I just now got the normal color back in my cheeks and finally caught my breath from hyperventilation. I was laughing so hard from reading this article, I woke up Mrs. Tweak and she was not amused.

This has got to be the funniest shit I've read in ages and if I didn't know any better, I would almost think I was reading some kind of satire news site but RT has become more reputable than almost any American news outlet, which, btw, will not touch this story and likely never will until the frozen nigsicle bodies are discovered next to the water tower filled with tainted grape Kool-aid.

Since we can't send them back to Africa, how about we send them "New Wakandarado." We can buy a few ads on fecespook letting them know about the new nigtopia, charter a few buses right before the first snowfall and send them up there.

I predict the first wave of hypoxia deaths should knock out at least 90% of the newport and weed smoking niggers within a few days.

Hey, dumb niggers, you won't have the poleese to blame for the mass cases of "uhh cainbreeves" this time! There won't be anyone to sue, or blame but your damn fool selves.

Guess what, no KFC deliveries up there, either! No foateez, no heat, no water, no food, no anything but miles of snow covered evergreens in every direction that you can't even use for firewood without burning your mud huts down.

I'm picturing "Into the Wild" but instead of one pathetic mentally ill white soyboy hippie, it'll be a mass casualty cleanup come springtime if the bears don't finish off the carcasses. They'll probably only find teefs and tennis shoes.

This is gonna be fucking hilarious no matter how it plays out.