is so proud of her".
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  20. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    That's a great example, Roy getting munched on by his tiger. I'll have to think of a way to use this, that "nigger gonna nig".

    Admittedly, she didn't have black friends in her upbringing and up to college. And she's only been with one person before me - her ex-husband. That's a lot I can be grateful for.

    I have to admit though, that I am relentless is hating what isn't right. My prevailing life passion is righteousness. The New Testament says it should be compassion, but I'm still stuck in the Old Testament. Thus, I do tend to talk about niggers as they are. And the news is everywhere, of their violence and ungratefulness.

    She said I have to show her facts about nigger violence and crime. For a brief moment I wanted to show her Chimpout stories then I back pedalled. I'll have to get FBI data. Thing is, she admits they are a dangerous race, but she has exceptions, for the magics.

    Thankfully, since the pandemic, she now works at home and doesn't go to the university campus. It's a state public university, so she's shown me newsletters of how twisted and liberal their students are. They got a $60 million or so donation from Mackenzie Bezos.

    So far, things have been quiet. Not trying to provoke her, but I do smirk when a TV ad of magics appear. Oh yes, she keeps hearing from me the error of coalburning, like "I'm sure her dad is so proud of her".
    IMO, the "Magics" can be more dangerous than the common pavement ape-type thug nigga. You will always avoid the latter, but may be fooled by the former. Remember the case posted here, where a magic nog was hired as assistant by a Pakistani CEO?

    The nigger looked and no doubt sounded quite tame: Here's Tyrese in his nice suit, studious glasses and all. Looks harmless, right?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Tyrese_Devon_Haspil-a-47_1597337109381.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	27.2 KB 
ID:	21263

    But then:
    The nigger "went nigger", subdued Mr. Saleh(nigger's boss) with a Taser, stabbed him to death and returned the next day to dismember him with an electric saw, the police said.
    So much for "magic".
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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    My girlfriend ,whom I call “wife”because we’ve been together for over 30 years,have 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren together doesn’t always like everything I do and say.But she accepts it.As I do for her.Of course we use respect and digression.We don’t rub things in each others faces!
    But,we pretty much have to same political views and we both aren’t fond of niggers.She’s just not as outspoken about it as me.And on that note, we wouldn’t be together if she were a niggerloving liberal.She does not like liberals.
    In the end,it boils down to how you feel and how much you’re willing to tolerate.I definitely wouldn’t be with my wife if I had to walk on eggshells all the time.And I would want her to live like that either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    One of the hardest facts of life to swallow is that there are not two humans on the face of this Earth that will agree on every subject. Even if you think you have the perfect mate, you could be twenty years in only to find that she will still insist on putting the toilette paper roll on backwards no matter how often the cat showed her repeatedly via the pile of paper by the toilette that she had it wrong the whole time.

    Sometimes, it's best just to let shit slide. While Mrs. Tweak will eventually admit that I am right some 95% of the time, there is no telling how much time I have wasted trying to convince her of things that are common sense to me. She will readily admit that if it were not for meeting me, she would likely have been on her third husband and would likely be a democrat, just like most of the rest of her idiot family. This did NOT happen overnight. I also had to let her find out a lot of things on her own by planting seeds and watching them grow without taking Roundup to the whole garden. Sometimes, that's all you can do.

    In the mean time, I figure that my job as her husband is to keep her safe, housed, fed, and happy - IN THAT ORDER! This means her happiness, unfortunately for her, comes last. It's a hard pill for her to swallow and it's the same everywhere. Just keep her away from niggers as best you can to keep her safe. She will see it eventually and even if she never admits that you were right, does it really matter? Remember the goal is that her safety comes first. Your own happiness isn't even part of your job description. Do everything right, and it will become hers. The man makes for the living, the woman makes the living worthwhile.

    Don't try to fix everything that's wrong with her. For some damned inexplicable reason, women don't even want you to bring them a glass of water when they complain about being thirsty but don't mind you doing it after they are done complaining about their dry mouths. Then, and only then, may you offer them the glass. I don't write or bother to make sense of these rules, I'm just trying to observe them to the extent that I can tolerate them while still molding hearts and minds.

    Choose your battles, my friend. Don't look for them or try to fight every one. It's bad for survival. Sun Tzu rules apply in life as well as war.
    Tru Dat, Tweek!! I read the Art of War when I was 10 and the lessons from that book have lasted!! 55 years later I still remember it. My favorite Quote is: "To have a thousand victories in a thousand battles is not the highest skill. To defeat the enemy without fighting is the Highest skill." The asymmetric warfare waged by the CCP against the rest of the world is scary stuff indeed!!

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