Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
For the moment, I have nothing substantial to add except that I believe Diva scored a direct hit right off the bat and the key word there is incentive.

Removing the incentive to stay here would in my opinion be priority number one in this venture.
Rather than looking at this from the standpoint of offering incentives to go, I believe that's putting the cart in front of the horse. Remove any and all incentive to stay makes part B, actually shipping them out, a far less complicated and difficult endeavor.

A pleasant fantasy. Take away one thing from niggers - even just lowering their welfare each time they shit out a niglet (something I strongly believe in for all welfare recipients) - and it would cause an international uproar.

Really, who are the slaves now? Humans have to work hard to placate and pay lazy niggers, making sure they all have big screens, fancy sec8 cribs, drugs and guns, gold grillz and big-ass rims for their hoopties, and all the chiggun they can eat.

Ah, the golden halcyon days when no human begged, cajoled or bribed niggers to do anything. If only that were so today, but to make the reverse voyage - "Get on that ship, Toby!"