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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    What if American slavery never happened?

    Hello chimpers,

    I always have a feeling that we probably would’ve been better off without slavery. At least we wouldn’t have this preponderance of nigger shitbeasts roaming around destroying and mutilating everything in their paths. Our ancestors should’ve just let the niggers kill each other in Apefrica and let natural selection do it’s course. Who knows, maybe niggers would’ve become extinct. We would’ve eventually hit the industrial revolution and be where we are today, maybe even more advanced without niggers to bog us down. What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
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    The bumper sticker on my truck says “If I’d known this shit would happen,I’d picked my own cotton”.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    I actually wonder if slavery never happened if liberals would have imported in niggers anyway. Since niggers are still here as mere political tools for their stupidity, ignorance, and violence. Sure they use slavery as an excuse to cry about everything but we all know they’d still come up with something else to cry about. And the elite would still exist and they’d need a loser group to exploit, so they might still find a way. The current day nigger problem would not be quite as bad but I think it would still have found a way to happen. As long as niggers exist they still will make the rest of the world suffer. You’d think it would be easy to just ignore them as long as they aren’t in your society raping your children and burning down your businesses but we always have to have the guilt ridden people who will seek them out of pity without knowing they’ll repay your kindness with stabbing you to death and raping your corpse. I’m really not a fan of immigration today, my grandparents told me stories of my ancestors who came to America and it was a lot harder to get here back then. They had to make a lot of effort to learn to read and function without a government holding a carrot over their head for their vote.
    That’s basically my comeback to the “America was built on immigration” argument, knowing you really had to bust your ass in those days to make it here before you could just cry that your country is a shit hole and guilt ridden morons need votes for their loser party so they just fly them in and give them carte blanche treatment and blame other people for the fact they are just losers that never made any personal effort to succeed.
    White culture has worked because people’s work paid off to create a culture they were proud of. Niggers have never made any personal effort of their own, and blaming others is why they will continue to fail.

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  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSambo View Post
    Hello chimpers,

    I always have a feeling that we probably would’ve been better off without slavery. At least we wouldn’t have this preponderance of nigger shitbeasts roaming around destroying and mutilating everything in their paths. Our ancestors should’ve just let the niggers kill each other in Apefrica and let natural selection do it’s course. Who knows, maybe niggers would’ve become extinct. We would’ve eventually hit the industrial revolution and be where we are today, maybe even more advanced without niggers to bog us down. What are your thoughts?
    If YT would just stop feeding the Africoons, they would become extinct in a few years at most. Withdrawal of food is all would take with a species that cannot even feed itself. Giving them food does them no good. It just gives them enough strength for muh dik and crapping out yet more niglets. It would be more humane to let them vanish.

    The North American Pavement Ape is another story. They get coddled and cared for by taxpayers from the minute their mammies shit them out until some hoe sow twerks on their coffins. There is no escape from them as they breed faster than they can batwing each other.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  7. #5
    Blue Gum
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    I've said it before, if the nigger animal had never been imported in, things would've definitely progressed slower in the early days, BUT like was mentioned, a couple hundred years later, things really progressed and took off, by now we'd be very very close IF not further ahead than we are now due to the fact the stinking nigger animal wouldn't be here to drag the country down, imagine the Trillions of dollars, in today's money, that could've been put toward improving society instead of going toward nigger animal upkeep.

  8. #6
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    If slavery had never happened, we'd be importing niggers by the truckload, instead of Hispanics, and would be collecting statistics on nigger-immigrant-on-nigger-immigrant-crime. In short, nothing would have changed, except perhaps fucking bald faced lies like 'Roots' and 'The Color Purple' might not have been made by Hollywood. Will Smith would be a foreign national living here with a green card. That's about it. Liberals would have still found a way to piss trillions of taxpayer dollars away on these rhesus monkeys.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  9. #7
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    Niggers played a useful role as farm equipment. Let's be honest and say niggers did have an effect on the American boom and in many other places as well. But only so far as a tools, not much different than a tractor is now or say metal tools would be to a cave man. Sure the job can be done without them, but it is unnecessarily more difficult. Let's not scoff at the fact that niggers are infinitely better off than they would be living in the African jungles if they had not been sold by other niggers to slave traders. They required constant supervision and were barely profitable. Upkeep was not cheap and now because we held onto those tools after they became obsolete, we are paying for it forever when they should have been discarded immediately. After the civil war they should have been sent back to Africa whether they wanted to go or not. Now it is too late.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  10. #8
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I actually wonder if slavery never happened if liberals would have imported in niggers anyway. Since niggers are still here as mere political tools for their stupidity, ignorance, and violence. Sure they use slavery as an excuse to cry about everything but we all know they’d still come up with something else to cry about. And the elite would still exist and they’d need a loser group to exploit, so they might still find a way. The current day nigger problem would not be quite as bad but I think it would still have found a way to happen. As long as niggers exist they still will make the rest of the world suffer. You’d think it would be easy to just ignore them as long as they aren’t in your society raping your children and burning down your businesses but we always have to have the guilt ridden people who will seek them out of pity without knowing they’ll repay your kindness with stabbing you to death and raping your corpse. I’m really not a fan of immigration today, my grandparents told me stories of my ancestors who came to America and it was a lot harder to get here back then. They had to make a lot of effort to learn to read and function without a government holding a carrot over their head for their vote.
    That’s basically my comeback to the “America was built on immigration” argument, knowing you really had to bust your ass in those days to make it here before you could just cry that your country is a shit hole and guilt ridden morons need votes for their loser party so they just fly them in and give them carte blanche treatment and blame other people for the fact they are just losers that never made any personal effort to succeed.
    White culture has worked because people’s work paid off to create a culture they were proud of. Niggers have never made any personal effort of their own, and blaming others is why they will continue to fail.

    My guess is we'd probably be like Europe is today or Canada. The libtards would be importing them but they would not be as numerous as they are. There definitely would not be 45 million. The CR movement would have most likely never happened.

  11. #9
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    I heard that they were brought here as slaves because back then they were the only ones who could take the heat especially in the south. Remember there was no air conditioners back then. The Europeans could not take the heat as much is what I heard.

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    I heard that they were brought here as slaves because back then they were the only ones who could take the heat especially in the south. Remember there was no air conditioners back then. The Europeans could not take the heat as much is what I heard.
    That is mostly bullshit. It was more about needing free labor and much harder to capture and hold humans than niggers. The main reason was because it was easy to procure nigger farm equipment in Africa. All they had to do was trade for them.

    Why wouldn't we just make slaves of natives or Mexicans since they were already there? Not because they are human and niggers aren't. The myth of just capturing niggers with nets is just that. A myth. It was far easier to just load niggers onto a boat that by the way were often purchased from other niggers than it is to try and capture them yourself.

    Niggers would sell other conquered niggers and even family for whatever human technology of the time they could get their paws on.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  13. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    I heard that they were brought here as slaves because back then they were the only ones who could take the heat especially in the south. Remember there was no air conditioners back then. The Europeans could not take the heat as much is what I heard.
    Throughout history, the nigger has been a beast of burden, going back to at least the time of the Pyramids. This is why they steal the history of others (such as the Egyptian kings bullshit), because they have no significant history of their own. They lived on a continent that has 5500 MILES of coastline, and never invented a sail until a white man showed up and showed them one. The didn't invent a wheel until they were shown how. Slaves came from either conquest from foreign invaders, or, more often, from their own kind. If you believe the Old Testament, Moses himself brought slaves back to Pharaoh before his exile after his true lineage became known. Tribal warfare resulted in captives that no one wanted, so they were sold off to traders along places like the Barbery/Berber Coast. Who were these initial traders? Asslifters. They then sold to other middlemen, who brought them across the oceans or marched them into the middle east and lower Asia, where they were often de-balled and kept as eunuchs, or again, as cheap labor.

    And, all of this was going on LONG before America showed up on the scene. But, today's free-range nigger (and many leftist retards) would have you believe that your ancestors personally jumped on a boat bound for Africa, threw some nets on some loose niggers, and brought them back home to the plantation, beating them with a whip the entire way. This is all bullshit. Some people may not like this, but slaves were a valued commodity, and cost real money and time to invest in. Good strong bucks, capable of working the fields for 12-16 hours a day, commanded serious coin. Also, remember that their owner was saddled with other expenses as a result of owning slaves. Room and board, food, even medical attention, unless you were extremely wealthy and could write off the investment. Overseers had to be paid, since niggers are the laziest things walking the earth when not properly motivated, and that wasn't cheap.

    Slavery is a bad thing and a stain on American history, we should have never engaged in the practice, but don't buy into the bullshit about how they were whipped and abused day and night. They were bought so they could be put to work, no different than the purchase of a mule or a draft horse. Owners didn't spend good coin just to have some niggers to beat on, they needed a return on their investment. If the harvest didn't come in, everyone suffered, white and black. Down time wasn't something they could afford, and the government didn't bail out plantation owners who failed like they do banks nowadays. Finally, the common man couldn't afford to play the slave game. The left makes it sound like everyone owned slaves, which isn't true at all. Slaveowners were a minority in this country until the practice ended. You had to be reasonably well-heeled to invest in field niggers, they didn't come with Wal-Mart pricing and holiday sales. You also needed a number of slaves proportional to the land you owned. You didn't get 50 acres of cotton picked by using 3 niggers. You had to buy in bulk.

    As a practical matter, the Americanized negro slave was better fed and provided for than it's African counterpart, who were still back home dodging lions, hyenas, and niggers from other tribes. They were taught English, given clothes to wear instead of a loincloth made from the ball sacks of lions, introduced to Christianity, and many were allowed families. Yes, there were those who were abusive owners, but that was not the norm, and often resulted from escape attempts, or trying to fuck something they didn't have permission to fuck. And even then, they often got in more trouble when they were caught trying to learn how to read. Those cherry-picked abuse stories are what the wailing lefties love to push. They also conveniently love to not tell you that the first American slaveowner happened to be a nigger.

    The didn't 'build' pyramids, they weren't kings, and they've never been at the top of the food chain even in their own homeland. Just about every claim to an invention has been debunked. They hauled rocks from point A to point B for most of their existence. Field negros would have probably beat the shit out of the nigger punks running loose today. They had it good compared to roaming the veldt trying to keep from becoming dinner for real predators.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  14. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Throughout history, the nigger has been a beast of burden, going back to at least the time of the Pyramids. This is why they steal the history of others (such as the Egyptian kings bullshit), because they have no significant history of their own. They lived on a continent that has 5500 MILES of coastline, and never invented a sail until a white man showed up and showed them one. The didn't invent a wheel until they were shown how. Slaves came from either conquest from foreign invaders, or, more often, from their own kind. If you believe the Old Testament, Moses himself brought slaves back to Pharaoh before his exile after his true lineage became known. Tribal warfare resulted in captives that no one wanted, so they were sold off to traders along places like the Barbery/Berber Coast. Who were these initial traders? Asslifters. They then sold to other middlemen, who brought them across the oceans or marched them into the middle east and lower Asia, where they were often de-balled and kept as eunuchs, or again, as cheap labor.

    And, all of this was going on LONG before America showed up on the scene. But, today's free-range nigger (and many leftist retards) would have you believe that your ancestors personally jumped on a boat bound for Africa, threw some nets on some loose niggers, and brought them back home to the plantation, beating them with a whip the entire way. This is all bullshit. Some people may not like this, but slaves were a valued commodity, and cost real money and time to invest in. Good strong bucks, capable of working the fields for 12-16 hours a day, commanded serious coin. Also, remember that their owner was saddled with other expenses as a result of owning slaves. Room and board, food, even medical attention, unless you were extremely wealthy and could write off the investment. Overseers had to be paid, since niggers are the laziest things walking the earth when not properly motivated, and that wasn't cheap.

    Slavery is a bad thing and a stain on American history, we should have never engaged in the practice, but don't buy into the bullshit about how they were whipped and abused day and night. They were bought so they could be put to work, no different than the purchase of a mule or a draft horse. Owners didn't spend good coin just to have some niggers to beat on, they needed a return on their investment. If the harvest didn't come in, everyone suffered, white and black. Down time wasn't something they could afford, and the government didn't bail out plantation owners who failed like they do banks nowadays. Finally, the common man couldn't afford to play the slave game. The left makes it sound like everyone owned slaves, which isn't true at all. Slaveowners were a minority in this country until the practice ended. You had to be reasonably well-heeled to invest in field niggers, they didn't come with Wal-Mart pricing and holiday sales. You also needed a number of slaves proportional to the land you owned. You didn't get 50 acres of cotton picked by using 3 niggers. You had to buy in bulk.

    As a practical matter, the Americanized negro slave was better fed and provided for than it's African counterpart, who were still back home dodging lions, hyenas, and niggers from other tribes. They were taught English, given clothes to wear instead of a loincloth made from the ball sacks of lions, introduced to Christianity, and many were allowed families. Yes, there were those who were abusive owners, but that was not the norm, and often resulted from escape attempts, or trying to fuck something they didn't have permission to fuck. And even then, they often got in more trouble when they were caught trying to learn how to read. Those cherry-picked abuse stories are what the wailing lefties love to push. They also conveniently love to not tell you that the first American slaveowner happened to be a nigger.

    The didn't 'build' pyramids, they weren't kings, and they've never been at the top of the food chain even in their own homeland. Just about every claim to an invention has been debunked. They hauled rocks from point A to point B for most of their existence.
    Very detailed. Thank you.

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