Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
They need 17 RINO cocksuckers to convict, but the question is will they stick their necks out to do it ?
Impeaching a private citizen is a stretch, and doing so would blow up the GOP for sure.
If they did, it would go before our traitor-filled SCOTUS, who could make a deal with the swamp to uphold it.
Quote Originally Posted by animal mother View Post
I suspect they may get 3 or 4 Rino pricks to got along. That prick Sasse hates Trump’s guts too. If they ever got 17, I’m finished with both parties for eternity.
There are plenty of Republican traitors (and I mean that in the Constitution's definition) who'd love to convict Trump. However, he has enough popular support that even the most established RINOs voting to impeach him will be massacred over the next few Senate elections. There are the rumors he's already looking to start his own party, bringing over good guys like Rand Paul, and I think that's what it'll take because the Republican Party cannot be salvaged. It's too corrupt to the core, too in bed with Democrats. A new Trump Party might initially give huge wins to Democrats as Republican voters split, but after that, big Trump Party victories. It might just give big victories to Trumpians with the first elections. Imagine them taking just enough seats so no party has a majority in the House or Senate.

Trump didn't drain the swamp like he said, but I don't think any single person can. That will take a huge wakeup call with American voters.