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Thread: One day....

  1. #1
    Senior Administrator
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    One day....

    So, in my neighborhood, directly across the street from my house, there's this double-sided dwelling. Over the last 15 years or so, this place has been destroyed beyond habitability 3-4 times, and each time has to be completely rehabbed. Back around Thanksgiving, the cycle began yet again. Spend five months rehabbing it to the point that HUD will let you toss some niggers into for 6-12 months until the eviction becomes final, wash, rinse, repeat...

    As is often the case with section 8'rs, they are not there one day, and then suddenly chaos erupts the very next day. Today is no different. All of a sudden, a coalburner, her current buck, and 3 mullatonogs all come a movin in. Seen it before, yawn. Two things make today different, however.

    I come home to see this, and to get my mail, and unlock my door, etc....while I'm doing all of this (keep in mind, I carry everywhere I go, and I tend to carry open when near my house, so the niggers up and down the street get a good look at the person who will leave them for the fucking crows if they give me a reason), the burner starts in from across the street with her fucking 'hey neighborrrrrrrr' bullshit, waving and such, as though I'm going to bake a fucking cake and take it over there.

    When I turn my back to get into my mailbox, it suddenly becomes, 'what, you too good say hello?' (the usual white chick trying to act like a sow bullshit). I turn back around, I say 'yes', and then turn back into my doorway and go into my house. 15-20 minutes go by. I go back out to take the garbage out back, and the buck makes the mistake of yelling from across the fucking street, 'hey how come you don't say hi to my woman when she talks to you?'

    Well ok. My wife's father is in the hospital with a heart attack, I've had to piss about with her bad mood for the past three days, and I'm just not in the mood to be challenged, even an empty challenge made by an empty headed nigger. I drop my trash, turn on my heel (keep in mind, my holstered weapon is still on my hip), and walk across the street and just let both of them have it.

    I say (to her, I don't even acknowledge the buck), 'Look here, let me explain something to you, even though I think I'm wasting my time. YOU are about the 12th set of section 8 rats that's come through this house in the last 10-12 years. The last set burned down the garage, the ones before you broke out half the windows in a fit of rage, and damn near bled to death as a result. The ones before that dealt drugs and got a fast and violent visit from drug task force as a result. You'll be here about half a year, and from what I've seen in the last half an hour, you're just like all the rest that came before you. You're loud, invasive, you have mixed children and a pet buck, and the proof of that is standing right next to you. YOU HAVE BEEN HERE FOR LESS THAN 24 HOURS, AND ALREADY YOU HAVE MANAGED TO DESTROY BOTH THE SCREEN IN THE FRONT DOOR, AND THE FUCKING FRONT WINDOW BLINDS. BOTH OF THOSE THINGS WERE BRAND FUCKING NEW YESTERDAY. Your children, as we speak, are in the middle of the fucking street, your pet buck has the look of someone I'm eventually going to have to DEAL with, empty garbage and packing boxes are strewn all over that concrete slab you call a porch, and that dog you have chained to that weak porch rail will DIE the minute he breaks that leash and comes across the street. In a matter of months, this buck of yours will suck any money you have away from you, leave, you won't be able to pay the rent, the electric will be turned off, and one day I'll come home and you will simply be gone. So no, I have no reason to talk to you beyond this conversation. What you SHOULD probably worry about is what might happen if you piss me off with your bullshit, do not EVER challenge me again. All I expect from you is that your keep your noise down, the front yard clean, stay out of my driveway and parking space in front of my house, and that includes your guests and your kids. And, you keep that dog contained, because I WILL kill it if it gets loose. Give me a reason of any kind to have cops here every day, and I will. My son in law works this district, and gives me as much of his time as I need.'

    'Still want to talk to me?'

    Shoulda seen the look on that buck's face. Wanted to chimp so bad he could taste it, but the sidearm and the fact that I had a clean 70 pounds on him. The girl just turned beet red. Turned on my heel again, took my garbage out back, went back in my house. Some loud grumbling with some of the other niggers on that side of the street, but nothing else of consequence. I just don't give a fuck anymore.

  2. #2
    justin igger
    Chimpout Guest
    Truer words have never been spoken.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    Holy smokes!!

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  4. #4
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Nice maing, I'd have coughed-up for pay-per-view to have seen that.

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Chimpout Member
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    Sounds like you really let loose on them ME. Bravo!

  7. #7
    Acknowledged Member
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    This shit aint over. Beliebs dat. It aint over...
    Its not about revenge...its about punishment.

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