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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Well, allow me to help you out with that. There are other reasons (not GOOD reasons, but OTHER reasons) that women choose to lay with a feral nigger. One of them concerns what I said in my first post. Many human men (I say human, because I can see this pathology in races other than white) are cuck sissies that aren't attractive to women in the least. It's disingenuous to just dump all burners into the 'mental health/daddy issues' bin. We, as a culture, need to be producing strong, self-respecting men again, because that is one of the ways that we mitigate the problem of human women choosing a nigger to begin with.

    Additionally, I'm not 'trying to understand' anything. I've been doing this for a very long time, and I'm honest enough to see all facets of the problem, rather than try to pack the whole mess into one convenient explanation. I'm not excusing any of it, I just don't fail to recognize that there are other reasons for burners to BECOME burners. Mental illness is certainly one of those reason, just not the only one....There, that was only 2 paragraphs. Does that work better for you?
    It’s ok to look at the situation any way you want and express your own opinion.But,I also have my realistic outlook on the situation.I believe once the abomination is committed,the former human is forever lost.I won’t waste my time thinking about why?It don’t fucking matter!The life is lost.They’ve thrown it away forever.No undoing it! If that were a family member or someone I used to know, they would be dead to me forever. I no longer associate with or care about them or their welfare.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    It’s ok to look at the situation any way you want and express your own opinion.But,I also have my realistic outlook on the situation.I believe once the abomination is committed,the former human is forever lost.I won’t waste my time thinking about why?It don’t fucking matter!The life is lost.They’ve thrown it away forever.No undoing it! If that were a family member or someone I used to know, they would be dead to me forever. I no longer associate with or care about them or their welfare.
    I never claimed your view on burners to be invalid.
    I never said your view on this doesn't align with my own.
    I never said I had any desire to 'save' these lost souls, I agree, it's a waste of time and energy. However, nothing about that observation makes me wrong in my opinion as to the causes. I'm not defending burners, simply stating that there are other reasons they make that choice.
    I never said you didn't have the right to hold your own opinion about it. I (respectfully) believe it to be a somewhat narrow view that leaves a lot out, but it's your right to hold to that view, if you wish.

    What I DID say was that there are other reasons for their behavior. I'm providing content and an expanded viewpoint to the conversation (which is the purpose of this forum), not calling people out because their opinion doesn't fully align with mine. I don't expect or demand that you fully or even partly agree with me, but your lack of agreement on any particular point doesn't invalidate my observation. 'Who cares?' is not a counter-argument, nor is trying to score points by calling me long-winded. Everyone knows I'm long-winded, it's a feature, not a flaw. What matters is that I'm civil.

    You hold to whatever viewpoint on this topic as best suits you, that's your privilege. But if you're going to question mine, bring something better than 'it don't fucking matter' to the conversation. If I felt it didn't matter, I wouldn't have mentioned it. And, I don't need to check to make sure it's OK to express my view, as long as it abides by the forum rules. Same as you.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    I never claimed your view on burners to be invalid.
    I never said your view on this doesn't align with my own.
    I never said I had any desire to 'save' these lost souls, I agree, it's a waste of time and energy. However, nothing about that observation makes me wrong in my opinion as to the causes. I'm not defending burners, simply stating that there are other reasons they make that choice.
    I never said you didn't have the right to hold your own opinion about it. I (respectfully) believe it to be a somewhat narrow view that leaves a lot out, but it's your right to hold to that view, if you wish.

    What I DID say was that there are other reasons for their behavior. I'm providing content and an expanded viewpoint to the conversation (which is the purpose of this forum), not calling people out because their opinion doesn't fully align with mine. I don't expect or demand that you fully or even partly agree with me, but your lack of agreement on any particular point doesn't invalidate my observation. 'Who cares?' is not a counter-argument, nor is trying to score points by calling me long-winded. Everyone knows I'm long-winded, it's a feature, not a flaw. What matters is that I'm civil.

    You hold to whatever viewpoint on this topic as best suits you, that's your privilege. But if you're going to question mine, bring something better than 'it don't fucking matter' to the conversation. If I felt it didn't matter, I wouldn't have mentioned it. And, I don't need to check to make sure it's OK to express my view, as long as it abides by the forum rules. Same as you.
    I’m also civil to everyone on this site. Because, we all have the same thing in common.We know that niggers are a worthless species and a plague to this planet. What got me going,but not enough to be disrespectful is that you said I did not get your point.
    I do in fact get your point. Been there.I tried to understand the shark and driller mind. They really don’t think like us. Because, for us there is no valid reason to commit bestiality. But.any of the reasons you mentioned can have an effect on a weak sick mind.
    To you my view may be narrow. But it’s a final conclusion. However, I don’t mind hearing other peoples opinions and points of view.And after going back and reading yours, I realize that our thinking really isn’t that different after all.

  4. #24
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    Goebbels said if you say it long enough and loud enough people and even you will come to believe it. SO you send your kids to school and they pump the propaganda up their asses and you wonder why your kids have scorned everything you try to teach them. You talk to the teachers that you think you can approach without starting ww3 and they tell you they are forced to spew their kumbaya societal indoctrination or lose their job. For those that can afford it send your kids to a good private school that you have personally vetted.

    Vote in school board elections and elect those that want to educate instead of a social justice society indoctrination. Raise hell and hit them in their pocket books. THe argument of the good teachers will be hurt can be countered by the platoon can pay the price for one individual's fuck up. How many new football stadiums are necessary? Go over their budgets publicly and have them explain every line item. You'll find all kinds of hidden projects to generate smoke to be blown up your kids asses.

    When they elect the big buck nigger as home coming king make sure he doesn't have a human queen. It is not a hate crime if no one shows up!

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    Oh for f's sake. You can tell a lot about someone from a cover photo.

    Attachment 15002
    Is that the cover picture of the girl?! (I don't have a Niggerbook account). What went wrong with her education?! Why on earth do human parents exist that do hate their kids so much that they don't teach them not to deal with niggers? I really don't get it!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    I don't like coalburning, but, in a way, I also understand it sometimes. We, as men, expect women to be beautiful at all times, even after doing things like climbing off of a toilet. Great cooks, great hostesses, even competent second income earners, as long as they don't outshine a male's own 'brilliance' (instead of being fucking ecstatic about the fact that they were lucky enough to have landed a smart woman that doesn't need to be led around by the nose all the time).

    Well, guess what? They have a few demands of their own as well. They expect the men in their life to have a fucking chest, and some sense of honor, loyalty, and duty to a family. America is filled to the rafters with effeminate, talentless, man-bun wearing, man-purse-carrying neckbeards right now. Fat, soft, self-indulgent, whining little bitch males. If we had droves of these pussies in medieval Europe, the Crusades would have never happened. Great with a computer, great with talking social justice horseshit on Twitter, but they couldn't do a fucking oil change on their own cars if you told them their life depended on it, or swing a hammer.

    And, this is exactly the image the MSM and Hollywood pushes. 'Mate with this weak, pale shadow of a white man, and your entire family will die tragically one day'. If any of you who have a good wife or significant other in your lives don't believe me, ask yourself if you'd have that quality mate by the doing the absolute girly-man minimum. Women DON'T LIKE IT when their men are more emotional than they are. They'd rather try their luck with 'fixing' some nigger than to invest in these fucking white, incapable cucks that are free-ranging across the landscape. You see them by the hundreds at every fucking riot we've had in the last 18 months. They cry and wail about niggers getting killed by cops more than the niggers themselves do. They're the stupid assholes who lay down on highways and weep about shit like 'social justice'. Fucking undependable, incapable PUSSIES, every last one of them. 'Good', strong, capable men can be as choosy as they like when it comes to picking a lifetime companion. Women have far less ability to be picky, or at least they've convinced themselves that such is the case.

    It's very true that mentally damaged women mate with niggers because of shit like daddy issues, but I'm also firmly convinced that many throw their lot in with niggers, in the hopes of becoming a protected pet, instead of a victim. I believe they do this after coming to the resigned conclusion that bedding a nigger is going to work out better for them than cleaving to a weak, soft white male with no balls, no sense of self, no fight, and no care to change any of that. Remember that women outnumber men in this country by almost 8-1. Finding a 'good' man is much harder for them, which is also why I believe many of them are so vicious and competitive sometimes. And, some truly do believe that they can 'make' that nigger better, it just needs the right 'encouragement' to flourish, bullshit like that. It's when they realize just how wrong they were and try to get out of that situation, that's when the murder and dismemberment and acid-throwing begins. Niggers don't like being told 'NO', and kill things to show their displeasure over it. None of those facts excuses girly-men for being the useless, gutless little punks that they are. Oil-drillers are just as bad, they are often quite subservient to their invariably loud and aggressive sows.

    I'm not excusing the behavior of burners, but like most other things, there's more than one reason for it. Self-respecting men need to be stomping and shaming these white girly men at every turn. Human males did not advance their cultures and civilization across thousands of years of history by being the fucking sissies I see everywhere today in America. If a white man bitches to me about women who bed niggers, they better NOT be one of the contributing factors for that sorry state of affairs, I know that much. As long as the strong, self-respecting human of any race allows the effeminate bitch-boys to walk around among them freely, many women will continue to roll the dice on niggers. We cannot have a complete and logical conversation about coalburning unless we look at this facet of the problem head-on.
    All of the things you mention are essentially the fault of left wing ideology and the worshipping of socialist ideas by the media! The result are brainwashed people who believe all the nonsense and teach their children to refuse to use their own brains, and not to question the Marxist ideas. If you insist that everything and everybody "has to be equal" (the essence of Marxism), then of course males need to become sissy douche bags, and women tattooed green haired atrocities.
    But: That inevitably collides with nature, since females still (secretly) seek for protective family supporting males and vice versa. Since niggers are overall way too stupid to grasp anything (including the weird self-contradictory liberal ideology), they don't fail for that stuff and just behave as the animals they are. Liberal humans on the other hand are trapped between their animal instincts and the contradicting, self imposed liberal nonsense.

    Long story short, to my mind coal burners and mudsharks are beyond repair damaged. It might not be their fault (but definitively the one of their parents), but they are as useless and damaging to society as the nigger beasts!
    But what I absolutely detest are the people who forced that nonsense on our societies! I celebrate every time a celerity bites the dust!

  7. #27
    Blue Gum
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    Mating with a beast is an unforgivable inexcusable abomination! Low self esteem and lack of self respect isn’t a valid reason for committing beastiality!
    Agreed Mr. Crow.....why do white chicks lay with a nigger animal? I suppose there are many reasons, some have been mentioned, IMO I think a majority of it is because plain old sympathy, females have more of a nurturing tendency. It's in their DNA, so I think they feel sorry for the nigger animals, I also think a large portion of mudshark are fa sloppy pigs, I've seen this a lot, do some of it comes down to how the female looks, and for many a nigger I'd the best they can do. Then I think a portion have suffered growing up with father figure issues, then you have the group that are hotties, and of course they go for the rich nigger athletes ( nigg-Cole brown turd Chimpson) its Totally Disgusting and goes Completely against nature. They're Damaged Goods from that point forward, they've been Contaminated, Any human, male/female that gets mixed up voluntarily with niggers have demented mental issues. They know it too, will never admit it, but they know it.

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