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  1. #1
    Nigger Wrangler
    Chimpout Guest

    Filthy Philly Niggers Rapes Subway Passenger While Others Stand By Doing Nothing

    How can people stand by watching a filthy savage nigger rape a woman and do nothing? Are there no men left in that shithole of a city?

    The nigger, Fiston Ngoy... 35... remains in custody, unable to post bond. Evidently the vicious nigger rape ape is homeless. Not sure what kind of negroid name Ngoy is. Maybe it's a half-breed.

    "Passengers did nothing during rape on Philadelphia train: cops"

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    1.) Was the "woman" actually a sow of the same species as the rutting nigger buck? If so, this was just a normal mating ritual for the species.
    2.) Why didn't anybody intervene? Simple. Nobody wants to loose their reputation, livelihood or freedom for trying to do the right thing with a violent nigger. We all know what happens to humans who try to wrangle unruly niggers nowadays. We got the message loud and clear from our politicians even though it hasn't been formally announced or codified into law. Niggers are now free to commit any crime they wish with impunity.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    If 1) above - Who cares? It's nothing to do with humans. Leave them to get on with it.
    If 2) above - I think this is most likely the truth of the matter. Treating niggers like humans can only lead to disaster for society as a whole.

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  5. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    .... yes, nobody wanted to be seen as judgmental or "Ray--sis" rebuking this animal's behavior. Another factor may have been, they were just glad it was a hetro attack in Philly, for a change.

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  7. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Even if it was a human, they should have known not to get in an enclosed space full of dog shit niggers. When they’re in packs, expect attacks!
    Sooner or later people have to stop feeling sorry for the “victims” in blue hellholes. This is what they voted for, and if they leave they take their voting habits with them. I don’t want to run out of places to flee. Fuck niggers!

  8. #6
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    I am sure the train car was packed full of niggers, so they looked at the rape ape.. raping another sheboon as normal nigger behavior.
    Sure...of course..the other niggers were probably cheering the homeless nigger maniac on.....this IS what niggers do

  9. #7
    LT. Colonel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Even if it was a human, they should have known not to get in an enclosed space full of dog shit niggers. When they’re in packs, expect attacks!
    Sooner or later people have to stop feeling sorry for the “victims” in blue hellholes. This is what they voted for, and if they leave they take their voting habits with them. I don’t want to run out of places to flee. Fuck niggers!
    Don't get carried away with blaming victims. You don't know if they were already looking to move out, and sometimes people have no choice but to use public transportation for getting around. Ask any of us here who've lived in the NY area.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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