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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    The Sahara desert was created to protect humanity

    Its one thing to colonizes and enslaves niggers, its another thing entirely when you bring them back to your country. I will never understand the mindset of the white men. Niggers disgust me, I wouldn't want any Niggers slaves, caretakers, and etc... I wouldn't want them touching my children or my dishes or come into contact with anything I own. I rather plant and
    water my own field. Us Asian do not want anything to do niggers, we don't want them on our land, we don't want them near us, we want to stay as far away from them as possible. Ever wonder why majority of all Asian cities in the U.S is FARRR away from niggers?

    I used to admire white people for their intelligent but now I realize white people lack common sense. You have woke white liberal medias and woke white liberals who are so brainwash by everything they see and hear. You have white Americans and white Europeans who are too afraid to fight back for fear of being call racist. As a child I was taught "stick and stone may break my bone but words can't hurt me", apparently words can only hurt white adults it seem. When are white people going to wake up? I do not want to see the white race disappear because white people have always treated me well, even better than my own people. When I read about white girls getting rape, drug, and kill by niggers, it makes me more angrier than any white men alive.

    What I learn throughout decades on this earth is that white people are less pragmatic than Asian. White people also have a stronger conscience than Asian which make white people more emotional and less logical. Had Asian enslaved niggers instead, I don't think slavery would end today or ever. Asian don't even see niggers as human in the first place. Forget
    sub-human or 3/5 human, more like 0/5 human. The nigger race will have a population explosion by 2050 with an estimate of 2.4 billions negroids.

    We keep interfering with god's plan. He bring Aids, Ebola, Flood, Locust Swarms, and all sort of disaster to apefrica yet we keep donating moneys and aids to keep these vermin alive and thriving. Why? Without white men interference, they would be near extinction by now, instead they are outbreeding European/Asian, and will double their total population in just 29 more years. Currently they are at 1.2 billions negroids worldwide.

    I'm just one person without any power, and because of betrayal from my human friend, I may not be alive for much longer, but I'll be damn if the world someday end up becoming Brazil. There a reason the world biggest hot desert exist between North Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa. It was made to be a fortress against the black plague. Instead not only are
    they in so many countries worldwide but we also bought them to beautiful island in the carribean to boot. Abraham Lincoln can kiss my asshole!

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    Right on! Worse yet every YT girl has a dream of jumping into bed w one of these apes. The anglo mind is baffling...

  3. #3
    LT. Colonel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Right on! Worse yet every YT girl has a dream of jumping into bed w one of these apes. The anglo mind is baffling...
    You need to give women more credit. I'd say the vast majority still wouldn't burn coal in their dreams.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    Legalizing miscegenation is easily one of the biggest mistakes we ever made.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Right on! Worse yet every YT girl has a dream of jumping into bed w one of these apes. The anglo mind is baffling...
    I don't think that is the case, never seen a white girls with niggers at
    my university or anywhere. A lot of white girls get drugged by niggers
    and the niggers football players get away with it. However beautiful
    college educated girls don't date niggers, why would they when they can
    date me instead. I'm handsome, I have a badboy look, and I been in
    more fights than most niggers if we want to talk about masculinity. My
    people defeated empires one after another. Undefeated in war to boot.
    Niggers have never won a single war in their life.

    Unlike white guys, I have no problem calling niggers "niggers" to their
    face. Beside female and the elderly, niggers tend to avoid Asian males
    if possible even if we call them niggers. Niggers do mess with East Asian
    guys but not us Southeast Asians because we seen more genocide and
    war than most people on this planet. Nothing really phase us. I saw my
    cousin about 20 to 25 feets away from me get blown up by a land mine
    when I was really young. It was painful but I never really fear death
    after that event. I realize you can die anyday and anytime.

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  7. #6
    LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
    Chimpout Guest
    Plenty of Asian coddlers in the United States. And despite the fact that niggers attack them mercilessly in the streets, they continue to coddle them, pretending the nigger isn't the one doing the attacking. Andrew Yang comes to mind as well. Not to mention that Asian bitch congresswoman from Hawaii. In WW2, the Japs enslaved white people. Treating them as inferiors. Well these so-called "inferior" white people beat the shit out of you Asians in battle. White people even had to bail out the Chinese in that war. So I'm not going to give any Asians a pass on bashing the white race. It's a liberal Democrat problem.

  8. #7
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    I agree with everything in the OP in theory, but the fact is, at the height of slavery, only 4% of American (ergo, White...) households owned niggers. For the first 170 years or so of American history, niggers were largely kept segregated from Human society -- as it should be. It wasn't until the 1950's that True Morons™ started passing laws forcing niggers on everyone. Fast-forward to 2021 and it's still necessary to force niggers on Humans because most don't want anything to do with them.

    Yes, a tiny number of Whites were idiots for bringing niggers here in the 17th Century, but the fact is, many Whites who owned niggers after that, did so because those niggers were passed on to them by the previous land-owner. That was the case with my original German ancestors in 1840. They bought a tobacco farm in Virginia that came with niggers. As near as we can tell, they didn't want the niggers, and sold the farm before the Civil War.

    The fact is, to this day, there has to be a continuous campaign of propaganda and laws to force niggers upon Humans. Absent that, I have no doubt this country would be RE-segregated in a decade or two. That's how Humans really feel about niggers! Many of them don't realize it or will deny it, but the fact is, the vast majority of non-niggers want nothing to do with the filthy animals.

  9. #8
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by LeQuint Dickey Mining Co. View Post
    Plenty of Asian coddlers in the United States. And despite the fact that niggers attack them mercilessly in the streets, they continue to coddle them, pretending the nigger isn't the one doing the attacking. Andrew Yang comes to mind as well. Not to mention that Asian bitch congresswoman from Hawaii. In WW2, the Japs enslaved white people. Treating them as inferiors. Well these so-called "inferior" white people beat the shit out of you Asians in battle. White people even had to bail out the Chinese in that war. So I'm not going to give any Asians a pass on bashing the white race. It's a liberal Democrat problem.
    I don't disagree with you in fact the Japanese killed 2 millions of my
    people, and about a quarter of my family perished in the famine of 1944
    thanks to the Japanese occupation. I lost a quarter of my family because
    we weren't allow to crow crops for ourself. However I feel angry and
    disappointed that whenever people think of Asian, they only think of
    East Asian because the Chinese population is so big. I'm not East Asian
    and I can't stand East Asian. There are three times more Chinese in this
    world than the total Southeast Asian population.

    I hate Andrew Yang and I hate that Japanese bitch in Hawaii, and I don't
    see East Asian boba liberals as any different from white liberals. East
    Asian actually disgust me because for one they allow racism to spread
    by allowing racist themselves to do whatever they want. Instead of fighting
    back they put their head down. Instead of uniting Asia as a whole, they
    continue to want to destroy one another. China, Japan, and Korea all
    hate each other. Oh and East Asian are cold blooded...feel free to look
    up what that mean.

    I been through about 30 states in the U.S and not a single white person
    can tell I'm Asian. I know other Southeast Asians that are often mistaken
    for Latino. I have pale skin but according to most people I have western
    feature so white girls don't even consider me to be Asian which is
    insulting. For some reason people think that if you don't have small
    eyes, square face, aren't feminine looking that you aren't Asian.

    There was a video on Youtube of Logan Paul disrespecting Japanese in
    Japan and all the Japanese did was look like a Pickachu GIF. If Logan
    Paul did what he did in my country, he most likely would be in a coma.
    That video made my blood boil and the fact that East Asia represent all
    Asians disappoint me greatly. Take Chinese out of the equation, and
    there far more Southeast Asian than East Asian. Though the Chinese
    population alone is 3 times our size.

  10. #9
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Before this thread devolves any further:

    This site is only against niggers and their allies, nigger lovers, traitors, pansies, and whoever thinks they are human. No more bashing of any ethnic group as a whole except for niggers and Muslims. The war with Japan is long over, we nuked them, they learned their lesson, reformed their ways, and now our friend. Same with Vietnam. There may be a site for anti-Japanese sentiments, but it is not here.

    We here disagree with a lot of the political and military intentions of China, but we do not disparage them as a racial group because, after all, they despise niggers and Muslims. They even put Uighers in concentration camps, their business, not ours. As long as they don't accept niggers, we won't disparage them. They have a 5,000 year civilization and I'm sure they don't want that to even be tainted by African "culture".

    We are against the tainting of our collective human race by niggers and sandnigges, therefore, all such miscegenating lowlife are fair game.

    I hope this clarifies the matter. Guests are invited to join with the promise to focus your ire on the aforementioned savage species.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  11. #10
    Chimpout Guest
    Welcome. Sorry, I did not realize that by Asian, you were not talking about "East Asian". I see that you clarified "South East Asian".
    Please consider joining the site!

  12. #11
    LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    You need to give women more credit. I'd say the vast majority still wouldn't burn coal in their dreams.
    And you'd be right. The ones who would most likely weren't brought up with a family that told them "shack up with a nigger and you're disowned". And those those Asian women in Nam had no problem hooking up with the American nigger soldiers either.

  13. #12
    Chimpout Guest
    The problem with standing up to the nigger and their coddlers is if you don’t do it in such a precise fashion you’ll lose everything. Be prepared to be unemployed and unemployable for the foreseeable future. If you speak your mind in public make sure your house and bills are all paid off and you have plenty in savings. They created a system to pigeon hole any opposing opinion that goes against their white cuck liberal beliefs. Make sure you vote Republican and move to an all white area and raise your kids correctly. Encourage them to do just one group project at school with a nigger and ask them when it’s all over how it went. When your kid tells you that the coon didn’t contribute tell them that’s the lesson. That’s what happens in society they do zero of the work but still get credit as if they did even though you did all the work. If they don’t do all the work you kid will receive a bad or mediocre grade and it’s the equivalent to working with them at a job or living around them in a community. Drive to a gettofied area and show them how they live and what animals they are if you’re brave enough.

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  15. #13
    LT. Colonel
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeQuint Dickey Mining Co. View Post
    And those those Asian women in Nam had no problem hooking up with the American nigger soldiers either.
    Prostitution in that kind of society is an act of desperation. Even so, if you ever saw "Full Metal Jacket," remember the scene of the reluctant prostitute. For everyone like that, there were 10 that would sooner wait for a human American.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  16. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exterminatus View Post
    Its one thing to colonizes and enslaves niggers, its another thing entirely when you bring them back to your country. I will never understand the mindset of the white men. Niggers disgust me, I wouldn't want any Niggers slaves, caretakers, and etc... I wouldn't want them touching my children or my dishes or come into contact with anything I own. I rather plant and
    water my own field. Us Asian do not want anything to do niggers, we don't want them on our land, we don't want them near us, we want to stay as far away from them as possible. Ever wonder why majority of all Asian cities in the U.S is FARRR away from niggers?

    I used to admire white people for their intelligent but now I realize white people lack common sense. You have woke white liberal medias and woke white liberals who are so brainwash by everything they see and hear. You have white Americans and white Europeans who are too afraid to fight back for fear of being call racist. As a child I was taught "stick and stone may break my bone but words can't hurt me", apparently words can only hurt white adults it seem. When are white people going to wake up? I do not want to see the white race disappear because white people have always treated me well, even better than my own people. When I read about white girls getting rape, drug, and kill by niggers, it makes me more angrier than any white men alive.

    What I learn throughout decades on this earth is that white people are less pragmatic than Asian. White people also have a stronger conscience than Asian which make white people more emotional and less logical. Had Asian enslaved niggers instead, I don't think slavery would end today or ever. Asian don't even see niggers as human in the first place. Forget
    sub-human or 3/5 human, more like 0/5 human. The nigger race will have a population explosion by 2050 with an estimate of 2.4 billions negroids.

    We keep interfering with god's plan. He bring Aids, Ebola, Flood, Locust Swarms, and all sort of disaster to apefrica yet we keep donating moneys and aids to keep these vermin alive and thriving. Why? Without white men interference, they would be near extinction by now, instead they are outbreeding European/Asian, and will double their total population in just 29 more years. Currently they are at 1.2 billions negroids worldwide.

    I'm just one person without any power, and because of betrayal from my human friend, I may not be alive for much longer, but I'll be damn if the world someday end up becoming Brazil. There a reason the world biggest hot desert exist between North Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa. It was made to be a fortress against the black plague. Instead not only are
    they in so many countries worldwide but we also bought them to beautiful island in the carribean to boot. Abraham Lincoln can kiss my asshole!
    SPOT ON!!

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  18. #15
    Senior Trustee
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    you need to sign on up OP. The nigger hating world needs you and your fine contributions. We are all sick and tired of the coon army. Help us to defend our sanity !
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  19. #16
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by h8whitelibtards View Post
    Welcome. Sorry, I did not realize that by Asian, you were not talking about "East Asian". I see that you clarified "South East Asian".
    Please consider joining the site!
    I would say 99% of all people think of East Asian when they hear Asian
    if they live in the U.S/Australia and South Asian if they live in the UK
    and Europe. Us Southeast Asian are very unknown for some reason, but
    I wouldn't change it for the world. Being mysterious is one of the perk.

    I haven't decided yet because window 10 blows and it keep erasing my
    usernames and passwords for any site I'm apart off with its monthly update.

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  21. #17
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    you need to sign on up OP. The nigger hating world needs you and your fine contributions. We are all sick and tired of the coon army. Help us to defend our sanity !
    I lost my sanity eon ago. This world doesn't make sense to me. Niggers do everything wrong and break all sort of rules yet get rewarded for it? Meanwhile us humans do everything right and get punish. Asian work hard their entire life yet get crippled with apefirmative action. When beautiful girls approach me, they are cautious as the media doesn't portray Asian guys as romantic partners. Losing the girl of my dream broke me into a million pieces and the media has so much to do with it. And don't get me started on the Muslim threat over in Europe either and how they can get away with pretty much any crimes. George Floyd family becoming multi-millionaires was the final straw because it was not the reality that I was taught. Just trying to make sense of everything has stress me out to the point I'm bald now. Everything I thought I knew about the world completely turned upside down and shattered my reality!

    I want to go back to the 80's and early 90's and just remain there, I don't fit in this new generation!

    I wish there was a support group somewhere for this but I live in Commiefornia so there is no hope here. I hate this state and I have tried leaving on so many occasion to no avail. Please tell me how to keep sane because I'm at a lost for words. I don't have my own family so there is literally zero distraction for me. While there still may be girls that are attracted to me, I'm far too broken as a human being to do anything about it.

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