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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackout View Post
    It certainly could be. It's very conveniently playing into their hands. They'll say he was radicalized by the far-right, but, as you say, he was probably a mind controlled tool. Also, the first person he shoots is some random white woman.
    There is no such thing as being radicalized by the far right. You cannot move too far to the right. It can't be done. Any suggestion to the contrary is made by liberal political science professors and I categorically reject the notion that left and right meet in some type of circle. There is a right way to do anything including govern. When something deviates from right, it becomes instantly wrong. The only question is how bad and how fast something will be screwed up.

    The fact that he shot a random white woman is the first proof of many that this is complete bullshit in my mind.

    Having studied enough about CIA mind control and other black projects, I assume that alphabet agency bastards are behind this shit.

    I'm quite used to being called a nut job by friends and family alike for my assumption of the worst when it comes to stuff like this. I'm so jaded by the corrupt media and politicians that my first response to any news remotely like this is always one well beyond skepticism. I assume that I am hearing lies because I've caught them too many times. They lie more than they tell the truth and it's not just with politics. It's with literally everything imaginable. If someone presents something as fact, my first response is prove it!

    I've been this way as long almost as far back as I can remember with most things. Probably around 5th grade is when I started questioning what I was told and I've never stopped. I've been told I annoy the shit out of people due to my zetetic philosophy and approach to everything. My teachers mostly hated me - except for the few that were actually good teachers. For some reason, they loved and enjoyed me.

    Now I'm middle aged, everyone but the people that count hate me and I don't give a shit. It's liberating.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  3. #22
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    So, no understand of the guy's poor upbringing? We're not calling him a messed up kid that was misguided? No graduation photo from kindergarten?

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  7. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackout View Post
    Even if the great replacement theory is true, how is shooting up a supermarket going to solve that? Pure madness.

    Surely, separation is the answer, not violence.

    'If the great replacement theory is true'??

    First, 200,000 plus minorities have streamed across the Southern Border EVERY MONTH now for more than a year... They are being put on trains, bussed or FLOWN to swing states and republican strong holds WITH OUR TAX MONEY

    Second... Google these words "Happy White Woman" and hit the 'Images' tab for what Google sends back. Picture after picture of white women WITH NIGGERS AND MUTANT SPROG...

    Third.. Park your ass in front of any television and just wait to see a commercial - pretty much ANY commercial... More often than not... White women with NIGGER FILTH and often with disgusting, little mutants befouling the tube.

    There are so many more examples out there. These are simply the most obvious. The ramifications of the above are absolutely earth-shattering.

    There is NO QUESTION that there is a concerted effort to marginalize if not completely eliminate the white race....

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  9. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post

    Having studied enough about CIA mind control and other black projects, I assume that alphabet agency bastards are behind this shit.
    I would not be surprised. Although you refer to events prior to Obama, know this: Obama was the first president in our history who openly and rabidly hired only Party apparatchiks for law enforcement and national security positions.

    This became painfully obvious when the Trump 'Whistle Blower' (a CIA employee) made his outrageous and now proven false claims. This America-hating punk-ass' claim to fame was having protested for some Mohammadian professor at Harvard who was being fired for mal/misfeasance. Obama just loved that and made sure to hire him. Just look at what and who the FBI has been investigating recently. The January 6th 'insurrectionists' who rearranged some furniture and broke a total of three windows in a public building while the BurnLootMurder cabal destroyed BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars of property in virtually every major American city over a years' time. The FBI openly claim to be investigating parents who speak out at school board meetings about alphabet filth being brought in to indoctrinate kindergarteners. These security agencies have turned into the enforcement arm of the DemonRAT party.

    I am sure this is only the tip of the iceberg.

    @CoonsRus stated in the ShoutBox recently that he felt this nation could not last another 5 years... I'm thinking he is right on target.

    As you say, all of us need to be exceptionally careful about the information we relay here. Any reference to where we live, other than than region, needs to stop. I've recently gone into my profile page here and simply put I'm an American. I have been all too often guilty of relaying identifying information here. All of us should be using a VPN every second we are on-line.

    Dangerous DANGEROUS days.... This is NOT the America I was brought up in.

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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    I would not be surprised. Although you refer to events prior to Obama, know this: Obama was the first president in our history who openly and rabidly hired only Party apparatchiks for law enforcement and national security positions.
    @CoonsRus recently stated in the ShoutBox recently that he felt this nation could not last another 5 years... I'm thinking he is right on target.
    This is NOT the America I was brought up in.
    I've been saying for years that I would see the end of this country in my lifetime if I made it to 60 and well, I'm almost there. Some people are born ahead of their time. Not me. I long for the good old days and my only regret was not being born 50 years earlier so I wouldn't have to watch this shit happening. At least if I was still alive at 110, just like nappy-time Joe, I wouldn't have a clue or give a shit what was going on.

    As far as which party is in charge and how much damage they do, I'm not sure it makes that much of a difference. If you are heading over a cliff, does it matter if you are going 100 or 90 miles per hour? You can brake but you're still going to be a fiery mess at the bottom of the canyon either way. Yeah, Obammy was gas pedal to the floor but Bush did a lot of the same shit and his mind numbed legions never noticed, having been lulled into a false sense of security by electing him.

    We've got the Demicans and the Republicrats. Two sides of the same coin. The only way to win is to find the guy flipping the coin and... Fill in your own blank here.

    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  13. #27
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    There is no such thing as being radicalized by the far right. You cannot move too far to the right. It can't be done. Any suggestion to the contrary is made by liberal political science professors and I categorically reject the notion that left and right meet in some type of circle. There is a right way to do anything including govern. When something deviates from right, it becomes instantly wrong. The only question is how bad and how fast something will be screwed up.

    The fact that he shot a random white woman is the first proof of many that this is complete bullshit in my mind.

    Having studied enough about CIA mind control and other black projects, I assume that alphabet agency bastards are behind this shit.

    I'm quite used to being called a nut job by friends and family alike for my assumption of the worst when it comes to stuff like this. I'm so jaded by the corrupt media and politicians that my first response to any news remotely like this is always one well beyond skepticism. I assume that I am hearing lies because I've caught them too many times. They lie more than they tell the truth and it's not just with politics. It's with literally everything imaginable. If someone presents something as fact, my first response is prove it!

    I've been this way as long almost as far back as I can remember with most things. Probably around 5th grade is when I started questioning what I was told and I've never stopped. I've been told I annoy the shit out of people due to my zetetic philosophy and approach to everything. My teachers mostly hated me - except for the few that were actually good teachers. For some reason, they loved and enjoyed me.

    Now I'm middle aged, everyone but the people that count hate me and I don't give a shit. It's liberating.
    Holy shit man, you sound a lot like me. First off…. I am as far right as they come. My kids are at a 95% human school and make straight As. I am going to an award ceremony for one tomorrow. I don’t tell them to stay away from niggers or even let them hear me say that word. I will steer them in the right direction. They will be smart enough to figure it out from there, i have had a lot of experience with niggers through my line of work that has forced me to despise them. I just don’t want my kids to ever have to find out the hard way about niggers.

    You aren’t crazy and I know you didn’t need me o ell you that. The three letter agencies can manipulate a population of low IQ niggers like moving a piece of paper from one end of the table to the other. There is also a huge population of young human kids that can be swayed just as easily.

    i also grew up with a tight knit set of about 10 friends. I only speak to one of them at this point and that is around 3 times a year. I am in my
    Late 30s. One of them was the best man at my wedding. I haven’t spoken to him in 3 years. He moved to California and is a liberal. I gave him a little piece of my mind last we spoke and that was that. I pobably won’t ever speak to him again. Known all of hese guys for 20+ years and some for 25 years. We all hate each other at this point.

    Edit: I want to add one thing. As I said I am in my late 30s. I have 3 kids and I/my wife discussed the third one in major detail before taking that plunge. She is so diligent about her birth control and we are quite fertile, that she could have had one any time but we always chose not to until we were ready. We have been together for 20 years but didn’t have our first one until 30 after careful planning and consideration. We decided on having a third partially to stick it to these anti white assholes. Here! Have another! Was our thoughts. Plus, we love em all.

    yes, CNN whitey is having less kids but what they don’t take into account is… more quality ones are being born.

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  15. #28
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    Forgive my tendency to use understated language. I agree completely that white people are being replaced and destroyed. It's not even subtle or hidden like it was many years ago. They openly gloat about their evil schemes. If we dare notice, we're conspiracy nuts and white supremacists. Nothing sickens me more than seeing areas of London where I grew up being infested with niggers and mudslimes. The change within my lifetime has been astounding. Yet, most youngsters (and the gullible older ones) are being brainwashed into believing 'we were always a nation of immigrants', 'diversity is our strength' etc etc. I can't see any future for the indigenous white people here unless there are some drastic changes.

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  17. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackout View Post
    Forgive my tendency to use understated language. I agree completely that white people are being replaced and destroyed. It's not even subtle or hidden like it was many years ago. They openly gloat about their evil schemes. If we dare notice, we're conspiracy nuts and white supremacists. Nothing sickens me more than seeing areas of London where I grew up being infested with niggers and mudslimes. The change within my lifetime has been astounding.
    Growing up in the Mid South, I knew that the entire Mississippi River Basin contained the ticking time bombs of slavery. While up until the 80's, niggers tended to keep themselves and their monkeyshines on their side of the tracks away from YT, they were quickly beginning to multiply like well fed rats and encroaching on human territories more and more. We all went to desegregated schools but they didn't overstep their bounds like they do today.

    I watched my beautiful towns and cities of West Tennessee turn into niggerfied shitholes quickly. Memphis was only a couple of hours from my front door and I was there as often as possible in my youth and early adulthood, even stationed there while in the Navy. I watched my hometown turn to crap and I now know I can never go back to retire for good. Gangs roam the southside of the city. It saddens me deeply because this isn't just about real estate. These are friends and family.

    The fact that niggers, sand niggers and border niggers are replacing us. This without question to anyone who can read a simple chart or isn't brainwashed. The only question for those not steeped in denial is why. Why is this happening? Since border fences and immigration policies work when allowed to do so, who is stopping them? Niggers, on their own, have never built a sailing vessel. Dunecoons and other turd world garbage come her daily but they don't swim here! Ask yourself this: Power hungry politicians aside, and simply from a logistical standpoint, how are they getting here? While obviously our southern borders are overrun on foot, our airports and sea ports are not. They are not swimming across the oceans to get here. Whether the problem is at our borders or our fifth column of stateside niggers and their coddlers, this is still a question of logistics. The only answer here is that someone is financing them. The same rings true in your country.

    If we don't start to ask who is actually behind the replacement scheme, and take hard physical steps to permanently stop them, then we and our progeny are doomed. Our bones and accomplishments will be dug up in a few thousand years by archaeologist for televised display while they discuss the mystery of the great reset, the fall of our society and the thousands of years of darkness that followed.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ancient aliens guy.jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	51.7 KB 
ID:	19887

    I will not eat ze bugs. I refuse to own nothing. I will not be happy and I will not go quietly.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  19. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post

    Niggers, on their own, have never built a sailing vessel. Dunecoons and other turd world garbage come her daily but they don't swim here! Ask yourself this: Power hungry politicians aside, and simply from a logistical standpoint, how are they getting here? While obviously our southern borders are overrun on foot, our airports and sea ports are not. They are not swimming across the oceans to get here. Whether the problem is at our borders or our fifth column of stateside niggers and their coddlers, this is still a question of logistics. The only answer here is that someone is financing them. The same rings true in your country.


    I will not eat ze bugs. I refuse to own nothing. I will not be happy and I will not go quietly.

    It's a damn good question. Who the hell are financing these animals assaulting our borders? It's a long story how I have this list, suffice to say such jobs no longer interest me. Most of the below companies are generically known as 'NGO's. These are funded by Democrap initiative and people like Soros. Knowing what I know about these 'companies', their past and their funding, it's a sure bet that they or their antecedents are responsible for much of what we're seeing now. I won't relay how I have this. Suffice to say such positions are no longer of interest. Note that many of the links are dead

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  21. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    It's a damn good question. Who the hell are financing these animals assaulting our borders? It's a long story how I have this list, suffice to say such jobs no longer interest me. Most of the below companies are generically known as 'NGO's. These are funded by Democrap initiative and people like Soros. Knowing what I know about these 'companies', their past and their funding, it's a sure bet that they or their antecedents are responsible for much of what we're seeing now. I won't relay how I have this. Suffice to say such positions are no longer of interest. Note that many of the links are dead.

    It was more of a rhetorical question for me as I know damn well who they are. They are legion IYKWIM. Soros is only the devil you see. There are many more that don't want to be seen who are even more evil and more rich than this asshole. These are the richest people on the planet and you will never see their names in any list of top billionaires. They don't want to be seen. They operate in the shadows of power and basically don't exist on paper - at least not like us. Driver's license number? SSN? Forget it. These guys are off grid because they are above it. They own the grid.

    It can be a sensitive topic here so I usually just don't go into much detail. People might misread intentions or beliefs due to lack of deep understanding and it takes a lot of explaining. I'll just say that the world doesn't operate like most people think it does. The people who run it aren't what most people think they are. The people who do understand, know better than to open their mouths no matter which side they are on.

    They keep quiet because their plans are evil and not to be revealed.
    I keep quiet because most everyone would think I'm bat shit crazy.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  23. #32
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    Yeah, we are going to hear about white supremacy, rapparishunz an sheet, gun control, assault weapons ban and how it's all Trump's fault. The nigger loving communist tranny news media can fuckin' burn in hell along with their pet monkeys.

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    I get it. And you are correct.

  25. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Growing up in the Mid South, I knew that the entire Mississippi River Basin contained the ticking time bombs of slavery. While up until the 80's, niggers tended to keep themselves and their monkeyshines on their side of the tracks away from YT, they were quickly beginning to multiply like well fed rats and encroaching on human territories more and more. We all went to desegregated schools but they didn't overstep their bounds like they do today.

    I watched my beautiful towns and cities of West Tennessee turn into niggerfied shitholes quickly. Memphis was only a couple of hours from my front door and I was there as often as possible in my youth and early adulthood, even stationed there while in the Navy. I watched my hometown turn to crap and I now know I can never go back to retire for good. Gangs roam the southside of the city. It saddens me deeply because this isn't just about real estate. These are friends and family.

    The fact that niggers, sand niggers and border niggers are replacing us. This without question to anyone who can read a simple chart or isn't brainwashed. The only question for those not steeped in denial is why. Why is this happening? Since border fences and immigration policies work when allowed to do so, who is stopping them? Niggers, on their own, have never built a sailing vessel. Dunecoons and other turd world garbage come her daily but they don't swim here! Ask yourself this: Power hungry politicians aside, and simply from a logistical standpoint, how are they getting here? While obviously our southern borders are overrun on foot, our airports and sea ports are not. They are not swimming across the oceans to get here. Whether the problem is at our borders or our fifth column of stateside niggers and their coddlers, this is still a question of logistics. The only answer here is that someone is financing them. The same rings true in your country.

    If we don't start to ask who is actually behind the replacement scheme, and take hard physical steps to permanently stop them, then we and our progeny are doomed. Our bones and accomplishments will be dug up in a few thousand years by archaeologist for televised display while they discuss the mystery of the great reset, the fall of our society and the thousands of years of darkness that followed.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ancient aliens guy.jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	51.7 KB 
ID:	19887

    I will not eat ze bugs. I refuse to own nothing. I will not be happy and I will not go quietly.
    Tweak! I was stationed at NAS Millington when I went to my helicopter school back in '82/'83!

  26. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tar Remover View Post
    Tweak! I was stationed at NAS Millington when I went to my helicopter school back in '82/'83!
    I was in AVA School there in 1988. My two best friends from high school went there for their schools and were also stationed at one of the squadrons there. P-3's, If my memory serves me.

    Millington went from the largest single employer in the state to all but dried up and blown away when the NATTC shut down. It's still there operating as NSA Mid South with a much smaller crew. Navy Road is a shadow of what it used to be. I still drive through there when I go back home every once in a while.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  28. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I was in AVA School there in 1988. My two best friends from high school went there for their schools and were also stationed at one of the squadrons there. P-3's, If my memory serves me.

    Millington went from the largest single employer in the state to all but dried up and blown away when the NATTC shut down. It's still there operating as NSA Mid South with a much smaller crew. Navy Road is a shadow of what it used to be. I still drive through there when I go back home every once in a while.
    Nice! I remember buying a guitar amp by making payments at a pawn shop called Mr. C's Jewelry. The fuckin' bastard took my down payment and basically stiffed me on the amp. I told him to go fuck his mother and shove the amp up his ass. I went to JAG and the attorney there said yeah, we get these issues all the time from this prick. So they sent him a letter telling him to fuck off and stop harassing me for more money. Then they sent a letter to the Base Commander who then posted Mr. C's as "off-Limits". He went out of business. I will never forget that fuckhole POS cocksucker.
    We used to go to that drive in there and drink beer and watch fuck-flicks......
    Another fun memory there was when several of us Marines went to the E club, which had bouncers we called "Red Coats". We got into a big brawl with some sailors and trashed the place. The place was closed down for a couple weeks. It all started with one sailor and one Marine talking shit to each other. The Marine threw a piece of ice at the sailor, a dozen sailors jumped up and then about a dozen Marines jumped up and it was fuckin' ON. Both sides beat the hell out of the Red Coats including each other. It all happened so fast.......
    Those were the days.......

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    Yeah, the sanctions list was a mile long by the time I got there. Half the used car lots were on the list for shady bidness dealings with the young naive Sailors and Marines that came through there. Plenty of bars were off limits for us due to being hostile to us. A lot of guys got their asses jumped by the locals. The drive in shut down not long after you were there.

    The MWR had horses and trails on the NAS side of the base. I took my much younger Mrs. Tweak there for her one and only horse riding experience. They told us to keep to the trail and don't run them. I guess I figured riding would come as naturally to her as it did to me, so of course, you know what I did. Mrs. Tweak was keeping up with me side by side until her horse stopped dead in it's tracks and threw her face first into the field. I had to retrieve her horse which was running at full speed, go back, pick her and her sprained wrist up, lead her horse back to the stables and she has refused to ride since. We were lucky. It could have ended a lot worse - like Christopher Reeve worse.

    Since I avoided the bar scene, I managed to keep out of trouble there but I watched plenty of my guys wreck themselves doing stupid shit out in town. I was both the class leader and at the top of my class. We started off with 30 and graduated 15. The Memphis/Millington area cost a lot of guys their futures and it was usually traced back to them getting stupid at bars when they should have been hitting the books.

    Had I not had a wife and child to take care of, I'm certain that I would have been right there with them - first at the clubs and then at the Captain's Mast.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  32. #38
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    Not surprised. There sure were some shady fuckin' pricks there.

  33. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I've been saying for years that I would see the end of this country in my lifetime if I made it to 60 and well, I'm almost there. Some people are born ahead of their time. Not me. I long for the good old days and my only regret was not being born 50 years earlier so I wouldn't have to watch this shit happening. At least if I was still alive at 110, just like nappy-time Joe, I wouldn't have a clue or give a shit what was going on.

    As far as which party is in charge and how much damage they do, I'm not sure it makes that much of a difference. If you are heading over a cliff, does it matter if you are going 100 or 90 miles per hour? You can brake but you're still going to be a fiery mess at the bottom of the canyon either way. Yeah, Obammy was gas pedal to the floor but Bush did a lot of the same shit and his mind numbed legions never noticed, having been lulled into a false sense of security by electing him.
    Sad, but true! It's the same over here, in our undemocratic socialist superstate "EU" (which of course is no surprise, because it is the same people who run the system behind the curtain).

    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    We've got the Demicans and the Republicrats. Two sides of the same coin. The only way to win is to find the guy flipping the coin and... Fill in your own blank here.
    You are absolutely right!

  34. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post

    'If the great replacement theory is true'??

    First, 200,000 plus minorities have streamed across the Southern Border EVERY MONTH now for more than a year... They are being put on trains, bussed or FLOWN to swing states and republican strong holds WITH OUR TAX MONEY

    Second... Google these words "Happy White Woman" and hit the 'Images' tab for what Google sends back. Picture after picture of white women WITH NIGGERS AND MUTANT SPROG...

    Third.. Park your ass in front of any television and just wait to see a commercial - pretty much ANY commercial... More often than not... White women with NIGGER FILTH and often with disgusting, little mutants befouling the tube.

    There are so many more examples out there. These are simply the most obvious. The ramifications of the above are absolutely earth-shattering.

    There is NO QUESTION that there is a concerted effort to marginalize if not completely eliminate the white race....
    Of course, they don't even hide their agenda. It's just liberal double speak: The UN even published (several) papers where they actually called it "replacement". The only times when MSM call it a conspiracy theory is when they want to ridicule conservatives. But normally they openly admit that it's true, and that they are happy about it.

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