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    Our house hasn't exploded yet after the nigger "repaired" our furnace a few days ago

    Rule Numero Uno with niggers: never trust a nigger.

    Rule Numero Due with niggers: if you even think you can trust a nigger, see Rule Numero Uno.

    No one here knows me personally, but certainly all of you know I would never trust a nigger worker of any kind. It could be a car mechanic, an HVAC repairman, or just shoveling a small hole. I am not going to trust a nigger and definitely will not have one in my house.

    Our furnace went out four nights ago. It's a rough morning when you wake up at 4, realize the heating isn't working, and can't go back to bed because the house is half-frozen. Luckily Mrs. S had the day off anyway, when I had conference calls and urgent work to do all day from my home office upstairs. So I left it to her to call a service, let the repairman in, show him down to the basement, and tell me when we had to pay the bill. I heard the doorbell and called down if it was the guy, and she said yes. I could see the repair truck from the window. I figured I could keep working and come down to a working furnace.

    A little while later when I had a break, I went down to the basement to find this vile fatass niggerbuck having taken the bottom half of our furnace half apart, including the circuit board lying on the floor. It ooked it was "cleaning" things and "Dose burnarz wuz all clogged," supposedly why the furnace wasn't igniting anything. I admit I'm clueless about all the parts and how they work, but I almost had a minor in chemistry, and I wonder how burners that strictly pump out gas can get "clogged," how a furnace only 10 years old can get so dirty from incomplete combustion. All right, all right, I didn't have time to argue, even if I knew we'd just been ripped off but could never prove it. Where I know the nigger was full of bullshit was saying it replaced the old "dirty" flame sensor, and the blower was "clogged" too. Are "dirty" and "clogged" its explanations for everything? We had those done just last spring, and I know enough to check the flame sensor just in case and clean it with steel wool. Guess what, the new one looked hardly any cleaner than the old one.

    I told it to leave the blower alone and do only the minimum amount of repairs to get the furnace working. Then it tried a hard sell on a new furnace, because our old one isn't "eeFISHunt," and a new one would save us money. Um, yeah, $6000 to save, what, $20 a month during winter? I said no, we would think about it and do that another day.

    In the end, $500 and change, and I'll never know for sure what really fixed things. That morning I had already tried resetting the furnace, I put in a new filter even though the old one was still pretty clean, I cleaned the flame sensor as I said, I checked the gas valve handles, and I checked the circuit board's code (talking about the blower). What I do know for sure is that the nigger got lucky. And so far we're lucky, because our furnace is still working, for now. Every time I'm downstairs and I hear the gas ignite, I wonder if this is when it'll blow up the house, if the idiot nigger disabled or removed a critical safety device. I already e-mailed the service manager to complain about the vague explanations and receipt for repairs done, and he hasn't responded so far, even after I left 1-star reviews on Google and Yelp. (I purposely won't quote the work order so this can't be traced back to me.)

    I'm trying to find another service to do a safety inspection of our furnace, but everyone else is so understandably busy at this time of the year. The one place Mrs. S found with an opening the same day happens to be a company I know specializes in niggerloving and ripping people off. Someone else's inspection will probably cost an easy $100 but will give me peace of mind. Meanwhile I don't have peace of mind that a vile nigger beast has been inside my home.

    Now as if all that wasn't bad enough, there's more. Jesus Christ, Mrs. S isn't a Chimper, but she's no niggerlover either. The nigger was polite, I suppose, for a nigger, and that's when you have to be the most on guard. Didn't she think for a second of the dangers of letting a nigger inside? Forget the fact that 100% of niggers that do "repairs" are doing the jobs strictly in the short-term so they can case houses, forget the fact that the nigger was undoubtedly scoping out all our stuff it could break into our house for. What worried me the most is that with me upstairs and the door closed, once she was alone with the nigger in the basement, it could have easily muh dikked and killed her, then sped off before I knew anything. I might not have found her for an hour. Yeah, we had a big fight about this. She said, "He wouldn't be that stupid, police could find him because the company knows who they sent over." What good would that do me if she's dead? And when did a nigger ever have common sense, especially when committing crimes? They regularly do crimes that only the stupidest humans are stupid enough to do. They drive drunk all the time and still say dindu nuffins. They claim to be hate crime victims after security cameras catch them placing nooses themselves. There was that Uber nigger easily caught for burglarizing people's houses after driving them to the airport. OJ Simpson didn't know how to throw the glove away and even left a bloody suck under its bed!

    But aside from all that, Mrs. S did something that really pissed me off. As I wrote out the check, she handed the nigger a $20 bill and said, "Here, this is for your lunch." Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, if I take the Lord's name in vain enough times, will He show up? I never tip human repairmen, even if I'm not being ripped off.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  2. #2
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    A nigger plumber plumbed my parents house in 2000. There were a few issues but he wouldn't come back to fix any of them. Then he had the nerve to die. His son took over the business. According to the white plumbers who did repairs to the parent's house, Nigger, Jr. steals from his clients.

  3. #3
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    Sounds like you and the Mrs. both dodged a bullet, big time. Any time you deal with a nigger it's like playing Russian roulette. People who aren't nigger-aware think that because they "won" once it's perfectly safe. That's the difference between them and us.

  4. #4
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    Heat is something you better get right here in NY, and when it goes wrong, will surely get your undivided attention.
    I do electrical work, so control issues are half the battle won in my case. My upstate home has an oil boiler, and is
    far from any local help, so I taught myself to service it, and have done so successfully since the '90s. I watch an HVAC
    guy on YouTube, Steven Lavimoniere, who's videos are very informative. I also have friends in the trade that I can call.
    I had standing pilot gas boilers installed at our two homes on Long Island, which are very similar to working on a gas
    water heater. Higher efficiency boilers and furnaces are more complex, and require service more often. One thing they
    don't do is "Clog up". Heating companies with a fleet of service techs are a crap shoot, and there's no consequences
    for them getting it wrong. I'd be more inclined to find a sole proprietor, or father and son business, by going to a plumbing
    supply that sells heating equipment, and asking the counter men or manager who's best to work on the unit you
    have installed.

  5. #5
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    . She said, "He wouldn't be that stupid, police could find him because the company knows who they sent over."
    Yeah, they are that stupid as they prove day after day. He'd say, "Dat wite lady be like dat when I gots dere. I leff to gets da poe-leece. Dindu nuffin".
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    Sounds like you and the Mrs. both dodged a bullet, big time. Any time you deal with a nigger it's like playing Russian roulette. People who aren't nigger-aware think that because they "won" once it's perfectly safe. That's the difference between them and us.
    We've dodged it so far. How do we know the nigger isn't waiting to pay us a visit? It could be stupid enough to drive up in its work van, thinking it's the perfect disguise. Ise's reply has me thinking the nigger's excuse would be that it was stopping by for a complimentary service check, and lawby jeebus the house was being burglarized.

    Well, besides our security system, I'll know if there's anyone suspicious around since I now work 99% from home. Also, I was already thinking to get a dog to keep me company. Maybe a Doberman or Rottweiler is in order. And if the nigger can outrun the dog, it won't outrun Mr. Mossberg.

    I hate niggers, and this is the first time one has been in this house since we bought it. I am...rather unnerved by all this.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    Higher efficiency boilers and furnaces are more complex, and require service more often. One thing they
    don't do is "Clog up". Heating companies with a fleet of service techs are a crap shoot, and there's no consequences
    for them getting it wrong. I'd be more inclined to find a sole proprietor, or father and son business, by going to a plumbing
    supply that sells heating equipment, and asking the counter men or manager who's best to work on the unit you
    have installed.
    I was hoping to get the friend of a friend in, top reputation, but he couldn't make it. I'd like to hire him for a safety inspection, but at this time of year, the guy's booked solid for a week at a time. I thought, well, he doesn't have to come for an emergency evening call because Mrs. S found that company. Yeah. Now I know why they aren't in very high demand, why they could send a guy over in a few hours.

    That guy is the same who cleaned the flame sensor and blower last year. The furnace was struggling to start up, which was simply the blower being very dirty. I didn't know it happens even though I put in expensive filters. He pulled out the blower, repackaged the ball bearings while he was at it, and cleaned it spotlessly like it was new. He also showed me that flame sensors can usually be cleaned rather than replaced. As a favor to his friend, he charged me $200. Compare that to "pro" evening service a few years before I met him, over $400 to replace just a $30 ceramic igniter.

    I grew up in a house with a pilot light furnace, and we never seemed to have problems with it. The houses I rented in NY had electric baseboard, expensive but seemed to be reliable. This newer furnace (an "upgrade" the previous owners did) might be efficient but is costly in maintenance.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Yeah, they are that stupid as they prove day after day. He'd say, "Dat wite lady be like dat when I gots dere. I leff to gets da poe-leece. Dindu nuffin".
    Do you remember the one, I think in NY, that claimed its pants fell down and it "tripped" on top of the muh dikk victim?
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    Do you remember the one, I think in NY, that claimed its pants fell down and it "tripped" on top of the muh dikk victim?

    Yes! I remember that one! I swear, a 5-year-old human child could come up with better excuses.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Yes! I remember that one! I swear, a 5-year-old human child could come up with better excuses.
    Tru Dat!!

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    Circuit card laying ON THE FLOOR???

    Even my ten year old nephew understands that ESD will destroy CMOS electronics - which virtually all circuit cards contain nowadays. Especially when they have CPU's onboard. Add dry winter air to the mix and you have a mess waiting to happen. Worse than simply not working is that CMOS chips will degrade and develop intermittent problems. All circuit cards on heating equipment should be considered safety related. You're supposed to wear grounded EDS straps and mats to handle them and place them in ESD packaging when storing.

    Niggers have NO BUSINESS touching anything more complicated than a steel ball and a rubber hammer. Even then, they'll likely steal one and break the other in no particular order.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Circuit card laying ON THE FLOOR???

    Even my ten year old nephew understands that ESD will destroy CMOS electronics - which virtually all circuit cards contain nowadays. Especially when they have CPU's onboard. Add dry winter air to the mix and you have a mess waiting to happen. Worse than simply not working is that CMOS chips will degrade and develop intermittent problems. All circuit cards on heating equipment should be considered safety related. You're supposed to wear grounded EDS straps and mats to handle them and place them in ESD packaging when storing.

    Niggers have NO BUSINESS touching anything more complicated than a steel ball and a rubber hammer. Even then, they'll likely steal one and break the other in no particular order.

    You expect a nigger to understand all that crazy YT juju?
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  15. #13
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    20 years ago we had this home built. No monkeyshine black bastard has ever entered through this front door since. But, keep in mind, I am in construction and I can fix most anything. For the things I can’t, I have acquaintances in other trades that will help me.
    My wife and daughters hate niggers more than I do! I remember Directv sending a shiner to install a replacement box. My family would not let it in. They said they had to leave. The shiner left the box and I had DIRECTV walk me through the installation when I got home. Niggs are really stupid and unworthy of a human’s trust.
    The only time I would trust a shiner is if it was being watched by a human constantly. You can’t leave the stupid black motherfuckers alone!The septic tank company sent a nigger to clean my septic tank. I allowed it because I figured, “a nigger is shit ,it should be able to shovel shit”. Boy was I wrong! It dug a hole in the wrong area and fucked up my underground internet cable. Good thing ATT was in the area and fixed it that same day.

  16. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Circuit card laying ON THE FLOOR???

    Even my ten year old nephew understands that ESD will destroy CMOS electronics - which virtually all circuit cards contain nowadays. Especially when they have CPU's onboard. Add dry winter air to the mix and you have a mess waiting to happen. Worse than simply not working is that CMOS chips will degrade and develop intermittent problems. All circuit cards on heating equipment should be considered safety related. You're supposed to wear grounded EDS straps and mats to handle them and place them in ESD packaging when storing.

    Niggers have NO BUSINESS touching anything more complicated than a steel ball and a rubber hammer. Even then, they'll likely steal one and break the other in no particular order.
    I'm not much of an electrical guy and had no idea, but yep, it and a bunch of other parts were right there on bare concrete. We're really lucky it's still working.

    I do have common sense that after the nigger left, I turned off the furnace so no gas was running, because I sprayed an entire can of Lysol in the basement and elsewhere in the house where the nigger shuffled around. It wore one of those black cloth masks that don't do a damn thing, probably never washed, so we're lucky it didn't give us COVID or other communicable disease.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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    Go easy, Sandman. Not everyone has a PhD in nigger studies like we do.

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