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  1. #1
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    Biden dragging us into WWIII

    Klaus, the Coof narrative is crumbling! What should we do?

    Don't worry, George... I've always got a backup plan!

    VILNIUS, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Six American F-15 jets landed in an Estonian airbase on Wednesday for deployment for a week and a half, as the NATO transatlantic military alliance reinforced its eastern flank due to frictions with Russia over Ukraine.

    NATO said on Monday it was putting forces on standby and reinforcing eastern Europe with more ships and fighter jets, in what Russia denounced as Western "hysteria" in response to its build-up of troops on the Ukraine border.

    The Monday announcement did not mention the U.S. jets being deployed in Estonia.
    "The six fighter jets will be deployed until the end of next week", said a spokesperson at the Amari airbase in Estonia.

    The F-15s will enhance NATO's Baltic Air Policing mission, said NATO's Allied Air Command.

    Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - Baltic countries once ruled from Moscow but now part of both NATO and the European Union - do not operate fighter jets and rely on NATO to police their airspace.

    I've been warning about this for years. Allowing these countries into NATO was sewing the seeds of WWIII. Now, it is coming to fruition. The US has a trade treaty with Ukraine as well as the U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership signed back in November. Thanks, Biden. You really fucked us all with that one. Regardless of the non NATO status of Ukraine, our feet will be in the door in an area that we have no business in to begin with.

    For the first time since the so called end of the Cold War, NATO has just taken command of a Carrier Strike Group - the USS Truman CSG as of two days ago. This includes 4 destroyers and a cruiser. All six of these ships carry nukes. This doesn't include any submarines which you can assume are in the waters off the coast.

    We are about to wag the dog to distract from the fact that even the dimz are now questioning and protesting the Covid policies.

    This is the height of foolishness and could easily go nuclear. I almost wonder how it couldn't once Putin rolls the troops in.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  3. #2
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    You mean his handlers.
    He can hardly manage when to change his Depends.

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    The balance of power is disturbed when leaders cannot imagine themselves in the position of their opponent. I can fully understand why Vladimir Putin doesn't want NATO missiles stationed just seven minutes from Moscow.
    Biden is deliberately playing this situation up to try to show the American public that he can be a tough guy. He's a joke!

    Roll on November, when the Republicans can take control of Congress, and vote to impeach the bastard.

    By the way, I see President Trump has referred to himself as the 45th and 47th President. I think history will record him as the 45th, as after a full inquiry into the 2020 election, Biden's "Presidency" should be scrubbed from the record.

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    The balance of power is disturbed when leaders cannot imagine themselves in the position of their opponent. I can fully understand why Vladimir Putin doesn't want NATO missiles stationed just seven minutes from Moscow.
    Biden is deliberately playing this situation up to try to show the American public that he can be a tough guy. He's a joke!

    Roll on November, when the Republicans can take control of Congress, and vote to impeach the bastard.

    By the way, I see President Trump has referred to himself as the 45th and 47th President. I think history will record him as the 45th, as after a full inquiry into the 2020 election, Biden's "Presidency" should be scrubbed from the record.

    Everything happening in Eastern Europe right now is a complete fabrication. NATO troops have, for several years now, been stationed all around Russia with only Belarus, Georgia, Moldavia and Urkraine in between NATO and the Western Russian border. Troops are now converging as far east as they can get without actually crossing the borders. The USS Truman BCG is in currently in the Med and more are going.

    Ukraine is the weakest link for Russia, both strategically and politically. This is a set up for war. Every NATO member nation admitted since the original 12 member nations were admitted for one sold out, clandestine goal: To destroy the West and it's ideology through a planned World War. Just as the WWI, II and every other non declared world policing action since then were based on propaganda and outright lies, so shall be WWIII. How these people get away with this shit time after time would amaze me but for the fact that they know that most people are too stupid to see through the lies.

    I'll believe that the Republicans can take over DC only when it actually happens. Even then, I won't believe it since the election theft machine is now fully functional, Skynet is self aware, and any opposition is controlled opposition. Rino's are simply taking up seats and not doing what they were sent there to do. In my estimation, they make up 75% of Republican seats in both houses.

    Trump is toast. As much good as he did, he didn't do enough. He allowed the globohomos to embed themselves even deeper into our government at every level and the infection has spread too far to contain now without an all out civil war which no-one wants to see again.

    Shit like this is exactly how people like Hitler come into power - acts of desperation by an outraged citizenry who are tired of the bullshit and are willing to accept any radical means to stop the complete destruction of their way of life.

    Is this really what you want, America? Or do you just want to go ahead and kneel down before your new UN overlords and lick their boots like the little worms most of you have all become?
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  8. #5
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    ByeDone is as big a pussy as he is an idiot! he ain’t gonna do shit! Putin can do what the fuck he wants. And he will!

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    ByeDone is as big a pussy as he is an idiot! he ain’t gonna do shit! Putin can do what the fuck he wants. And he will!
    It's not Biden anyone should be worried about. He's just the puppet. Worry about the ones pulling his strings.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    It's not Biden anyone should be worried about. He's just the puppet. Worry about the ones pulling his strings.
    We’re not going to war w/Russia.Putin will get his way and that’s that!The US might put up a show and try to negotiate,but in the end,the Russian master will get his way.The US is no longer top dog!And no one wants to cause a full scale nuclear war.Liberals will cry Ukrainians will die!

  11. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    We’re not going to war w/Russia.Putin will get his way and that’s that!The US might put up a show and try to negotiate,but in the end,the Russian master will get his way.The US is no longer top dog!And no one wants to cause a full scale nuclear war.Liberals will cry Ukrainians will die!
    The same evil bastards that want to exterminate 6/7ths of the world's population don't really care if we die from vaccines, starvation or wars as long as we do it to ourselves. Why should they? Most now have their own private islands. When they tell us up front what they are going to do, even in the most subtle, unrealized way to most, they call it "The master washing his hands of his servant's blood."

    No, it probably won't go nuclear. Not yet, anyway.

    Wars and rumors of wars...
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    The same evil bastards that want to exterminate 6/7ths of the world's population don't really care if we die from vaccines, starvation or wars as long as we do it to ourselves. Why should they? Most now have their own private islands. When they tell us up front what they are going to do, even in the most subtle, unrealized way to most, they call it "The master washing his hands of his servant's blood."

    No, it probably won't go nuclear. Not yet, anyway.

    Wars and rumors of wars...
    Putin is an evil bastard with lots of innocent blood on his hands.But,he’s still a very competent leader.That’s a fact.ByeDone is an incompetent puppet being controlled by incompetent liberal pussy minds.And there is no doubt about that.
    Putin does not want to get into a nuclear war which would cause Armageddon .And if the United States had a strong leader, he probably wouldn’t be doing what he is doing. But since he knows no one is at the wheel,he’s going to do whatever he wants and continue to get away with it.And there’s no debating that!

  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    Putin is an evil bastard with lots of innocent blood on his hands.But,he’s still a very competent leader.That’s a fact.ByeDone is an incompetent puppet being controlled by incompetent liberal pussy minds.And there is no doubt about that.
    Putin does not want to get into a nuclear war which would cause Armageddon .And if the United States had a strong leader, he probably wouldn’t be doing what he is doing. But since he knows no one is at the wheel,he’s going to do whatever he wants and continue to get away with it.And there’s no debating that!

    Having worked for the same military force that buried 12K Iraqi troops alive and bombed 150K troops who were retreating on the "highway of death" under a white flag back into Iraq, thousands on foot, and unarmed troop carriers, I remember all to well that our government cannot be trusted to abide by any conventions. Not the Geneva, not the Nuremberg Code (Jabs anyone?) or any others. Under the GC, bombing retreating troops is still legal but we knew damn well that half of them were conscripted at the last minute after Bush pulled the rug out from under them. Many of them didn't even have uniforms and were as young as 15. Remember, Iraq called the State Department 24 hours before rolling the tanks into Kuwait to make sure that the US had no problems with Iraq's planned invasion. Kuwait was drilling sideways into Iraq's oil fields. Iraq had a problem with it and rightfully so. You would be pissed if someone ran an extension cord from your house to power theirs, wouldn't you? The SD replied that they were indifferent to Iraq's actions since it was considered business between Iraq and Kuwait. Nevertheless, within hours of the invasion, Bush Senior declared "This aggression shall not stand!"

    We had no business whatsoever going into Kuwait and none going back after 911. The hijackers were all Saudi. Why didn't we invade SA instead?

    Don't get me wrong. By no means am I defending Putin - but our government is not our government. The same goes for every government and all peoples in every country in the world. They all take their marching orders from the Committee of 300, the TLC, the Club of Rome and every other secret society operating in the shadows of power worldwide.

    Know thine enemy. It's not always who it seems to be. More than likely, it's the opposite of who you are told it is. Blind trust in your government will get you killed - no matter which side you are on. If you trust in the media for your opinions about world affairs, it's no different than trusting any government. They are one in the same nowadays.

    It takes a lot of deep investigation to try to figure out what's really going on in the world and always has. Having had the benefit of an early education by people who were actually part of it (you'd be surprised how much they like to brag and spill secrets, especially with a few drinks in them) and several decades of following them closely, I still have only scratched the surface.

    People would do well to ignore 90% of the evening news. Remember that Operation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin, CIA poison dart guns, MK ultra, Covid and countless others were all labeled "conspiracy theories" but turned out to be true and proven so by the very people who told us otherwise at the time.

    Are you willing to bet your children's lives that the whole mess in Eastern Europe is exactly as it seems according to what you have been told?
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Having worked for the same military force that buried 12K Iraqi troops alive and bombed 150K troops who were retreating on the "highway of death" under a white flag back into Iraq, thousands on foot, and unarmed troop carriers, I remember all to well that our government cannot be trusted to abide by any conventions. Not the Geneva, not the Nuremberg Code (Jabs anyone?) or any others. Under the GC, bombing retreating troops is still legal but we knew damn well that half of them were conscripted at the last minute after Bush pulled the rug out from under them. Many of them didn't even have uniforms and were as young as 15. Remember, Iraq called the State Department 24 hours before rolling the tanks into Kuwait to make sure that the US had no problems with Iraq's planned invasion. Kuwait was drilling sideways into Iraq's oil fields. Iraq had a problem with it and rightfully so. You would be pissed if someone ran an extension cord from your house to power theirs, wouldn't you? The SD replied that they were indifferent to Iraq's actions since it was considered business between Iraq and Kuwait. Nevertheless, within hours of the invasion, Bush Senior declared "This aggression shall not stand!"

    We had no business whatsoever going into Kuwait and none going back after 911. The hijackers were all Saudi. Why didn't we invade SA instead?

    Don't get me wrong. By no means am I defending Putin - but our government is not our government. The same goes for every government and all peoples in every country in the world. They all take their marching orders from the Committee of 300, the TLC, the Club of Rome and every other secret society operating in the shadows of power worldwide.

    Know thine enemy. It's not always who it seems to be. More than likely, it's the opposite of who you are told it is. Blind trust in your government will get you killed - no matter which side you are on. If you trust in the media for your opinions about world affairs, it's no different than trusting any government. They are one in the same nowadays.

    It takes a lot of deep investigation to try to figure out what's really going on in the world and always has. Having had the benefit of an early education by people who were actually part of it (you'd be surprised how much they like to brag and spill secrets, especially with a few drinks in them) and several decades of following them closely, I still have only scratched the surface.

    People would do well to ignore 90% of the evening news. Remember that Operation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin, CIA poison dart guns, MK ultra, Covid and countless others were all labeled "conspiracy theories" but turned out to be true and proven so by the very people who told us otherwise at the time.

    Are you willing to bet your children's lives that the whole mess in Eastern Europe is exactly as it seems according to what you have been told?
    Never trust the US gov!
    What’s the scariest thing you’ll ever hear? “I’m from the government and I’m here to help!”
    That’s what makes liberals so stupid, they put 100% trust in ther liberal government!

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  17. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Having worked for the same military force that buried 12K Iraqi troops alive and bombed 150K troops who were retreating on the "highway of death" under a white flag back into Iraq, thousands on foot, and unarmed troop carriers, I remember all to well that our government cannot be trusted to abide by any conventions. Not the Geneva, not the Nuremberg Code (Jabs anyone?) or any others. Under the GC, bombing retreating troops is still legal but we knew damn well that half of them were conscripted at the last minute after Bush pulled the rug out from under them. Many of them didn't even have uniforms and were as young as 15. Remember, Iraq called the State Department 24 hours before rolling the tanks into Kuwait to make sure that the US had no problems with Iraq's planned invasion. Kuwait was drilling sideways into Iraq's oil fields. Iraq had a problem with it and rightfully so. You would be pissed if someone ran an extension cord from your house to power theirs, wouldn't you? The SD replied that they were indifferent to Iraq's actions since it was considered business between Iraq and Kuwait. Nevertheless, within hours of the invasion, Bush Senior declared "This aggression shall not stand!"

    We had no business whatsoever going into Kuwait and none going back after 911. The hijackers were all Saudi. Why didn't we invade SA instead?

    Don't get me wrong. By no means am I defending Putin - but our government is not our government. The same goes for every government and all peoples in every country in the world. They all take their marching orders from the Committee of 300, the TLC, the Club of Rome and every other secret society operating in the shadows of power worldwide.

    Know thine enemy. It's not always who it seems to be. More than likely, it's the opposite of who you are told it is. Blind trust in your government will get you killed - no matter which side you are on. If you trust in the media for your opinions about world affairs, it's no different than trusting any government. They are one in the same nowadays.

    It takes a lot of deep investigation to try to figure out what's really going on in the world and always has. Having had the benefit of an early education by people who were actually part of it (you'd be surprised how much they like to brag and spill secrets, especially with a few drinks in them) and several decades of following them closely, I still have only scratched the surface.

    People would do well to ignore 90% of the evening news. Remember that Operation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin, CIA poison dart guns, MK ultra, Covid and countless others were all labeled "conspiracy theories" but turned out to be true and proven so by the very people who told us otherwise at the time.

    Are you willing to bet your children's lives that the whole mess in Eastern Europe is exactly as it seems according to what you have been told?
    so true...and the USS Liberty incident was an interesting event also.
    Niggers: "The next to lowest form of life on the planet."

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  19. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    The balance of power is disturbed when leaders cannot imagine themselves in the position of their opponent. I can fully understand why Vladimir Putin doesn't want NATO missiles stationed just seven minutes from Moscow.
    Biden is deliberately playing this situation up to try to show the American public that he can be a tough guy. He's a joke!

    Roll on November, when the Republicans can take control of Congress, and vote to impeach the bastard.

    By the way, I see President Trump has referred to himself as the 45th and 47th President. I think history will record him as the 45th, as after a full inquiry into the 2020 election, Biden's "Presidency" should be scrubbed from the record.
    Exactly! Besides, as always, mainstream media can't be trusted. Not the Russians consistently violated Minsk II, but Kiev did.

    Just look at the people we "voted" for as foreign ministers, they neither know the boundaries of the countries in question, nor the osze contracts:
    Liz Truss:
    Annalena Baerbock (alias Niggerbock, as her iq rivals the one of a nigger):

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