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Thread: Camouflage

  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest


    There were 9 "mass" shootings this weekend. One was a disgruntled boyfriend that actually qualified as a mass shooting. The other 8..nigger brawls that fall under the same umbrella because they happened to involve 4 or more people. Niggers don't deserve to have their particular brand of depravity cloaked behind a cultural phenomena.

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  3. #2
    Coon Club Road's Avatar
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    If niggers wouldn't breed so damn fast, they would have been extinct by now the way they kilz each other!

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

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  5. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Coon Club Road View Post
    If niggers wouldn't breed so damn fast, they would have been extinct by now the way they kilz each other!
    I think these days it has less to do with them breeding fast (although that is a factor), but other reasons:

    A1) People keep importing them into first world nations where there aren't any natural predators.
    A2) In those first world nations, the natural predators of the nigger (police officers) are forbidden by law and social media from harming niggers for any reason.
    B) Prisons serve as an additional means of protecting niggers from natural predators, including their own kind for the most part.
    C) Welfare, Section 8, EBT, and similar programs keep niggers alive.
    D) Nigger lovers (AKA coalburners, oildrillers, etc.) and certain religious groups import them to first world nations and occasionally... *ugh*... breed with the things.
    E) I think that covers most of it.

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  7. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    F) Whitey doctors and scientists keep on curing the diseases(mostly STDS) that plague their communities due to their poor hygiene and take no responsibility to control. AIDS, Ebola, Covid, and so on. Big pharma needs to stop healing niggers cause the money they make selling medicine won’t balance out all the stupid lawsuits they raise because of their stupidity and doctors can’t keep up with their idiocy. Just let them die. The delayed gratification will be much better for them.

  8. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Solution: Stop importing this invasive species. Sterilize all dindu felons. Legalize fentanyl sales in certain zip codes. Add fentanyl to grape soda, malt liquor and Henessey. Spray fentanyl from helicopters during dindu festivals. Hand out 9mm handguns and ammo starting in fourth grade.

  9. #6
    LT. Colonel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Hand out 9mm handguns and ammo starting in fourth grade.
    Only if niggers can be contained among themselves, otherwise they'd just spread to human areas and use what they're given.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  10. #7
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    Let Darwin do his job!

    Let Darwin do his job!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    F) Whitey doctors and scientists keep on curing the diseases(mostly STDS) that plague their communities due to their poor hygiene and take no responsibility to control. AIDS, Ebola, Covid, and so on. Big pharma needs to stop healing niggers cause the money they make selling medicine won’t balance out all the stupid lawsuits they raise because of their stupidity and doctors can’t keep up with their idiocy. Just let them die. The delayed gratification will be much better for them.

    You may not realize it, but you just exposed another problem here. In "helping" niggers, foolish humans have actually hurt (if not doomed) them as a species.

    In nature, only the strongest and smartest survive to ensure the future of the species. By curing those with the lowest intelligence and most prone to disease, the bleeding hearts have in fact hurt them in the long run more than anything. When a worldwide famine or pandemic (I'm not referring to the Covid hoax, of course) actually hits and humans cannot afford to help them anymore, the megadeath numbers will be unfathomable to most.

    It is possible (albeit remotely) that the nigger species could actually advance if left to nature. Maybe in ten thousand years or so, they could actually become as smart as lowland gorillas. Maybe it's just crazy wishful thinking. I don't know, but it's fun to imagine, isn't it boys and girls?

    I won't shed a tear, of course and can only hope that when the inevitable cataclysm goes down, that the bleeding hearts are over there in force to feed and care for their pet niggers. They would all get themselves culturally enriched into long pig meals.

    Two shit birds and one stone, I always say!
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  12. #8
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    Niggers are an invasive species in this hemisphere, they do not belong here, years ago I remember one time having a debate with a nigger on the internet, the nigger referred to whitey as " cavemen" , and my response and STILL IS...whitey may have been a caveman, but we ain't in the cave no more, BUT you can still easily find niggers existing exactly like they were 10,000 years Apeland...screwing monkeys, washing in cow piss and eating dirt cookies...

    The nigger hasn't progressed at all, same nigger today as was 10,000 years ago..

    Niggers Are a Failed species....

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  14. #9
    Chimpout Guest
    Well said, let natural selection take care of these creatures. Notice something unusual. Tree hugging eco warriors, nigger lovers, and all save the planet sorts love evolution -- so they say, yet they are the first to encourage tampering with evolution and natural selection. Encouraging blacks to reproduce, race mixing with them, fighting global warming and unnaturally reviving species that have died out...

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  16. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coon Club Road View Post
    If niggers wouldn't breed so damn fast, they would have been extinct by now the way they kilz each other!
    Life and deaf is meaningless to nigger beasts.Muh dicking is their no.1 priority. They breed like cockroaches.

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  18. #11
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    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    Niggers are an invasive species in this hemisphere, they do not belong here, years ago I remember one time having a debate with a nigger on the internet, the nigger referred to whitey as " cavemen" , and my response and STILL IS...whitey may have been a caveman, but we ain't in the cave no more, BUT you can still easily find niggers existing exactly like they were 10,000 years Apeland...screwing monkeys, washing in cow piss and eating dirt cookies...

    The nigger hasn't progressed at all, same nigger today as was 10,000 years ago..

    Niggers Are a Failed species....
    10,000 years ago God told the Niggers in Afreaka - 'Don't do anything until I come back' whereby history proves (if nothing else) that vine swingin' jungle borne Niggers have got good hearing. Nomesayin'?

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