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  1. #1
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest

    Tragedy exploited

    We can agree that niggers do not act like humans...but I am here to say that whatever that thing was that killed those children (and adults) in Texas yesterday was not human either.A human simply could not kill innocent people,even its own family, with such indifference.Yes, it killed its own kind, but those people were innocent.Thank God this piece of shit was killed quickly by law enforcement. And the media can hardly hide their ecstasy as they endlessly parade this tragedy before Americans and cry for more gun control.They, along with the gun grabbing demoncrats are just as despicable for politicizing this tragedy.Our idiot in chief wasted no time in calling for stripping MY rights because of some deranged beaner.
    What "action" do you want you stupid son of a bitch? It's already illegal to kill children, adults, and your Damon grandma.You think one more law will stop a psycho from killing?
    There is a special place in the depths HELL for child killers, and right next to it is the place for those who use their death to further their own liberal agenda.Makes me want to buy another AR15 today just piss off Joe Retard.
    Sorry this post is not directly related to niggers, it is about the next closest thing.....liberals...
    And don't get slack on just might find yourself the only thing between the next fucked up teenager and innocent people.

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  3. #2
    Nigger Wrangler
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    Professional candidate and raving psychotic Democrat Beto O'Rourke, who failed to beat Ted Cruz for the Senate and is now running for Governor, showed up in Uvalde on Wednesday and crashed Governor Abbott's press conference.

    The nasty piece of shit ran up to the stage, started shouting his bat-shit crazy anti-gun nuttery and blaming Abbott for the shooting.

    As he was being forcibly removed by a couple of big old cops, the Mayor of Uvalde called him a "sick son-of-a-bitch!"

    Democrats have no shame.

    There is no bottom.

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tar Remover View Post
    I agree whole heartedly, TILII. That's why I always have a gun. And if I don't have a gun, I have TWO guns.
    I’m a flooring contractor. But if you see me getting ready for work in the morning, you’d think I worked on a SWAT team ! I always have a carry weapon.A backup.A 12ga pump and an AR15 in the truck. Also, many 30 rd AR magazines!

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  7. #4
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    I find it very convenient for the liberals, who hate gov Abbot because of his beliefs and how he fucked them on their desire to kill more babies.So,now there’s another mass shooting in Texas state and a chance for them to try and ban America’s sweetheart(AR15) away! And always keep in mind. Liberals never let a good crisis go to waste!
    But, it ain’t gonna happen! And Joey Demento knows it!He even said in in his teleprompter speech Tuesday night. The majority of Americans want to keep their fucking guns! Especially with all this shit going on. If you watch your establishment to be shot up, just put a sign in front. “No gun zone“ or “gun free zone“. Criminals and nut jobs will flock to your place!

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigger Wrangler View Post
    Professional candidate and raving psychotic Democrat Beto O'Rourke, who failed to beat Ted Cruz for the Senate and is now running for Governor, showed up in Uvalde on Wednesday and crashed Governor Abbott's press conference.

    The nasty piece of shit ran up to the stage, started shouting his bat-shit crazy anti-gun nuttery and blaming Abbott for the shooting.

    As he was being forcibly removed by a couple of big old cops, the Mayor of Uvalde called him a "sick son-of-a-bitch!"

    Democrats have no shame.

    There is no bottom.
    Tru Dat!! Beta o'dork is a SPECIAL kind of libtard SCUMBAG!!

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  11. #6
    Chimpout Guest


    Just saw one of the morning idiots on MSNBC pissing and moaning about "sensible gun control".This library POS said " those children were killed by a gun more powerful than we have our soldiers in Vietnam!"
    Apparently, performing vile sex acts on other males makes you a fucking idiot, and a hero to the left.
    Using the tragic death of those children to gut our constitution is despicable!!!!!!

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  13. #7
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    but imagine how much crime there wouldn't be if there were no niggers? People wouldn't feel the need to own weapons so they wouldn't buy them. Having a continuous nigger crime spree is probably why the majority of self-defenders purchase and store weapons at home. Look at Switzerland with its low gun crime, low nigger infestation and high gun ownership....two out of three, live nigger free !
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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  15. #8
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    ( ambulance chaser )

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  17. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    but imagine how much crime there wouldn't be if there were no niggers? People wouldn't feel the need to own weapons so they wouldn't buy them. Having a continuous nigger crime spree is probably why the majority of self-defenders purchase and store weapons at home. Look at Switzerland with its low gun crime, low nigger infestation and high gun ownership....two out of three, live nigger free !
    I’d own as many guns and ammo as I could no matter what! But I can’t help but smile and think how nice the world would be if there were no Niggers!There’d be a lot less carjacking and raping!

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  19. #10
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    While this is clearly a hot-button topic, and has been so for many years, let's also remember that 19 children are dead because of yet another window-licking, left-leaning nutcase. I've made it a point to not wade into this one too deeply, simply because I don't feel anyone on either side of the gun-control debate stands to 'win' any points at the moment, and the kids are what should be most remembered here. My personal feeling is that *trained* armed security (not officer Barney-fucking-Fife) and single entry facilities to make schools more of a 'hard target' will stop a lot of this bullshit. As for the cost...well, we protect politicians, our money, nuclear silos, celebrities, and on and on with men using guns. If it's really about the children, we'll FIND the fucking money. I know of $40 Billion that we just pissed away that we apparently had nothing else to do with...on a side note, it's amazing that a) these fucking lunatics always seem to come from the same side of the political/ideological fence as the gun grabbers, and b) my suggestion about armed guards and single point entry is a widely proposed idea, and the one most denounced by the leftist socialist moonbats, because....guns. Funny, that.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

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  21. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    Sorry this post is not directly related to niggers, it is about the next closest thing.....liberals...
    Don't apologize. This site is about more than just niggers. Yes, obviously we hate niggers and dune coons but we also hate their coddlers and enablers. Libshits that call for gun control while failing to call for executions, prison and deportations of criminals are what enables the niggers in the first place. Personally, I hate them more because were it not for these evil bastards, niggers, muzzies and border niggers wouldn't be in my country to begin with.

    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    my suggestion about armed guards and single point entry is a widely proposed idea, and the one most denounced by the leftist socialist moonbats, because....guns. Funny, that.
    It's now come out that parents were both tasered and arrested while trying to save their children during the ridiculously long 1 & 1/2 hours between the first shots fired outside the school and the last shot which dispatched this psychotic troon to hell. I understand the need to let the LEO's do their jobs but the fact is, they were not doing it. He was outside firing for several minutes before even going into the school.

    One of the talking heads on FNC was describing the standard police tactics used in this incident. Apparently, if the shooter is barricaded, the SOP is to just wait. For what, I have no clue. The LEO was saying that to attack a barricaded shooter is suicide. When he said this, my blood boiled. What would he call D-Day, then? That is exactly what they should have done because it is what HAD TO BE DONE! What were they going to wait for? The shooter to run out of ammo?

    To the cops on the ground for this incident, I have to say: Children were dying and you signed up to defend them! Those kids didn't have body armor. YOU DID! Do you think that our men who stormed the beaches at Normandy had body armor? DO YOUR DAMN JOBS!

    I've long called for deputizing teachers. It could be done easily simply by taking volunteers from the staff and giving them CCW licenses, regular LEO training and paying them for the service. I would do it for a dollar per year if I were teaching.

    Comb the staff for prior military members or anyone willing to act as a reserve officer. Require them to CCW daily and keep their identities secret.

    While a well armed society is a polite society, a well armed faculty makes for a safe school. Gun free zones are getting our children killed because signs don't stop bullets.

    Other guns stop them.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  23. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    It's now come out that parents were both tasered and arrested while trying to save their children during the ridiculously long 1 & 1/2 hours between the first shots fired outside the school and the last shot which dispatched this psychotic troon to hell. I understand the need to let the LEO's do their jobs but the fact is, they were not doing it. He was outside firing for several minutes before even going into the school.
    Got any kind of article or video or news link about that? I'd be very interested in seeing that.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

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  25. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    I find it very convenient for the liberals, who hate gov Abbot because of his beliefs and how he fucked them on their desire to kill more babies.So,now there’s another mass shooting in Texas state and a chance for them to try and ban America’s sweetheart(AR15) away! And always keep in mind. Liberals never let a good crisis go to waste!
    But, it ain’t gonna happen! And Joey Demento knows it!He even said in in his teleprompter speech Tuesday night. The majority of Americans want to keep their fucking guns! Especially with all this shit going on. If you watch your establishment to be shot up, just put a sign in front. “No gun zone“ or “gun free zone“. Criminals and nut jobs will flock to your place!
    Like in chimpcongo!!

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  27. #14
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    THIS is the only answer!!!
    We do not have a gun problem in America, we have a nigger problem

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  29. #15
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    The niggers are already complaining that the Buffalo tragedy is getting overshadowed by the Texas tragedy. Because Texas involved kids, that is why.

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  31. #16
    Chimpout Guest
    About a week or two ago, liberals were screeching about how abortion needs to be legal for everyone so people can kill their babies. Now they want to take away our guns so we can't kill children.

    These assholes need to pick a lane and stay in it.

    Besides, guns don't kill people; people kill people. If he didn't have a gun, he could have still found other ways to kill those kids and teachers. Explosives, for example, or he could have simply stabbed them with knives or clobbered them with blunt objects.

    The problem is his mental health, not whether or not he was able to find and use weapons, same as with niggers. Niggers are involved in mass shootings every week because they tend to be mentally ill. What we need to do is keep the severely mentally ill away from the people that we want to protect.

    Also, strict gun laws don't prevent criminals from breaking the law, so all they are doing is punishing law abiding citizens.

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  33. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Got any kind of article or video or news link about that? I'd be very interested in seeing that.
    Disgusting, pathetic, cowardly, inept and indifferent:
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  35. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    While this is clearly a hot-button topic, and has been so for many years, let's also remember that 19 children are dead because of yet another window-licking, left-leaning nutcase. I've made it a point to not wade into this one too deeply, simply because I don't feel anyone on either side of the gun-control debate stands to 'win' any points at the moment, and the kids are what should be most remembered here. My personal feeling is that *trained* armed security (not officer Barney-fucking-Fife) and single entry facilities to make schools more of a 'hard target' will stop a lot of this bullshit. As for the cost...well, we protect politicians, our money, nuclear silos, celebrities, and on and on with men using guns. If it's really about the children, we'll FIND the fucking money. I know of $40 Billion that we just pissed away that we apparently had nothing else to do with...on a side note, it's amazing that a) these fucking lunatics always seem to come from the same side of the political/ideological fence as the gun grabbers, and b) my suggestion about armed guards and single point entry is a widely proposed idea, and the one most denounced by the leftist socialist moonbats, because....guns. Funny, that.
    My observations, exactly.

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    I'm a longtime listener of the Walton and Johnson show now on the local conservative news talk station home to other conservative shows like Rush (RIP) Hannity, Beck and others. They have been in contact with an insider (friend and confidant) who will not go public just yet with his inside information. This person claims that there is information that is going to break soon that will absolve the local LEO's of any wrong doing or incompetence in this matter. They claim that he is a trusted source who they have dealt with before who is in a position of upper authority in law enforcement. For now they are keeping a lid on the matter until he is ready to come forward or the story breaks on it's own as he is not the only one privy to this info.

    I can only assume that this would mean that the Feds stepped in early during the siege and took full control only to fuck this situation up in every conceivable way. This would be par for the course with them and it's usually by design like all the other planned mass shootings. We know that they were on scene and that a border patrol agent ultimately killed the attacker. What we don't know yet is what happened in the 80+ minute plus standoff while the local police were outside.

    While initial reports about the local Uvalde LEO's are damning, I tend to side with law enforcement and when there are conflicting accounts and I generally find local LEO's to be more forthcoming than state or federal officials. At this point, I'm reserving any further judgement about the locals pending more info.

    I don't trust the alphabet agencies. They are all compromised and the evidence is glaring and daily. It was a known former FBI agent (maybe up to six by some accounts) who was in contact with the shooter for some time before this shooting. Has anyone stopped to ask the question of how does a part time fast food joint worker get the money to buy a nice pickup, two AR-15 rifles and somewhere between 375 and 1600 rounds of ammo? Of course the wildly different numbers are typical of our media but you get the point. There is no way he did all this on his own. Someone with deeper pockets than him funded his shooting spree.

    This is all about gun control and the disarming of American Patriots that would defend this country from tyranny. It is a setup and was all planned months in advance. Nothing will convince me otherwise because any evidence to the contrary will come from untrustworthy sources like the FBI and the media.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  37. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    While this is clearly a hot-button topic, and has been so for many years, let's also remember that 19 children are dead because of yet another window-licking, left-leaning nutcase. I've made it a point to not wade into this one too deeply, simply because I don't feel anyone on either side of the gun-control debate stands to 'win' any points at the moment, and the kids are what should be most remembered here. My personal feeling is that *trained* armed security (not officer Barney-fucking-Fife) and single entry facilities to make schools more of a 'hard target' will stop a lot of this bullshit. As for the cost...well, we protect politicians, our money, nuclear silos, celebrities, and on and on with men using guns.
    You are absolutely right! What really pisses me off though, MSM always and immediately exploits every tragedy to push their left wing agenda.

    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    If it's really about the children, we'll FIND the fucking money. I know of $40 Billion that we just pissed away that we apparently had nothing else to do with...on a side note, it's amazing that a) these fucking lunatics always seem to come from the same side of the political/ideological fence as the gun grabbers, and b) my suggestion about armed guards and single point entry is a widely proposed idea, and the one most denounced by the leftist socialist moonbats, because....guns. Funny, that.
    But (and please don't get me wrong, I absolutely do not want to defend what that guy did!!), what I am missing in the whole discussion is the role of the school/teachers and the "parents" (if I got that right he lived with his mom and then grandmother). I really don't think one should underestimate the effect of indoctrinating children from young age on with critical race "theory", and "choose your own gender", and "all white males are evil" thing.

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