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    US military is looking for anyone who is against BLM.

    Pentagon contractor investigating 'extremism' says BLM web search raises concerns about White supremacy

    Some people still think the US military is on the side of the people. No they are as woke as the media and rest of the government etc...

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    Sometimes, when I get a little nostalgic about my time in the Navy, I have to remind myself that I didn't just retire from the Navy. The Navy left me over the course of more than 30 years from enlistment through the fleet reserves and on to full retirement.

    I hate to admit that it's been heartbreaking to watch. Imagine you putting your all into something for that long only to see someone come along and shit all over it.

    It's like watching a house that you built from the ground up but had to sell and move away from get turned into a crack house.

    I could cry if my anger didn't override my grief.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  4. #3
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    If they can afford to purge all of the racist humans from the military, then they must have more than enough high IQ niggers to replace them with.

    I can't wait to see how this shakes out during the next major conflict.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Sometimes, when I get a little nostalgic about my time in the Navy, I have to remind myself that I didn't just retire from the Navy. The Navy left me over the course of more than 30 years from enlistment through the fleet reserves and on to full retirement.

    I hate to admit that it's been heartbreaking to watch. Imagine you putting your all into something for that long only to see someone come along and shit all over it.

    It's like watching a house that you built from the ground up but had to sell and move away from get turned into a crack house.

    I could cry if my anger didn't override my grief.
    I HEAR you!!

  6. #5
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    Many, many Americans are preparing to go it alone. Faith and trust in the US government has been shattered for most people. I think the union will split and I am not afraid. I think it may be the only solution for human America to continue its existence. The majority of the US military will probably defect to any new union which supersedes the old. There really is no time to lose. The us and them gap is too wide to fix and I don't want niggers and libtards within 1000 miles of me anyway. We'll keep the flag but just take a few stars off. Borders change throughout history and change doesn't have to be bad. If the US has served its purpose then so be it. Time to move on and change for the better.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    Faith and trust in the US government has been shattered for most people.
    I've never had either one. Absolute faith and trust in any government will get you killed.

    At my ten year HS reunion, one of my classmates asked me why I was in the Navy noting that he always thought that I didn't trust or even like the government.

    My response was the same as it is today. I told him that he was 100% correct. I don't, never have and never will. But that had no bearing on how much I love my country, our Constitution and all the ideals on which it was formed.

    Between country and government, I don't get the two confused. I joined to serve my country, not the assholes in charge of it. The latter was simply what I had to tolerate in order to do the first.

    I had to remind myself of that every morning that my alarm went off.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I've never had either one. Absolute faith and trust in any government will get you killed.

    At my ten year HS reunion, one of my classmates asked me why I was in the Navy noting that he always thought that I didn't trust or even like the government.

    My response was the same as it is today. I told him that he was 100% correct. I don't, never have and never will. But that had no bearing on how much I love my country, our Constitution and all the ideals on which it was formed.

    Between country and government, I don't get the two confused. I joined to serve my country, not the assholes in charge of it. The latter was simply what I had to tolerate in order to do the first.

    I had to remind myself of that every morning that my alarm went off.
    Time to cut out the cancer Tweak. Take what's great about the USA into a new beginning. Leave the deadwood behind. Remember when there wasn't Alaska or Hawaii to love? Take the best of the USA and run with it. I'll take an India/Pakistan division to keep the dream alive. I don't want to or neither can I afford to keep paying for niggers and their ilk. I'm sure most hard working Americans who understand crunch time is coming, feel the same way. We'll implant the great constitution into a new nation and enjoy life once again.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    Time to cut out the cancer Tweak. Take what's great about the USA into a new beginning. Leave the deadwood behind. Remember when there wasn't Alaska or Hawaii to love? Take the best of the USA and run with it. I'll take an India/Pakistan division to keep the dream alive. I don't want to or neither can I afford to keep paying for niggers and their ilk. I'm sure most hard working Americans who understand crunch time is coming, feel the same way. We'll implant the great constitution into a new nation and enjoy life once again.
    You're not telling me anything I haven't thought to myself everyday for years now. The problem is that there is not one place to go that isn't infiltrated with the fifth column. Liberals, commies, socialist and niggers (all the same in my estimation) are everywhere. There simply is no getting away from them. Even if we picked the most blood red states in the country to call home, what then? How would we rid them from our midst? They multiply and migrate like the rats that they are and we pay them to do it. I know this because I have the receipts. I get them every April 15th.

    Short of a bloody revolution, there is no answer to our problem. We can't exactly round them all up and ship them to Cuckafornia or NY. If we could accomplish such a task and we were actually up to the task, we would have already done so by sending the niggers back to Africa. The PTB showed America what would happen if anyone dared consider it when they put a bullet in the back of Abe Lincoln's head. He also thought he could get away with abolishing the central bankers by printing up a gold backed currency and bypassing them. That earned JFK the same messy exit.

    Americans foolishly assume that we elect our leaders. The truth is, they are (s)elected from a list of two and both are in the back pocket of these evil bastards. If anyone starts to think they are actually in charge, they meet the same fate. I kept waiting on the same to happen to Trump. I really thought that when he got the coof, that he was dead. I was surprised to see him survive it. It appears that they just decided to kill him slowly, in the media. The results were the same, if not more effective for them. I believe they chose this route simply because it was easier and more cost effective than trying to do it the old fashioned way. They own the media in every form and the internet allowed it at the click of a mouse.

    True power in this world is held by people you will never see. They wield power that they don't deserve by controlling money that they didn't earn, stolen from people that they have never met and do not care about. Niggers, communist, politicians and media are nothing but tools for them to gain absolute power over US! The only way that the enemy within will ever be dealt with is when THEY are ready to do so. They will only do it when these tools are rusted and no longer useful to them. Then and only then, will they all be lined up against a wall and shot by the very masters that they serve. After all, why pay to feed a lame beast of burden when you can just shove it in a ditch and shoot it?

    Americans simply don't have the backbones of our forefathers to do what is demanded of them to ensure freedom for their progeny. We've all been castrated.

    Hey, we had a good run! A quarter of a millennia isn't bad. Our founders never thought we would get this far.

    If you listen, you can hear the band play "Nearer, My God, to Thee."

    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  14. #9
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    don't give up hope Tweak...there are more of us out there than you think.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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  16. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    You're not telling me anything I haven't thought to myself everyday for years now. The problem is that there is not one place to go that isn't infiltrated with the fifth column. Liberals, commies, socialist and niggers (all the same in my estimation) are everywhere. There simply is no getting away from them. Even if we picked the most blood red states in the country to call home, what then? How would we rid them from our midst? They multiply and migrate like the rats that they are and we pay them to do it. I know this because I have the receipts. I get them every April 15th.

    Short of a bloody revolution, there is no answer to our problem. We can't exactly round them all up and ship them to Cuckafornia or NY. If we could accomplish such a task and we were actually up to the task, we would have already done so by sending the niggers back to Africa. The PTB showed America what would happen if anyone dared consider it when they put a bullet in the back of Abe Lincoln's head. He also thought he could get away with abolishing the central bankers by printing up a gold backed currency and bypassing them. That earned JFK the same messy exit.

    Americans foolishly assume that we elect our leaders. The truth is, they are (s)elected from a list of two and both are in the back pocket of these evil bastards. If anyone starts to think they are actually in charge, they meet the same fate. I kept waiting on the same to happen to Trump. I really thought that when he got the coof, that he was dead. I was surprised to see him survive it. It appears that they just decided to kill him slowly, in the media. The results were the same, if not more effective for them. I believe they chose this route simply because it was easier and more cost effective than trying to do it the old fashioned way. They own the media in every form and the internet allowed it at the click of a mouse.

    True power in this world is held by people you will never see. They wield power that they don't deserve by controlling money that they didn't earn, stolen from people that they have never met and do not care about. Niggers, communist, politicians and media are nothing but tools for them to gain absolute power over US! The only way that the enemy within will ever be dealt with is when THEY are ready to do so. They will only do it when these tools are rusted and no longer useful to them. Then and only then, will they all be lined up against a wall and shot by the very masters that they serve. After all, why pay to feed a lame beast of burden when you can just shove it in a ditch and shoot it?

    Americans simply don't have the backbones of our forefathers to do what is demanded of them to ensure freedom for their progeny. We've all been castrated.

    Hey, we had a good run! A quarter of a millennia isn't bad. Our founders never thought we would get this far.

    Very nice post and you are definitely NOT wrong in anything you say.

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  18. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    You're not telling me anything I haven't thought to myself everyday for years now. The problem is that there is not one place to go that isn't infiltrated with the fifth column. Liberals, commies, socialist and niggers (all the same in my estimation) are everywhere. There simply is no getting away from them. Even if we picked the most blood red states in the country to call home, what then? How would we rid them from our midst? They multiply and migrate like the rats that they are and we pay them to do it. I know this because I have the receipts. I get them every April 15th.

    Short of a bloody revolution, there is no answer to our problem. We can't exactly round them all up and ship them to Cuckafornia or NY. If we could accomplish such a task and we were actually up to the task, we would have already done so by sending the niggers back to Africa. The PTB showed America what would happen if anyone dared consider it when they put a bullet in the back of Abe Lincoln's head. He also thought he could get away with abolishing the central bankers by printing up a gold backed currency and bypassing them. That earned JFK the same messy exit.

    Americans foolishly assume that we elect our leaders. The truth is, they are (s)elected from a list of two and both are in the back pocket of these evil bastards. If anyone starts to think they are actually in charge, they meet the same fate. I kept waiting on the same to happen to Trump. I really thought that when he got the coof, that he was dead. I was surprised to see him survive it. It appears that they just decided to kill him slowly, in the media. The results were the same, if not more effective for them. I believe they chose this route simply because it was easier and more cost effective than trying to do it the old fashioned way. They own the media in every form and the internet allowed it at the click of a mouse.

    True power in this world is held by people you will never see. They wield power that they don't deserve by controlling money that they didn't earn, stolen from people that they have never met and do not care about. Niggers, communist, politicians and media are nothing but tools for them to gain absolute power over US! The only way that the enemy within will ever be dealt with is when THEY are ready to do so. They will only do it when these tools are rusted and no longer useful to them. Then and only then, will they all be lined up against a wall and shot by the very masters that they serve. After all, why pay to feed a lame beast of burden when you can just shove it in a ditch and shoot it?

    Americans simply don't have the backbones of our forefathers to do what is demanded of them to ensure freedom for their progeny. We've all been castrated.

    Hey, we had a good run! A quarter of a millennia isn't bad. Our founders never thought we would get this far.

    If you listen, you can hear the band play "Nearer, My God, to Thee."

    Awesome post, masterfully written. You hit the nail on the head with this one Sir.

  19. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    Many, many Americans are preparing to go it alone. Faith and trust in the US government has been shattered for most people. I think the union will split and I am not afraid. I think it may be the only solution for human America to continue its existence. The majority of the US military will probably defect to any new union which supersedes the old. There really is no time to lose. The us and them gap is too wide to fix and I don't want niggers and libtards within 1000 miles of me anyway. We'll keep the flag but just take a few stars off. Borders change throughout history and change doesn't have to be bad. If the US has served its purpose then so be it. Time to move on and change for the better.
    I'm totally with you on that. It's the only way. And would be proof postive that niggers and their Libtard coddlers couldn't survive on their own. They would have their paws out for gibs in no time and we could give them a resounding "FUCK YOU, YOU MADE YOUR OWN BEDS NOW LIVE WITH IT!"

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    There are more veterans and patriots than you may dismiss. We're just generally silent about.

    When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny

    Always ready to defend liberty. Mistake my motives at your own peril.

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  23. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    You're not telling me anything I haven't thought to myself everyday for years now. The problem is that there is not one place to go that isn't infiltrated with the fifth column. Liberals, commies, socialist and niggers (all the same in my estimation) are everywhere. There simply is no getting away from them. Even if we picked the most blood red states in the country to call home, what then? How would we rid them from our midst? They multiply and migrate like the rats that they are and we pay them to do it. I know this because I have the receipts. I get them every April 15th.

    Short of a bloody revolution, there is no answer to our problem. We can't exactly round them all up and ship them to Cuckafornia or NY. If we could accomplish such a task and we were actually up to the task, we would have already done so by sending the niggers back to Africa. The PTB showed America what would happen if anyone dared consider it when they put a bullet in the back of Abe Lincoln's head. He also thought he could get away with abolishing the central bankers by printing up a gold backed currency and bypassing them. That earned JFK the same messy exit.

    Americans foolishly assume that we elect our leaders. The truth is, they are (s)elected from a list of two and both are in the back pocket of these evil bastards. If anyone starts to think they are actually in charge, they meet the same fate. I kept waiting on the same to happen to Trump. I really thought that when he got the coof, that he was dead. I was surprised to see him survive it. It appears that they just decided to kill him slowly, in the media. The results were the same, if not more effective for them. I believe they chose this route simply because it was easier and more cost effective than trying to do it the old fashioned way. They own the media in every form and the internet allowed it at the click of a mouse.

    True power in this world is held by people you will never see. They wield power that they don't deserve by controlling money that they didn't earn, stolen from people that they have never met and do not care about. Niggers, communist, politicians and media are nothing but tools for them to gain absolute power over US! The only way that the enemy within will ever be dealt with is when THEY are ready to do so. They will only do it when these tools are rusted and no longer useful to them. Then and only then, will they all be lined up against a wall and shot by the very masters that they serve. After all, why pay to feed a lame beast of burden when you can just shove it in a ditch and shoot it?

    Americans simply don't have the backbones of our forefathers to do what is demanded of them to ensure freedom for their progeny. We've all been castrated.

    Hey, we had a good run! A quarter of a millennia isn't bad. Our founders never thought we would get this far.

    If you listen, you can hear the band play "Nearer, My God, to Thee."

    10 years ago about I brought myself some acres and home in NH. Thinking it would be a good place to SHTF. After spending tons of money fortifying it etc... Just in case a few years back I also brought a place in Tx as another back up.

    I notice niggers in those places and liberals(socialist/commies) every where. I'm a classic liberal. Meaning I really don't give a shit what people do. Freedom for all etc..(Well not niggers lol). Also minimal taxes etc.. Cause you should have the freedom to survive on your own. No daddy government to take care of you and stealing your money giving it to losers. Only time people should get help is literally out of bad situation and it should not be generational.

    At the same time. NYC where I make my money. I run a few small business. I only realize recently the system can't be saved. I sold one small business at a lost recently. It still makes like money but not as much before the lock down. It lost half value. Anyway the point is. I'm going to sell of all them slowly. I think of moving to either Tx or NH for a short term, after leaving NYC.

    Most likely I'm going to end up outside of US for sure. Plenty of older people I used to know already done this move to Thailand etc....

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  25. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat fur allergic View Post
    I'm a classic liberal. Meaning I really don't give a shit what people do. Freedom for all etc..(Well not niggers lol). Also minimal taxes etc.. Cause you should have the freedom to survive on your own. No daddy government to take care of you and stealing your money giving it to losers. Only time people should get help is literally out of bad situation and it should not be generational.


    By your description, that makes you a libertarian in my Tweakshunary.

    My dad has a saying:
    A libertarian thinks he should be able to do anything he wants.
    A liberal thinks he should be able to do anything he wants and make everybody else pay for it.

    I would agree with him except that he always leaves out the part where a libertarian thinks that what you want shouldn't interfere or impose on what I want.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiggun Noodle Soup View Post
    If they can afford to purge all of the racist humans from the military, then they must have more than enough high IQ niggers to replace them with.
    I've been meaning to update my rewrite of the Star Trek "Mirror, Mirror" episode. Kirk finds out that in the mirror universe, they're niggers, except for Uhura, who becomes a white blonde. When Kirk looked over Earth history, he realized that Earth history was the same up until a point. Once niggers took over, all the great USN ships fell apart because they just couldn't be operated properly. These abandoned "ghost ships" were scavenged by the Chinese and others. Meanwhile the only vessels of the United African States (the former United States) were ancient destroyers, like the Idi Amin, and even then those stayed afloat only because of enslaved humans.

    In my original story, history diverged in 2016 when all of Hillary Clinton's opponents suddenly committed suicide or died in accidents. My update is easy enough, with the stolen election of 2020 as the divergence point.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat fur allergic View Post

    Some people still think the US military is on the side of the people. No they are as woke as the media and rest of the government etc...
    Thanks to the PRIMATE that biteme put in charge of the Dept. of Defense!!

  30. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post

    By your description, that makes you a libertarian in my Tweakshunary.

    My dad has a saying:
    A libertarian thinks he should be able to do anything he wants.
    A liberal thinks he should be able to do anything he wants and make everybody else pay for it.

    I would agree with him except that he always leaves out the part where a libertarian thinks that what you want shouldn't interfere or impose on what I want.
    almost a Libertarian. I still do think governments have a function. Just small minimum government. Roads, cops, laws, judges etc.. and even a conditional social program if you shit out of luck, got fired or house burn down etc.. Should step in but for short term only after get on your feet.
    You also forfeit your life, if you murder someone.

  31. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    You're not telling me anything I haven't thought to myself everyday for years now. The problem is that there is not one place to go that isn't infiltrated with the fifth column. Liberals, commies, socialist and niggers (all the same in my estimation) are everywhere. There simply is no getting away from them. Even if we picked the most blood red states in the country to call home, what then? How would we rid them from our midst? They multiply and migrate like the rats that they are and we pay them to do it. I know this because I have the receipts. I get them every April 15th.

    Short of a bloody revolution, there is no answer to our problem. We can't exactly round them all up and ship them to Cuckafornia or NY. If we could accomplish such a task and we were actually up to the task, we would have already done so by sending the niggers back to Africa. The PTB showed America what would happen if anyone dared consider it when they put a bullet in the back of Abe Lincoln's head. He also thought he could get away with abolishing the central bankers by printing up a gold backed currency and bypassing them. That earned JFK the same messy exit.

    Americans foolishly assume that we elect our leaders. The truth is, they are (s)elected from a list of two and both are in the back pocket of these evil bastards. If anyone starts to think they are actually in charge, they meet the same fate. I kept waiting on the same to happen to Trump. I really thought that when he got the coof, that he was dead. I was surprised to see him survive it. It appears that they just decided to kill him slowly, in the media. The results were the same, if not more effective for them. I believe they chose this route simply because it was easier and more cost effective than trying to do it the old fashioned way. They own the media in every form and the internet allowed it at the click of a mouse.

    True power in this world is held by people you will never see. They wield power that they don't deserve by controlling money that they didn't earn, stolen from people that they have never met and do not care about. Niggers, communist, politicians and media are nothing but tools for them to gain absolute power over US! The only way that the enemy within will ever be dealt with is when THEY are ready to do so. They will only do it when these tools are rusted and no longer useful to them. Then and only then, will they all be lined up against a wall and shot by the very masters that they serve. After all, why pay to feed a lame beast of burden when you can just shove it in a ditch and shoot it?

    Americans simply don't have the backbones of our forefathers to do what is demanded of them to ensure freedom for their progeny. We've all been castrated.

    Hey, we had a good run! A quarter of a millennia isn't bad. Our founders never thought we would get this far.

    If you listen, you can hear the band play "Nearer, My God, to Thee."

    You absolutely nailed it! Sad but true.
    there is not one place to go that isn't infiltrated with the fifth column. Liberals, commies, socialist and niggers (all the same in my estimation) are everywhere. There simply is no getting away from them
    I'd go even further, to my mind the problem is not restricted to the US (or the "West"), but it's a global problem. There is no place on earth where humans can go. Correct me if I am wrong, I'd love to learn where to go, checked out many countries already - even though e.g. Australia and NZ are still pretty good places to live (If you are young enough to be able to emigrate there), they are heftily infested with socialist idiots as well. Thailand, Indonesia etc. do have loads of ass-lifters. Haven't been to Argentina, Costa Rica and Panama yet.

    True power in this world is held by people you will never see.
    Exactly! They stay in the back. On the other hand: Isn't it strange that e.g. the Forbes Billionaires list doesn't mention the Trillionaires? And there are a few, even though they are families, not single persons (at least officially).

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  33. #20
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    What else is new? I’ve never trusted the gov. And I never will! our government is all about money! And they always take the side of the money! Our government does not care about its people!

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