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  1. #1
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    Private School kicks out Chimpelle Obongo's Brother & Mudshark's sproglets after they scream raycisss

    The only reason Chimpelle's family became affluent was because Chimpelle's father was given a cushy, well paying affirmative action non-job in the Chicago City Waterworks by the Daly Admin for helping to steer nigger votes to the Dems.
    Michelle Obama’s brother Craig Robinson sues school over kids’ expulsion

    The brother and sister-in-law of former first lady Michelle Obama are suing a Milwaukee school that kicked out their children, with the couple alleging Tuesday that the dismissals were in retaliation for their complaints about racial bias.

    Craig Robinson and his wife, Kelly, brought their action against the University School of Milwaukee on Monday after their two young sons were expelled last year.

    “​As [with] a lot of the parents, we heard what was going on in the classroom because of COVID,” Craig Robinson ​told ABC’s “Good Morning America” Tuesday, “and there were repeated use of racial and ethnic stereotypes that were in actual assignments.

    “The use of the word ‘plantation’ and things of that nature,” Robinson went on. “In addition to the racial and ethnic stereotypes, there was an insensitivity to socioeconomic status and as well as a disregard for the children who weren’t physically in the classroom​.”
    When all else fails, scream raycisssss!
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
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    Fuck that nigger and his coal burning lab rat. How about socio-decency- something a nigger is incapable of....... Go ahead and scream RAYCISS!!!!! I am going to scream "NIGGER!"
    Wow! LOOK at those dead eyes on the coal burner...... She has been stuffed so full of black monkey dick she isn't even human anymore......

  4. #3
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    The former first man Big Mike has a brother? Never heard of the creeps or the mudshark. Not worth it.
    Flush it down.

  5. #4
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    BTW that guy's "blond wife" looks like it could be a buck. Can somebody check downstairs?
    This seems to run in the family. Just look at the former first man, Big Mike's package.

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