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  1. #21
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey
    Embedded C-4 and a remote detonation device allows for the enforcement of discipline.
    In your *ahem* addendum, what is "C-4"?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    I think National Guardsmen get paid for 2 days out of every month, under normal circumstances. They might be getting paid at the full rate now, since they are sorta considered to be on "active duty" at the moment.


    ...Embedded C-4 and a remote detonation device allows for the enforcement of discipline.

    Once activated, regular pay is given until deactivation so one month full pay and benefits for one month activation.

    As far as the C-4 explosive...

    Now, Goodman... You know that's how rumors get started. Everyone knows that discipline is to be administered via the transdermal covid1984 vaccination which includes the new microverichip with 5G signal activated succinylcholine release. It' less messy and the Government can claim it was a simple non service related heart attack. If the program works well on our troops, there are plans to extend it to the global population.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  3. #23
    Chimpout Guest

    Just getting this off my chest

    I'm actually giving President Trump up until the moment Joe Biden rises to take the Oath of Office, after President Trump will have left for Palm Beach, which would be spectacular.

    Why should arrests at the eleventh hour be any less likely than they were two weeks ago? Also, those who read conservative sites, such as NationalFile, will have learned even more, from the horse's mouth, about crazy leftist plans for America.

    Should President Trump fail me in this, it will have been my mistake to have expected him to be superhuman. Among many great achievements, he exposed the names and faces of corruption and cowardice at the national and state level. He did a magnificent job, FAR better than all previous presidents in my lifetime.

    In the latter case, I will, however, profoundly resent having been led on unnecessarily with repeated promises to expect "something BIG!".

    I feel that, thanks to such assurances, ALL of the President's fans have held their actions in abeyance, actions which might have been used to great effect had they occurred earlier. IF President Trump is the real President Trump, I will not be able to forgive his sacrifice of the Free World when (at least, so it seems) he had every opportunity to save it via invoking the Insurrection Act, martial law, etc. I do not believe that, faced with the alternative of a personal family tragedy versus the Fate of the Free World, a real leader would choose anything but the latter. That's an unwritten part of the job description.

    History may never know.

  4. #24
    Chimpout Guest

    You can sleep on the ground, but first tell us how you voted

    Is there no limit to how badly soldiers are treated?

    Biden’s transition team asked if it would be possible to determine which soldiers voted in GOP primaries or who have contributed to GOP candidates so commanders could station them away from the president-elect. The request was refused fueling their fear of attack.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    In the latter case, I will, however, profoundly resent having been led on unnecessarily with repeated promises to expect "something BIG!".
    Although hesitant to criticise President Trump, I have to admit to this feeling myself. This really is the last chance to save American democracy; I can't believe the President is not aware of that.

  6. #26
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    The threat is real!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	scarysoldier62823.jpg 
Views:	21 
Size:	93.3 KB 
ID:	13750

    Two National Guard members were pulled off the security mission for President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, The Associated Press reported on Tuesday, citing an Army official and a senior US intelligence official.

    The two members were found to have ties to far-right militias, the officials told the AP. No plot against Biden was uncovered, the AP reported. Multiple other media outlets confirmed the AP's reporting.

    "While we have no intelligence indicating an insider threat, we are leaving no stone unturned in securing the capital," acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller said in a statement on Monday.
    I don't understand how people can say one thing, and then say the polar opposite the next moment. Are they not self aware?

    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    Is there no limit to how badly soldiers are treated?
    It would make me laugh if the Democrats used this as an excuse to make voter registration cards/ID's mandatory, so they could check in an instant to see who you voted for, and then openly discriminate against you.

    Edit: Now a total of 12 nazi terrorist Trump lovers that were planning on assassinating Biden have been removed from the National Guard.

    I wonder what the enhanced interrogation will be like for those poor souls?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	trumpsupportergettinginterrogated59493.jpg 
Views:	25 
Size:	305.2 KB 
ID:	13752
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

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  8. #27
    Chimpout Guest
    Twelve U.S. National Guard members have been removed from securing President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration after vetting by the FBI, including two who made extremist statements in posts or texts about the Wednesday event, Pentagon officials said. There were no specific threats to Biden.

    Members of the left--male and female--consistently overreact like a Cluster B personality-disordered woman experiencing pms and a post-sugar crash.

    So, by "extremist statements", I'm gonna assume those Guards said stuff like, "I can't believe Biden stole the election". The left seem to describe as "far right" literally anything and everything, no matter how objective and logical, which in any way challenges their arbitrary and irrational Belief System.

    Again, 5:57 - 6:40 - "It isn't one left.":

    And I expect the left's definition of the acceptable to shrink:

    "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

    --pastor Martin Niemöller

  9. #28
    Chimpout Guest
    Was that the real Trump in his farewell speech? Anyone?

  10. #29
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    ^If it is fake, at least they did a better job than the last one.

    I did catch this tidbit which would be hilarious if it were true and not a misspoken teleprompter cue:

    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  11. #30
    Chimpout Guest
    ^ After utterly silencing accurate election fraud reporting, the Demshevik media sure is making a big deal out of the relatively minor "Capitol breach".

    After reading encurway's intro post, I have become much more interested in Russia.

  12. #31
    Chimpout Guest
    I've stopped hoping.

    This life has been a fanTAStic ride. In it, I have done everything I wanted to do, except work through Donald Knuth's Concrete Mathematics.

    While no SEAL by any means, I will do what I can with what remains.

  13. #32
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    George Soros, a Jew, survived the Nazis by pretending to be a Nazi. He even helped the Nazis steal valuables from other Jews, and assisted the Nazis in finding hidden Jews.

    While I'm not suggesting we should go that far in trying to hide from the liberals, it might not be a bad idea to consider pretending to be a Democrat for now. Maybe not here, though (you can get banned for niggerloving). I'm talking about in real life.

    The trick is to pretend to be an even bigger fascist than the actual fascists, so they won't get suspicious. Members of Antifa were notorious for allegedly being anti-fascist while repeatedly engaging in fascist tactics, and the Democrats loved them!

    If questioned about Trump, say something derogatory about how he looks like a cheeto or something. Also randomly accuse people of being white supremacists for no reason whatsoever; if they claim that they are innocent, accuse them of not having enough white guilt because of their skin color.
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

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  15. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    ^If it is fake, at least they did a better job than the last one.

    I did catch this tidbit which would be hilarious if it were true and not a misspoken teleprompter cue:

    Just a small matter, but I always make a point of using the original word "titbit". I believe "tidbit" is one of those liberal words they've introduced, trying to sneak it into our language unnoticed.
    Always be on your guard for this kind of crap, and fight against it by refusing to go along with it. Every little bit helps.

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  17. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    I've stopped hoping.

    This life has been a fanTAStic ride. In it, I have done everything I wanted to do, except work through Donald Knuth's Concrete Mathematics.

    While no SEAL by any means, I will do what I can with what remains.
    NSPS - I share your pain.

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  19. #35
    Chimpout Guest

    The Silver Chair

    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White
    Just a small matter, but I always make a point of using the original word "titbit". I believe "tidbit" is one of those liberal words they've introduced, trying to sneak it into our language unnoticed.
    Always be on your guard for this kind of crap, and fight against it by refusing to go along with it. Every little bit helps.
    Thanks. I didn't know that either, and have made that very mistake repeatedly. I, too, try to fight neologisms and thought-terminating cliches (itself a cliche!) whenever possible. They are part of the creeping descent of English into Newspeak, and accelerate mental decay.

    One of many reasons I love Boris Johnson and Katie Hopkins is their use of English. You in the UK have the clear advantage there. Even your chavs can be a pleasure to hear!

    I actually need to read and not simply refer to Nineteen Eighty-Four, which at this point will likely prove more accurate than the daily news:

    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White
    NSPS - I share your pain.
    Thank you. And thanks, too, for your valiant support from abroad. Belated congratulations on Brexit!

    It's hard for me to type this. I felt betrayed by the urging of President Trump and others to look for "something BIG!". But here, again, the fault of losing faith is mine, and was NEVER President Trump's.

    Upon further reflection, I believe that, knowing the stakes, President Trump did all, and in fact more, than The Swamp allowed him to do. They've dragged their feet and played Manuel from Fawlty Towers at every opportunity. I logged-on to say that I believe he actually may have tried to invoke the Insurrection Act, and was almost certainly stonewalled there as he was everywhere else. His being refused makes far more sense than does the idea of his not trying it.

    Alone in contemporary history, President Trump has brought our troops home and tried to end pointless, endless wars in the Middle East, which, according to the late Major General Smedley Butler (who really existed, by the way), are cash cows for the Central Banks, to whom the military top brass really answer. Everything I've ever heard (vets, correct me if I'm wrong!) has said that the top brass are, essentially, corrupt politicians, as addicted to grifting as civilian ones.

    Call me a lunatic if you want. However, many of us here will, I think, agree, that the globalists, foreign powers, the D.C. kakistocrats, Big Tech, and especially the lying media all but crucified President Trump. The official closest to him publicly betrayed him. Increasing numbers of Earthly "powers" now seem bent on persecuting his followers and on having us publicly deny him and his contributions, hard-won against all odds. The truth sounds too familiar to deny.

    "If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience."
    --George Bernard Shaw
    Man is not "incapable" "of learning from experience". Rather, Man is guilty of focusing on trivial aspects of experience, and thereby missing the crux. Guilty of focusing on appearances. Back in the day, it occurred to me that communism, were it to make a successful comeback, would do so not in battle fatigues, but as something more like a flower child. It also occurred to me that a savior would not make a second coming as a long-haired, bearded man in a muumuu.

    what had been the use of learning the signs if they weren't going to obey them? Yet could Aslan have really meant them to unbind anyone even a lunatic - who asked it in his name? Could it be a mere accident? Or how if the Queen of the Underworld knew all about the signs and had made the Knight learn this name simply in order to entrap them? But then, supposing this was the real sign?... They had muffed three already; they daren't muff the fourth.

    "Oh, if only we knew!" said Jill.

    "I think we do know," said Puddleglum.

    "Do you mean you think everything will come right if we do untie him?" said Scrubb.

    "I don't know about that," said Puddleglum. "You see, Aslan didn't tell Pole what would happen. He only told her what to do. That fellow will be the death of us once he's up, I shouldn't wonder. But that doesn't let us off following the sign."
    Nevertheless, I missed communism's stealthy invasion of America. So I'm not about to miss the other second coming. I don't expect my savior to walk on water, nor do I expect him to literally fit the bill as immortal.

    I expect something FAR more miraculous. And that my modern-day savior has achieved. He has awakened me to the beauty of My Country, America, of Americans, of Freedom, of Life, of My Life, of Every Minute of Every Day, and, especially, of My Duty to Serve and to Support what I love, with all my might, regardless of failure or success in that regard.

    No small achievement.

    Thank you, President Trump.

  20. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    Thanks. I didn't know that either, and have made that very mistake repeatedly. I, too, try to fight neologisms and thought-terminating cliches (itself a cliche!) whenever possible. They are part of the creeping descent of English into Newspeak, and accelerate mental decay.

    One of many reasons I love Boris Johnson and Katie Hopkins is their use of English. You in the UK have the clear advantage there. Even your chavs can be a pleasure to hear!

    I actually need to read and not simply refer to Nineteen Eighty-Four, which at this point will likely prove more accurate than the daily news:

    Thank you. And thanks, too, for your valiant support from abroad. Belated congratulations on Brexit!

    It's hard for me to type this. I felt betrayed by the urging of President Trump and others to look for "something BIG!". But here, again, the fault of losing faith is mine, and was NEVER President Trump's.

    Upon further reflection, I believe that, knowing the stakes, President Trump did all, and in fact more, than The Swamp allowed him to do. They've dragged their feet and played Manuel from Fawlty Towers at every opportunity. I logged-on to say that I believe he actually may have tried to invoke the Insurrection Act, and was almost certainly stonewalled there as he was everywhere else. His being refused makes far more sense than does the idea of his not trying it.

    Alone in contemporary history, President Trump has brought our troops home and tried to end pointless, endless wars in the Middle East, which, according to the late Major General Smedley Butler (who really existed, by the way), are cash cows for the Central Banks, to whom the military top brass really answer. Everything I've ever heard (vets, correct me if I'm wrong!) has said that the top brass are, essentially, corrupt politicians, as addicted to grifting as civilian ones.

    Call me a lunatic if you want. However, many of us here will, I think, agree, that the globalists, foreign powers, the D.C. kakistocrats, Big Tech, and especially the lying media all but crucified President Trump. The official closest to him publicly betrayed him. Increasing numbers of Earthly "powers" now seem bent on persecuting his followers and on having us publicly deny him and his contributions, hard-won against all odds. The truth sounds too familiar to deny.

    Man is not "incapable" "of learning from experience". Rather, Man is guilty of focusing on trivial aspects of experience, and thereby missing the crux. Guilty of focusing on appearances. Back in the day, it occurred to me that communism, were it to make a successful comeback, would do so not in battle fatigues, but as something more like a flower child. It also occurred to me that a savior would not make a second coming as a long-haired, bearded man in a muumuu.

    Nevertheless, I missed communism's stealthy invasion of America. So I'm not about to miss the other second coming. I don't expect my savior to walk on water, nor do I expect him to literally fit the bill as immortal.

    I expect something FAR more miraculous. And that my modern-day savior has achieved. He has awakened me to the beauty of My Country, America, of Americans, of Freedom, of Life, of My Life, of Every Minute of Every Day, and, especially, of My Duty to Serve and to Support what I love, with all my might, regardless of failure or success in that regard.

    No small achievement.

    Thank you, President Trump.
    I AGREE!! Thank you President Trump!!

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  22. #37
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    I think it's true that President Trump tried his best to invoke the Insurrection Act, but was betrayed by those he needed most to support him. Most of all Pence - I shall NEVER forgive that treacherous bastard!

    I wish I could find a bright side to look on, but I haven't found it yet; I have been in deep miserable depression since it became clear this week that President Trump would not be serving a second term.
    And yes, we do have Boris Johnson and Katie Hopkins over here; they are both assets to this country (and Katie - Cor! I like her!), but I think it's gonna be a long long climb back out of this pit I'm in at the moment.
    Got drunk last night, and felt sick as a dog this morning. Feeling better now, I'm glad to say. Spirit lifted me, but I cannot lift my spirit.

    Sorry this is so depressing, but it's the best I can muster at this point.

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