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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Amazon Goes Full Retard With Release of "Black America"

    Hollyweird and Co. seem to be in a winnerless race to see which of their tentacles can shove negrophilia further down white America's throats. The release of Confederate won't be enough, oh no. They have to release something so fucking far out there that it would make flying niggers and Afro-engineered pyramids seem feasible in comparison. Oh...and fuck you, Jeff Bezos.

    Get this, it's about niggers taking over the South and rising to be an international power while stupid whitey runs the rest of America into the ground.

    HBO’s PR nightmare over*Confederate*just got handed a major blow.

    Amazon*has shown its*own hand and revealed it’s been working on its own post-Civil War, alt-history series:*Black America, which imagines*a post-reparations America in which freed slaves have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama to form the sovereign nation of New Colonia.

    This new country faces tense, sometimes violent relations with its “Big Neighbour” the United States, which acts both as ally and foe. The past 150 years have borne witness to military incursions, assassinations, coups, and regime changes; however, New Colonia has grown to join the ranks of industrialised world nations, while the US has sunk into a rapid decline.
    Last edited by CoonTownYT; 08-05-2017 at 08:07 AM.

  2. #2
    LT. Colonel
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    The U.S. in decline while niggers thrive? Give me a break. However, that's exactly what would happen when the UN and other One World Government groups get their way.

    We don't need fiction of freed niggers ruling themselves. It's called Liberia. The pictures are what I quickly Googled, and they aren't Photoshops. I've traveled through a number of Third World countries, whose poor look like kings compared to these niggers.

    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  3. #3
    Thin White Duke
    Chimpout Guest
    The "alternate history" scenarios these nutsacks dream up and put on screen literally must just be their own bizarre, alternate realities that they mentally and emotionally live in, inflicted upon the rest of us.

  4. #4
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    People go to Netflix and others online because they got sick of traditional Hollywood "programing". Now they are doing the same shit over and over again. This is why I watch alot of anime. Still so far not too many SJW shit.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Since niggers are completely and totally dependant on human society largesse I find the premise of this show is quite laughable !

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    NO offence intended for our "brothers in arms" in LA, MS & AL...

    But I'd LOVE to see this happen !

    Six momfs afta dey liberation, the whole rotten sub-human race would begin to implode... AND,, ALL made good
    within the first 2 years !! Just IMAGINE how the shitskins would turn on each other if they were all couped up together in the same area...

    I would HATE to give up the states of the deep south, however,, SO I propose sending them all over to Haiti... There,, dey can finally
    realize the dream of self-governance without interference from whitey.

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