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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Is anyone getting tired of Biden's war bullshit?

    Okay, so this isn't really about niggers, unless "acting like a nigger" counts, but it's really starting to feel tedious and annoying to me at this point how Biden keeps telling us that Russia is going to invade Ukraine and/or start a war. Every day, Biden is revealing that there is some magic new intel that proves Russia is going to attack tomorrow, but then Russia doesn't attack.

    I honestly don't know why they are so adamant about this war thing instead of just saying that the Russians are performing war drills or whatever on the border. All Putin has to do to make Biden look like an idiot is literally nothing.

    And when Biden and his cronies were talking about false flags and stuff... how are we supposed to know that the US government itself isn't going to initiate a false flag attack just to create a conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time we've done something like that to sabotage foreign governments, and at this point, it wouldn't surprise me if Biden ordered his people to do exactly that rather than admit that he made a mistake.

    Besides all of that, I don't see why Biden cares so much about Ukraine's borders when he doesn't want to secure America's borders. That asshole should worry about the USA first, and everyone else last. We need to be a little bit more selfish as a nation.

    Here is a small list of things I think Biden should fix in the USA before starting World War 3:
    1. We need deflation, not inflation.
    2. Create the means of production for various goods so we aren't reliant so on foreign nations.
    3. Give up on green energy and open up the oil pipelines.
    4. Stop supporting BLM.
    5. Stop supporting Antifa.
    6. Openly support the police and the rule of law. (Just saying you support the police is meaningless when you enact laws and policies that are literally getting them killed every day during your administration.)
    7. Ship all African-Americans and any "human" niggerlovers to Africa.
    8. Raise the standards in schools. Maybe create a system where people have to take an IQ test of some sort to get into universities, and mandate that they only pursue fields of study that will benefit their communities in some way. Also ban people from pursuing studies that they are probably going to fail, unless they pay for it with their own money.
    9. We need a system where humans are judged by the content of their character, and not their skin color or religion. Attacking whites, humans of color, or Jews because of their skin color or beliefs is wrong. Putting them in jail, prison, or a sanitarium because they are criminals and/or a threat to the community is okay.
    10. Ban insider trading among elected politicians, their spouses, family members, and friends. It's disturbing how blatantly corrupt that is. I mean, they can literally enact rules and laws that directly have an effect on stocks, and since they know this beforehand, they can purchase or sell stocks accordingly to make massive profits.
    11. Drain the swamp.
    12. Publicly list the names of all the people that went to Pedo Island and raped little kids before the cameras mysteriously fail in Ghislaine Maxwell's prison cell and she "commits suicide" like her other two comrades.

    Let's go Brandon

  2. #2
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    These are great points. Normally they'd be off-topic, but I like your post as what's wrong with this country. It's the most niggerloving administration we've ever had, even without Hopped Up Harris as VP.

    Ex-HNIC Obama is back, pulling the strings. Everyone talks about diplomacy, funny, but it's still the same Democratic warmongering to me.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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  4. #3
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    There's no nigger dick to be sucked regarding Ukraine, therefore they don't give a shit and won't do shit about it. If it was some worthless african country they'd be all bent out of shape over it, but Ukrainians are white.

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  6. #4
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    consider signing up OP. Nigger haters are always welcome. Make it official ! We're all subjected to the negro filth and sharing the pain is caring !
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Okay, so this isn't really about niggers, unless "acting like a nigger" counts...
    And when Biden and his cronies were talking about false flags and stuff... how are we supposed to know that the US government itself isn't going to initiate a false flag attack just to create a conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time we've done something like that to sabotage foreign governments, and at this point.
    Besides all of that, I don't see why Biden cares so much about Ukraine's borders when he doesn't want to secure America's borders. That asshole should worry about the USA first, and everyone else last. We need to be a little bit more selfish as a nation.
    4. Stop supporting BLM.
    5. Stop supporting Antifa.
    7. Ship all African-Americans and any "human" niggerlovers to Africa.

    I personally don't mind political discourse. The way I see it, everything wrong with the world is either political, religious, philosophical and moral in nature. If you think about it, politicians and globalist use niggers, sandniggers, deviants and other miscreants as simple tools to achieve their desired ends of ultimate power and control under a one world government. They always have. If you sign up, you will find both a politics and a general section where you can feel free and welcome to address such topics with the like minded members here.

    On your false flag point, several days ago I watched a state department (or maybe it was Pentagon) spokesman claiming that Russia was going to conduct FF ops using fake video, fake news etc. to drag us into war. I knew it was a lie right off of the bat because it came from this administration. The country, I'm sad to say, has a history of such behavior. Gulf of Tonkin, WMD's etc. The list is long and sickening. I don't trust anyone or anything on face value especially when DC or the UN is concerned.

    I fully back sending all niggers back to Africa along with their mudsharks and drillers antifa and blm supporters. If they love niggers so much, they should join them and feed them. Crops or cannibalism, it matters not to me. I support a blockade to keep them there. History has shown they can't make it off of the continent on their own. Relocate all South Africans and let the niggers have it unless the few humans left want to reclaim it and build a wall but let's face it, that's not happening.

    Africa is where they belong because that is where their Creator put them. Whales belong in the ocean, birds in the trees, snakes in the grass and niggers in AFRICA! Orcas kill their handlers in aquariums. Why does anyone expect niggers not to do the same if we incur into, or they are removed from, their own natural habitat?
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  9. #6
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    On your false flag point, several days ago I watched a state department (or maybe it was Pentagon) spokesman claiming that Russia was going to conduct FF ops using fake video, fake news etc. to drag us into war. I knew it was a lie right off of the bat because it came from this administration. The country, I'm sad to say, has a history of such behavior. Gulf of Tonkin, WMD's etc. The list is long and sickening. I don't trust anyone or anything on face value especially when DC or the UN is concerned.
    I can't be overly specific on how I know this, but there actually were WMDs found in a certain nation, but that was covered up in the media because we supplied them with the things.

    Can't find a youtube clip at the moment, but does anyone else remember that moment in the first Iron Man movie where Tony Stark looks at the terrorists' supplies and sees a bunch of Stark weapons? Pretty much the same concept.

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  11. #7
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    Besides all of that, I don't see why Biden cares so much about Ukraine's borders when he doesn't want to secure America's borders. That asshole should worry about the USA first, and everyone else last. We need to be a little bit more selfish as a nation.
    It's hard to make any sense about Ukraine until you understand what the problem is. In a nutshell, the real reason Biden is making noise about Russia being in Ukraine has to do with stopping the Nord-Stream II pipeline. This was something Obama and Hillary wanted to stop as well. NSII was built to bypass Ukraine and Poland, coming from Vyborg, Russia directly into northern Germany, and is set to deliver 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas every year to western Europe once it passes regulatory approval. If and when it does, it'll supply roughly 43% of Europe's natural gas energy needs. In order to move this process along, someone has apparently decided that Ukraine energy production needs to be crippled, to create the necessary conditions for fast track approval of NSII. We're talking about big fucking $$$ here. It's not an accident or coincidence that Putin's first real opening move yesterday was to hit a Ukraine pipeline.

    This is a problem, because Bagman Biden and family, along with others like the Clintons, reap significant kickbacks from Ukrainian companies like Burisma, and this threatens their under-the-table income streams, because Ukraine, for all intents and purposes, bought mafia-style protection from The Vegetable, and now they are demanding he use his position to honor his end of the arrangement, otherwise, he stops getting paid, and people like Crackhead Hunter start getting clicked by pissed off Ukrainian energy interests. Committing US troops to the area amounts to that mafia-style protection of the existing energy infrastructure, and keeping existing 'arrangements' in place. If not for the energy profits, no one in D.C. would give two fucks about what Putin did in Ukraine. But, once again, we're going to put American service personnel in harm's way for this bullshit, using them like they were private security in the employ of the elites, just like Kuwait/Iraq. Here's some background:

    This has absolutely nothing to fucking do with Ukraine joining NATO, or any other happy horseshit like that. Their government is too corrupt, even by our standards in DC. NSII goes live, tons of money goes into Putin's coffers. Joey Two-Scoops ain't having any bullshit cutting into his family's illicit profits. Once again, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FUCKING ENERGY, and who profits from the sale of it. Period. All the rest is a just a dog-and-pony show. Man, I miss the fucking cold war...

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    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  12. #8
    Chimpout Member
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    Thanks MineEvolved for that extremely good info drop, I had a hunch it was just a power grab. It’s kind of hard to support any American troops today when our government is so evil. I was surprised to learn how much of the resources that come from North America don’t even go to us…

    The original post is great too and I agree very much that we need to be more selfish as a nation, kind of like Japan or South Korea. I’m always hopeful that the swamp gets drained someday.
    Wherever you find failure, you will find niggers. From the slums, to the unemployment line, to prison, to homeless shelters. And where ever you find niggers, you will find failure. IE Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis, Cleveland, Haiti, and Africa. These are facts.

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  14. #9
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    All of the talk for years of how Trump would get the USA involved in a war, he never did. Here we are with Biden in office for a year and we are on the verge of a conflict that could go horribly wrong and possibly lead to WW3. Oh but i am certain Putin will back down when Kamala gets ahold of him.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

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  16. #10
    Chimpout Guest


    The only thing that nigger Harris and nigger dick loving Biden speeches are doing are angering Putin even further. Putin does not fear or respect either one of those fools.

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  18. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Okay, so this isn't really about niggers, unless "acting like a nigger" counts, but it's really starting to feel tedious and annoying to me at this point how Biden keeps telling us that Russia is going to invade Ukraine and/or start a war. Every day, Biden is revealing that there is some magic new intel that proves Russia is going to attack tomorrow, but then Russia doesn't attack.

    I honestly don't know why they are so adamant about this war thing instead of just saying that the Russians are performing war drills or whatever on the border. All Putin has to do to make Biden look like an idiot is literally nothing.

    And when Biden and his cronies were talking about false flags and stuff... how are we supposed to know that the US government itself isn't going to initiate a false flag attack just to create a conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time we've done something like that to sabotage foreign governments, and at this point, it wouldn't surprise me if Biden ordered his people to do exactly that rather than admit that he made a mistake.

    Besides all of that, I don't see why Biden cares so much about Ukraine's borders when he doesn't want to secure America's borders. That asshole should worry about the USA first, and everyone else last. We need to be a little bit more selfish as a nation.

    Here is a small list of things I think Biden should fix in the USA before starting World War 3:
    1. We need deflation, not inflation.
    2. Create the means of production for various goods so we aren't reliant so on foreign nations.
    3. Give up on green energy and open up the oil pipelines.
    4. Stop supporting BLM.
    5. Stop supporting Antifa.
    6. Openly support the police and the rule of law. (Just saying you support the police is meaningless when you enact laws and policies that are literally getting them killed every day during your administration.)
    7. Ship all African-Americans and any "human" niggerlovers to Africa.
    8. Raise the standards in schools. Maybe create a system where people have to take an IQ test of some sort to get into universities, and mandate that they only pursue fields of study that will benefit their communities in some way. Also ban people from pursuing studies that they are probably going to fail, unless they pay for it with their own money.
    9. We need a system where humans are judged by the content of their character, and not their skin color or religion. Attacking whites, humans of color, or Jews because of their skin color or beliefs is wrong. Putting them in jail, prison, or a sanitarium because they are criminals and/or a threat to the community is okay.
    10. Ban insider trading among elected politicians, their spouses, family members, and friends. It's disturbing how blatantly corrupt that is. I mean, they can literally enact rules and laws that directly have an effect on stocks, and since they know this beforehand, they can purchase or sell stocks accordingly to make massive profits.
    11. Drain the swamp.
    12. Publicly list the names of all the people that went to Pedo Island and raped little kids before the cameras mysteriously fail in Ghislaine Maxwell's prison cell and she "commits suicide" like her other two comrades.

    Let's go Brandon
    My sentiments, EXACTLY!! I'm listening to Kid Rock singing "We the people" right now!! "Let's go Brandon" I AGREE!!

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  20. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post
    All of the talk for years of how Trump would get the USA involved in a war, he never did. Here we are with Biden in office for a year and we are on the verge of a conflict that could go horribly wrong and possibly lead to WW3. Oh but i am certain Putin will back down when Kamala gets ahold of him.
    Since Trump projected strength, Putin behaved himself!! Now with corn pop and kamoola and all of the @$$h0les in the current administration, Putin fears NOTHING!!

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  22. #13
    Chimpout Guest
    Okay, so the Nord Stream 2 issue causes a lot of this to make much more sense, but what I still don't understand why Biden and others on his team seem to actually want to deprive the USA and the EU of gas.

    It feels almost like Biden is intentionally trying to make things worse.

    If it was possible for the USA or the EU to provide their people with the gas they need, then I could understand all the warmongering, but they can't. It's like Biden is trying to get everyone to cut off their noses to spite their faces.

    A higher availability of gas would almost certainly mean lower prices in general. Sure, Russia might get a little bit rich from it, but is giving gas money to Putin worse than giving gas money to the same Saudis that 9/11'ed the World Trade Center? (This might not be the most politically correct comment, but I think we should have stolen their holy rock and nuked Mecca instead of invading Iraq and Afghanistan.)

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  24. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    It's hard to make any sense about Ukraine until you understand what the problem is. In a nutshell, the real reason Biden is making noise about Russia being in Ukraine has to do with stopping the Nord-Stream II pipeline.
    ME, I started to address this in my earlier post but decided it would be too long to go into. You broke this subject down into an easier to digest explanation than I could have any day. While I still don't believe that Putin will actually invade Ukraine over this, I certainly don't rule out some type of sabotage or outright destruction of the Brotherhood or Soyuz system. Either way, we shouldn't have a dog in this fight.

    My eyes are on the NS pipelines. If Biden does something so foolish as to act against Russia by doing anything to shut them down, we will be stuck in a quagmire that will make the middle east pale in comparison. Worse, it may just turn into all out nuclear war if someone doesn't stop him. Biden is setting us up for WWIII.

    I'm looking for some type of (un)natural disaster like an Indonesian tsunami in the near future but I won't go into that here right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Okay, so the Nord Stream 2 issue causes a lot of this to make much more sense, but what I still don't understand why Biden and others on his team seem to actually want to deprive the USA and the EU of gas.

    It feels almost like Biden is intentionally trying to make things worse.
    Yes. He is. Maybe he doesn't even know why or maybe he does but he is following orders. It's all part of the bigger picture of the Great Reset. Skyrocketing global prices on everything, especially oil, are a means to that end. The 1% behind it don't give a rat's ass about how many people die in the process. In fact, the more people that die, the more they achieve their goal of population control. What the hell do they care. They have private islands.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  26. #15
    Chimpout Guest
    I found something interesting when doing a little bit of research about Ukraine: apparently Obama established a puppet government back in 2014, and the leaders of the new government established a super shitty fascist state that was used to oppress the Ukrainian people. But hey, at least the big guy (Joe Biden) got his 10% cut, right?

    It's starting to make sense now why some parts of Ukraine want to return to Russia. They probably don't want to have anything to do with Biden's banana republic.

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  28. #16
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    I saw that bald headed hair plug headed cornpop sayin he will do anything he can to get the gas prices down. Obviously that was another lie in the sea of many. All the motherfucker would have to do is open the pipeline. The high cost of gasoline is another factor which is causing inflation.
    Liberals always kiss nigger ass because they want the votes. This son of a bitch corn pop motherfucker is out to get the middle class, because we’re the ones who voted for Trump! All I can say is, liberals will get their ass handed to them come midterms!

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  30. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    I saw that bald headed hair plug headed cornpop sayin he will do anything he can to get the gas prices down. Obviously that was another lie in the sea of many. All the motherfucker would have to do is open the pipeline. The high cost of gasoline is another factor which is causing inflation.
    Liberals always kiss nigger ass because they want the votes. This son of a bitch corn pop motherfucker is out to get the middle class, because we’re the ones who voted for Trump! All I can say is, liberals will get their ass handed to them come midterms!
    I really hope so. There’s a few people on the red team who haven’t delivered on their promises either, yet I don’t see how anyone can be ok with Biden sitting in office as a placeholder to bypass that branch of government. I didn’t vote for him and don’t know why people in my family did, and I don’t regret it. I’m part of a failing generation and see nothing but the income gaps getting worse, even beyond that the inflation basically devalues the money I earn or inherit. It seems pretty shitty to work for so many years and make this much money just to see the price of everything go up essentially meaning I earned less money compared to “back then”. The working class can’t do much about it either because even just asking questions is terrorism which allows the feds to just ignore the constitution.
    Wherever you find failure, you will find niggers. From the slums, to the unemployment line, to prison, to homeless shelters. And where ever you find niggers, you will find failure. IE Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis, Cleveland, Haiti, and Africa. These are facts.

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  32. #18
    Nigger Wrangler
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    It's hard to make any sense about Ukraine until you understand what the problem is. In a nutshell, the real reason Biden is making noise about Russia being in Ukraine has to do with stopping the Nord-Stream II pipeline. This was something Obama and Hillary wanted to stop as well. NSII was built to bypass Ukraine and Poland, coming from Vyborg, Russia directly into northern Germany, and is set to deliver 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas every year to western Europe once it passes regulatory approval. If and when it does, it'll supply roughly 43% of Europe's natural gas energy needs. In order to move this process along, someone has apparently decided that Ukraine energy production needs to be crippled, to create the necessary conditions for fast track approval of NSII. We're talking about big fucking $$$ here. It's not an accident or coincidence that Putin's first real opening move yesterday was to hit a Ukraine pipeline.

    This is a problem, because Bagman Biden and family, along with others like the Clintons, reap significant kickbacks from Ukrainian companies like Burisma, and this threatens their under-the-table income streams, because Ukraine, for all intents and purposes, bought mafia-style protection from The Vegetable, and now they are demanding he use his position to honor his end of the arrangement, otherwise, he stops getting paid, and people like Crackhead Hunter start getting clicked by pissed off Ukrainian energy interests. Committing US troops to the area amounts to that mafia-style protection of the existing energy infrastructure, and keeping existing 'arrangements' in place. If not for the energy profits, no one in D.C. would give two fucks about what Putin did in Ukraine. But, once again, we're going to put American service personnel in harm's way for this bullshit, using them like they were private security in the employ of the elites, just like Kuwait/Iraq. Here's some background:

    This has absolutely nothing to fucking do with Ukraine joining NATO, or any other happy horseshit like that. Their government is too corrupt, even by our standards in DC. NSII goes live, tons of money goes into Putin's coffers. Joey Two-Scoops ain't having any bullshit cutting into his family's illicit profits. Once again, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FUCKING ENERGY, and who profits from the sale of it. Period. All the rest is a just a dog-and-pony show. Man, I miss the fucking cold war...

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ID:	18913

    Except Biden REMOVED sanctions against Russia regarding the pipeline, something no one with an understanding of the implications supported. Of course segregationist Joe Biden KILLED numerous projects in America while begging the sand niggers at OPEC to pump more oil for us! So rationality isn't his strong suit.

    Here's the problem. At his heart Putin is still nothing more than the pathetic little KGB colonel who mourns the passing of the Soviet Union. He would love nothing more to put the whole thing back together, by force. His arguments are not unlike Adolf Hitler's regarding territories he considered "part of Germany" even though they weren't.

    Ukraine isn't exactly a virtuous country, but it's an independent one. Putin has been stirring up shit there for years, waiting for a limp dick like Biden to come along. NATO alliance for Ukraine is a non-starter because of Germany. That's just a red herring. Germany can't wait to blow Putin for that sweet natural gas!
    Anyhow, "Russian separatists" (Putin operatives) in Ukraine are already firing on the people of Ukraine. An act of terrorism. Russia, however is getting ready to send in "peacekeepers." Why would Putin think he had the right to conduct a "peacekeeping mission" in a sovereign nation?

    This is all a first wave. I'm not sure I want American troops in Ukraine, but certainly support Ukraine over Russia. Here's what we know to be true. No war in American history ever started because American was too strong! It's when America is weak, led by weak men, or when we shirk our responsibility of being the world's only superpower, that bad people do bad things. China is watching and waiting. Like Putin, the Red Chinese have expansionist goals and are a real threat to the Free world.Traditionally the United States has been the adult the room. Often the ONLY adult in the room.

    People sat back as Germany and Imperial Japan ran roughshod over Europe and Asia. We were treated to the spectacle of Neville Chamberlain waving a piece of paper while declaring "peace in our time" after other European countries decided to let Hitler annex a sovereign nation. You'd think we'd know better.

    Without serious pressure on Russia to back down or else, this would likely become WWIII in short order. With idiots like Biden involved, that's all but guaranteed! On the other hand, Russia's GDP is about the same as Texas. Serious economic sanctions, sanctions vigorously enforced, would bring Russia to her knees. These sanctions should have been in place long ago.

    Anyhow, with Biden in charge, the world is fucked. With inflation at the highest levels ever, open borders and $30 TRILLION in debt, things couldn't possibly be worse. I honestly can't see how this doesn't escalate into world war.

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  34. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    ME, I started to address this in my earlier post but decided it would be too long to go into. You broke this subject down into an easier to digest explanation than I could have any day. While I still don't believe that Putin will actually invade Ukraine over this, I certainly don't rule out some type of sabotage or outright destruction of the Brotherhood or Soyuz system. Either way, we shouldn't have a dog in this fight.

    My eyes are on the NS pipelines. If Biden does something so foolish as to act against Russia by doing anything to shut them down, we will be stuck in a quagmire that will make the middle east pale in comparison. Worse, it may just turn into all out nuclear war if someone doesn't stop him. Biden is setting us up for WWIII.

    I'm looking for some type of (un)natural disaster like an Indonesian tsunami in the near future but I won't go into that here right now.

    Yes. He is. Maybe he doesn't even know why or maybe he does but he is following orders. It's all part of the bigger picture of the Great Reset. Skyrocketing global prices on everything, especially oil, are a means to that end. The 1% behind it don't give a rat's ass about how many people die in the process. In fact, the more people that die, the more they achieve their goal of population control. What the hell do they care. They have private islands.
    Putin just 'recognized' two renegade, breakaway provinces in Ukraine (the Russian separatists) and gained that territory without firing a shot. At the moment, the way things look, I'm seeing this ending in some sort of split-up region the way Yugoslavia broke up. Putin is interested in those parts of Ukraine where he can either hamper energy production, or control it.

    Putin is playing this administration like Elton John or Billy Joel plays a fucking piano. And Harris is an absolute fucking train wreck as an emissary, we could have sent Greta Thunberg to Munich and looked stronger. And we have to be damned careful here about what we commit to that region. I'm telling everyone right now, CHINA is just waiting for the U.S. to commit a significant amount of it's troops to 'defending' Ukraine, and the minute Two-Scoops makes that mistake, we can kiss Taiwan and our semi-conductor supply good-fucking-bye.

    Putin and Xi will NEVER have a better time to stick the big red commie dildo right up America's ass than they have right now. And they know it. And THEN, there's the ramping up trucker convoys that are about to swamp D.C. Unlike Canada, those truckers are probably gonna be packing heavy. I won't even bother getting into what kind of massive security issue the southern border is, and at the worst possible time. This administration is about to be tested hard from multiple sides, and a literal fucking vegetable is the front man for this Greek tragedy. It's gonna be a very interesting year, and I'm just dying to see what D.C. is going to opt to deal with: The border crisis, OR potentially violent domestic unrest, OR protecting his profits and Ukraine interests at the expense of U.S. security, OR the defense of Taiwan to ensure our technology supply chain issues aren't further harmed. He can't do it all at once, not with the U.S. military being absorbed in 'love thy nigger' indoctrination, and the dismissal of all but the most obedient rent seekers still in uniform.

    The Manchurian and Co. are going to fold like a wet fucking newspaper, and half of the population here are going to clutch their pearls and ask how we let this happen. Expect to see a lot more of this in the coming months:
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    Keep the powder dry and the food supply stashed. It's going to one hell of an interesting and dangerous year, and we have no friends other than our neighbors. This fucking vegetable just might actually get us all killed. Nikita Khrushchev was right: We're being buried from within.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Putin and Xi will NEVER have a better time to stick the big red commie dildo right up America's ass than they have right now. And they know it. And THEN, there's the ramping up trucker convoys that are about to swamp D.C. Unlike Canada, those truckers are probably gonna be packing heavy. I won't even bother getting into what kind of massive security issue the southern border is, and at the worst possible time. This administration is about to be tested hard from multiple sides, and a literal fucking vegetable is the front man for this Greek tragedy. It's gonna be a very interesting year, and I'm just dying to see what D.C. is going to opt to deal with: The border crisis, OR potentially violent domestic unrest, OR protecting his profits and Ukraine interests at the expense of U.S. security, OR the defense of Taiwan to ensure our technology supply chain issues aren't further harmed. He can't do it all at once, not with the U.S. military being absorbed in 'love thy nigger' indoctrination, and the dismissal of all but the most obedient rent seekers still in uniform.

    I watched for over twenty years from the inside. I know what kind of shit shape our military is in firsthand. I thought we had problems going in but by the time I left, I knew that we would never be able to fight a war for our survival again. Oh, sure, we still push around nations for the petro-dollar globalist, but if the shit hits the fan and the enemy comes ashore, we're fucked.

    Remember that Japan's tipping point with it's decision to attack was when it's ambassadors visited an Army base and found the troops drilling with broomsticks instead of rifles. They considered us a joke at that point. That was bad enough and now we've spent every year since fighting wars we had no business fighting and stretching our forces thinner than a truck stop condom.

    By the time I retired, we spent more time training on EEO, sexual harassment, diebursity, 'scriminashuns, inclusion and every other libshit stupid idea than we spent on training to actually do our damn jobs. Even our yearly 2 day safety stand down which was started after a rash of aircraft mishaps some twenty years ago, devolved into a day of safe sex and sexual harassment/assault prevention. Hint: Don't screw a military woman if she's had a single drink and get consent in writing and no means no after the fact as well. Better yet, just avoid them like the plague. I know I did.

    Right now, our military dollars are being spent giving sex change operations for the mentally ill that shouldn't be in uniform to begin with. This is the same military that forced out homosexuals less than 30 years ago. Now we have to figure out how to provide berthing and bathing for 52 & counting different genders (whatever the hell that made up word is supposed to mean).

    You can stick a fork in this country. We're done. I honestly don't see any way around it at this point. It's the fall of Rome all over again for mostly the same reasons.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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