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  1. #1
    justin igger
    Chimpout Guest

    Texas fuel crisis causes a chimpout.

    Over the last week or so pretty much every gas station in my city has been out of fuel. We have the media to thank for this because they announced a gas shortage when there was none and everyone made a run on the stations effectively emptying every gas station in the city.

    Fuel deliveries have been sporadic because with over 90% stations out of gas they are delivering a few thousand gallons to each station instead of filling them us as usual.

    Over the last few days there have been huge lines around any station that got a delivery. Mix this with niggers and the chimpouts are inevitable.

    The gas station near my kids school has pumps that can be approached from the main road and a side road, I saw that two niggers raced toward the same pump at the same time, (they had gas caps on opposite sides of their vehicles.) Both niggers got their cars partially in front of the gas pump but neither could pump gas as the hose wouldn't reach.

    Neither nigger would move. I got to see all this because I was stuck in a line of cars being blocked by the gas station gridlock.

    The niggers got out of their vehicles, (one jeep SUV with giant rims and the other a blinged out suburban) they were ooking loudly and telling each other to move.

    If these were humans, one could have backed up a little, so the other could have filled up then they could have switched places and all would be well.

    But these were niggers and neither could work out this simple problem without chest bumping and eventual fisticuffs.

    I picked up my daughters from school and passed by the station again on my way home.

    The niggers were handcuffed and being put in the back of a sheriff's unit and their still unfueled hoopties were being towed away to the impound.

    I felt sorry for the humans trying to fuel up during this mess but I hope their inconvenience cause by these two evolutionary throwbacks was a lesson well received.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Reminds you of the Chester Cheetos commercial with two couples racing around the store with the last bag of Cheetos. WHen I saw that commercial I told my one son that describes niggers perfectly.

  3. #3
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justin igger View Post
    ...and their still unfueled hoopties were being towed away to the impound.
    That'll save the REPO truck driver the hassle of searching for the hoopties.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Dumb Apes. !

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