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  1. #21
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    At first, the woketurd hacks at the NY Post revealed that the suspook was a black man, which was remarkable.
    Then, they put out a story, with no less than 4 reporters on the byline, titled : Everything we know about the
    Subway Shooting suspect. They somehow left any reference to the word "black" out of that shitpost.
    They've since disappeared that insult to journalism off their site. The NY Post masquerades as a conservative
    newspaper, but make no mistake - they are fake news. I call them out on it at least twice a week, and I
    regularly rip into their hack writers who have an email link, of which they're are fewer with each passing day.
    They seem to have gotten the message, in regards to their series of "Racist rant" stories, where their woke
    pussy reporters would try to get whites fired, evicted and arrested for straightening out niggers.

  2. #22
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    The nigger's Glock was probably literally full of shit from ramrodding itself and its fellow DL bucks. We're familiar with bad nigger marksmanship, but how bad is a nigger that at practically point blank range, it shoots over 30 times and doesn't kill one person? At best the weapon simply wasn't maintained. Maybe it's not even a Glock at all, but cheap crap like a Hi-Point, and the Lame Stream Media wants to report "Glock! Glock! Glock!" because that's a brand to make people frightened.

    Did you notice that the feds took over this case very quickly? I couldn't say which is worse, NYC's prosecutors or the Biden DOJ. That's like deciding which stinks more, goose feces or a cowpie. There is a simple reason, though, that the feds took the nigger into custody from the NYPD. This stinks entirely of the FBI intentionally doing nothing about a known time bomb nigger with a criminal record even longer than usual. I'm telling you: the FBI wanted this to happen, and that's why the feds are taking over the prosecution, so the nigger can be convicted quietly and released after maybe a couple of years at NU. Just the day before, Biden stumbled through another address, this time on ghost guns. Now here's a perfect setup for NY and the feds to enact stricter gun control, you know, because law-abiding citizens should be punished for what niggers do.

    This is one of the stupidest criminiggers since OJ. When the nigger rented a UHaul, it had to give its driver's license and credit card. It didn't raise flags that a nigger from Wisconsin was in PA trying to rent a UHaul? Once the UHaul was identified, it should have been a matter of 2 minutes at most for an FBI agent to contact UHaul with the license plate and get the name on the credit card, then within an hour have all TV broadcasting photos of the identified suspook. Instead it took hours. Why?

    And then the nigger was found in an East Village McDonald's. Even stupid niggers try to find some "crib" to hide in. It could have easily hopped on a PATH train and disappeared in NJ, where in Paterson or Camden it would be completely indistinguishable from the typical niggerbuck.
    get this shit, I read a comment on facespook of a nigger defending this nigger saying he wasn’t trying to kill anyone and that is why noone died. Fuck I hate niggers.

  3. #23
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    Very True! Wouldn't it be tremendous if all the niggers would end up in the toilet. Only problem is they are all so stupid they wouldn't know how to use the handle to flush themselves to where they belong.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    That nigger looks like a retarded gorilla with BITCH tits!!
    I bet that nigger was just outraged when he found out he couldn't swap those tits in for a set of new ones. The crazy nigger just went crazy again.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    There was a case where a nigger kilt its hoe, stuffed the carcass in a closet, then when caught black-handed by the po-po claimed that the body had been there when he'd moved in.

    I posted that. I read it years ago, but it was so outlandish I never forgot it. IIRC, it was more than one dead nog in the crib.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    At first, the woketurd hacks at the NY Post revealed that the suspook was a black man, which was remarkable.
    Then, they put out a story, with no less than 4 reporters on the byline, titled : Everything we know about the
    Subway Shooting suspect. They somehow left any reference to the word "black" out of that shitpost.
    They've since disappeared that insult to journalism off their site. The NY Post masquerades as a conservative
    newspaper, but make no mistake - they are fake news. I call them out on it at least twice a week, and I
    regularly rip into their hack writers who have an email link, of which they're are fewer with each passing day.
    They seem to have gotten the message, in regards to their series of "Racist rant" stories, where their woke
    pussy reporters would try to get whites fired, evicted and arrested for straightening out niggers.
    I hate those cuckservative fake opposition types so much. All they do is vilify and dehumanize anyone one micrometer to the right of them while worshipping their far-leftist so-called "enemies."

    I hope this country splits in two with a woke libturd nation and a normal, clean, white nation, with the cuckservatives denied residence in both and forced to go to Africa with the niggers.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    I hate those cuckservative fake opposition types so much. All they do is vilify and dehumanize anyone one micrometer to the right of them while worshipping their far-leftist so-called "enemies."

    I hope this country splits in two with a woke libturd nation and a normal, clean, white nation, with the cuckservatives denied residence in both and forced to go to Africa with the niggers.
    The Post's top SJW sword swallower got tired of me suggesting that his racist rant stories were a substitute
    for blowing his journalism professor. He writes me back with everything he dug up about me, and I say "No shit, Sherlock, I sign
    my emails with my real name and home town". I told him "F**k your mother's *****, fuck you, and fuck your nigger pets. You
    can interview me, take my picture, and print it, along with the aforementioned quotes". He says "I'm warning you", but when I
    fire back with more of the same, he's blocked my emails. He is definitely some sort of closet homosexual negrophile.

    If we ever come to our senses, and load up shit barges, bound for Africa - these nigger-lovers would be killed off midway through
    the trip, before the niggers started killing each other.

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  9. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    The Post's top SJW sword swallower got tired of me suggesting that his racist rant stories were a substitute
    for blowing his journalism professor.
    You have to start prefacing your funny stuff with "Hey Sandman, don't be drinking anything right now!" There almost went my coffee on my screen. It's a gross thought when you think about it, but at first it really is so funny because it's basically what those libtards do.

    Dan Bongino is about the only conservative I trust these days. The rest have sold out, and you can tell by their refusal to say the election was stolen. A friend of mine used to do a radio show until it got canceled: reasonable ratings and growing into a nationwide audience, but nothing like the "We have to move on and think of the 2022 midterms" GOP surrender otriches.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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  11. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    You have to start prefacing your funny stuff with "Hey Sandman, don't be drinking anything right now!" There almost went my coffee on my screen. It's a gross thought when you think about it, but at first it really is so funny because it's basically what those libtards do.

    Dan Bongino is about the only conservative I trust these days. The rest have sold out, and you can tell by their refusal to say the election was stolen. A friend of mine used to do a radio show until it got canceled: reasonable ratings and growing into a nationwide audience, but nothing like the "We have to move on and think of the 2022 midterms" GOP surrender otriches.
    Making my fellow Chimpers laugh is the prime directive. I was giggling when I wrote the original hate mail,
    which is how I know I'm on the right track....

    Fake conservatives piss me off worse than out and out libturds. The NY Post runs columns by two never-Trumping
    windbags - Rich Lowry and John Podhoretz - who I would torch regularly. I've had vicious email exchanges with
    both. Now, like most of the contributors to the paper, they no longer attach an email link to their dogshit. I like
    to inform them that, like the once influential music critics of the '60s and '70s, they are being relegated to obscurity....

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  13. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    Making my fellow Chimpers laugh is the prime directive. I was giggling when I wrote the original hate mail,
    which is how I know I'm on the right track....

    Fake conservatives piss me off worse than out and out libturds. The NY Post runs columns by two never-Trumping
    windbags - Rich Lowry and John Podhoretz - who I would torch regularly. I've had vicious email exchanges with
    both. Now, like most of the contributors to the paper, they no longer attach an email link to their dogshit. I like
    to inform them that, like the once influential music critics of the '60s and '70s, they are being relegated to obscurity....
    Lowry's been a fake since before he took over National Review, and for a long time NR's been more of a pseudo-conservative joke than the NYP. Once NR was so desperate that they offered me 6 free issues (you can tell how long ago that was). I read a little of the first, found it rehashed garbage that even then I was able to get online, and I didn't bother reading the rest.

    There were reasons to wonder about Trump, even reasons to oppose him as the Republican nominee, but what NR and other Never Trumpers did was every imaginable shade of stupid. Or were they stupid? Were they in fact part of the cabal trying to get Clinton to win, so NR's role was to convince enough conservatives to stay home?
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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