Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
Outstanding! You need to post this on Wikipedia!

You forgot one thing: Borderline retarded Andrew, shunned for being involved in sex-trafficking underaged girls and banging them with his good buddy, the monstrous Jeffrey Epstein. Luckily for him, Andy is able to hide under his mommy's skirts and get away with his crimes scot-free.

Some family!
More like editing. If I included all the murder, rape, homo/pedos, inbreeding and other abhorrent behavior of the royal family, it could go back years and take volumes more than a single page on sickopedia, much less here.

Of course, I can't just pick on the Brits, either. Every royal family has filthy Godless power mad scumbags and we've got our own problems here like skeezy uncle Joe the pedo and his ho, most of both houses of Congress and half of the SCOTUS.