Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
If you listen to Salman on the 911 call and to his mother whining, most certainly asslifters.
His momma says he was a good boy but had some mental issues. Don't they all have mental issues?
Now the family got a scumbag, lying lawyer to go after the cops for having the gall to say they were "lured" to the house, even though Salman said in the 911 call that his brother shot his mother just to get them to come.
Since the asslifter deleted itself I don't know how they're going to try and pin it on the cops this time.

Yeah, sounds like backtracking lawyer-speak for gibs alright!

Mammy knew what the drill was and was actually somewhat honest and apologetic about it but in come the lawyer$. Without a leg to stand on, they will try to flip the situation around. Why did the fambly even feel the need to hire a lawyer? There can be only one reason.

Still, there is not one single picture of the sandnigger to be found anywhere and I've been looking. You simply cannot convince me that in this day and age, no-one has a single picture of this nigger. Someone would have given the pic over to a reporter by now. It has been scrubbed from all social and news media. The press is asleep at the switch and willfully so.