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  1. #1
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest

    Biden shows true color.

    No doubt now where biden stands.Even as we speak, that worthless piece of shit is yanking on the collective johnson of every nigger bastard n this country.He is on tv crying because the trump patriots were ,in HIS words, not treated as harshly as blm protesters.WHAT THE F,CK? I don't recall any niggers at the riots being shot like veteran and patriot Ashli Babbitt.....and I did not see the Trumpers destroying, burning,and looting the whole town while the pussies in blue stood by.Takes a big ass man to shoot an unarmed woman....But there will be no memorial for her, or no White people asking for justice for her.Just an old, doddering piece of socialist dog shit crying to the masses and promising more fair and equal treatment for a failed and toxic race.So ashamed of this country and the spineless, nigger worshiping liberals to whom "We the People" have ceded control.We lost our F,cking country and not a shot was fired..
    All they needed was MSM, and that g-damned facebook.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    No doubt now where biden stands.Even as we speak, that worthless piece of shit is yanking on the collective johnson of every nigger bastard n this country.He is on tv crying because the trump patriots were ,in HIS words, not treated as harshly as blm protesters.WHAT THE F,CK? I don't recall any niggers at the riots being shot like veteran and patriot Ashli Babbitt.....and I did not see the Trumpers destroying, burning,and looting the whole town while the pussies in blue stood by.Takes a big ass man to shoot an unarmed woman....But there will be no memorial for her, or no White people asking for justice for her.Just an old, doddering piece of socialist dog shit crying to the masses and promising more fair and equal treatment for a failed and toxic race.So ashamed of this country and the spineless, nigger worshiping liberals to whom "We the People" have ceded control.We lost our F,cking country and not a shot was fired..
    All they needed was MSM, and that g-damned facebook.
    Sad but TRUE!!

  3. #3
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    It is that way if you let it! Write your congressman and tell them they are toast the next time you vote. Write Biteme and tell him to fuck off. Let everyone of the liberal rooster suckers know you're pissed and not going to take it anymore. If you are up for jury duty tell them you would believe the cop any day of the week over a fucking nigger; just don't get thrown in jail for contempt. Boycott every liberal association that has to sell something to exist. You gas station is the first place to look. Shutdown all suppliers except the ones that have conservative owners. Money is the thing that keeps these bastards going and take that away they're fucked. Put a sign in your front yard that says Blue Lives Matter! Don't take it and fight them every chance you get!!!!

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by zagnut View Post
    It is that way if you let it! Write your congressman and tell them they are toast the next time you vote. Write Biteme and tell him to fuck off. Let everyone of the liberal rooster suckers know you're pissed and not going to take it anymore. If you are up for jury duty tell them you would believe the cop any day of the week over a fucking nigger; just don't get thrown in jail for contempt. Boycott every liberal association that has to sell something to exist. You gas station is the first place to look. Shutdown all suppliers except the ones that have conservative owners. Money is the thing that keeps these bastards going and take that away they're fucked. Put a sign in your front yard that says Blue Lives Matter! Don't take it and fight them every chance you get!!!!
    Well said Sir! Another thing would be to get rid of Apple, FB/Insta, Twitter, Amazon. I actually did tell them why when I deleted my accounts. They all support anti-freedom-of-speech & communism. To my mind the worst of the pack is acutally iNigger, supporting Burn Loot Murder with more than 100 million, and even worse they started to throw out alternatives to Twitter, Yt of the app store. Since they are essentially the gate keeper of your devices, you are screwed if you use that stuff.

  5. #5
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest
    I always backed the blue, and still do, I think.......But they showed that they don't back us at the capitol.Scared to shoot a nigger trying to burn a courthouse, but brave enough to shoot a White veteran inside the peoples house.Those protesters at the capitol backed cops in the last few years when we were told to hate them for doing their job.We stood up for them and they,at least the capital police,showed real quick which side they were on.Write all the letters you where you like....our country is still in a death spiral.I can't apologize for telling it like it is.Even the leaders, like Pence, that we thought were on our side have sided with liberals.I am going to the gun show today, and take what may be my last opportunity to spend some time with like-minded folks while I still can.I swear....watching the news and being out in public is like watching my dear sweet mother in law pass away in hospice....Struggling to carry on, but knowing the end is not far away.Sad.

  6. #6
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    I always backed the blue, and still do, I think.......But they showed that they don't back us at the capitol.Scared to shoot a nigger trying to burn a courthouse, but brave enough to shoot a White veteran inside the peoples house.Those protesters at the capitol backed cops in the last few years when we were told to hate them for doing their job.We stood up for them and they,at least the capital police,showed real quick which side they were on.Write all the letters you where you like....our country is still in a death spiral.I can't apologize for telling it like it is.Even the leaders, like Pence, that we thought were on our side have sided with liberals.I am going to the gun show today, and take what may be my last opportunity to spend some time with like-minded folks while I still can.I swear....watching the news and being out in public is like watching my dear sweet mother in law pass away in hospice....Struggling to carry on, but knowing the end is not far away.Sad.
    Sadly, I fear you are right. Probably these are the last days of free western civilization.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    I always backed the blue, and still do, I think.......But they showed that they don't back us at the capitol.Scared to shoot a nigger trying to burn a courthouse, but brave enough to shoot a White veteran inside the peoples house.Those protesters at the capitol backed cops in the last few years when we were told to hate them for doing their job.We stood up for them and they,at least the capital police,showed real quick which side they were on.Write all the letters you where you like....our country is still in a death spiral.I can't apologize for telling it like it is.Even the leaders, like Pence, that we thought were on our side have sided with liberals.I am going to the gun show today, and take what may be my last opportunity to spend some time with like-minded folks while I still can.I swear....watching the news and being out in public is like watching my dear sweet mother in law pass away in hospice....Struggling to carry on, but knowing the end is not far away.Sad.
    Anyone who can not see the bias in the media now is just being deliberately ignorant. When niggers and liberals destroy a city, attack politicians, law enforcement, and private property it is a "mostly peaceful" "protest". Now it is a riot. It is treason. It is an insurrection, an attack on democracy... When liberals claimed the vote was hacked, we spent 4 years with no evidence found. We now find evidence on DAY ONE and it is not allowed to be considered. Not that there is no evidence. We will refuse to see it. Also notice how fast the FBI is catching the "rioters" and when nigger lies matter destroy they wont even bother to look. When nigger politicians call for attacking conservatives that is ok. When Trump says we are not going to be silenced, that is a "call for violence"...
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  8. #8
    Chimpout Guest
    Biden weeping. My first impressions are that he's like a malintentioned Jimmy carter 2.0 without Amy to guide him. We'll have to see. Maybe he's just
    Idi Amin turned inside out..

  9. #9
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    I'm not worried about Ye Olde Joe -- I worry about fake sheboon Harris doing everything it can to turn the entire country into California. Joe will be gone in a matter of months, and White-hater Kamala, will begin an all out war on traditional America.

    I am hopeful and optimistic by nature, but I am also a reality-based critical thinker. I fear there are some very dark days ahead...

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  11. #10
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    I know some of you think I'm perhaps over-optimistic, but President Trump is not done yet. I've been looking at various reports on the web tonight, and I think he's preparing to make his move this coming week.
    He has just one option left - and I think in the name of freedom, he's going to take it!
    But keep safe, America - it's gonna be one hell of a ride!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    I know some of you think I'm perhaps over-optimistic, but President Trump is not done yet. I've been looking at various reports on the web tonight, and I think he's preparing to make his move this coming week.
    He has just one option left - and I think in the name of freedom, he's going to take it!
    But keep safe, America - it's gonna be one hell of a ride!
    I have always appreciated your optimism!

    I don't know what "option" Trump has left to reverse the results of the election, but he can declassify the shit out of anything and everything that will fuck the commies over for decades.

    My guess is, that's what's coming...

  14. #12
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    Thanks for your kind comment, MPH.
    (Whispering.... Sssshhh! I was referring to the Insurrection Act 2018.)

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  16. #13
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    If I were in Trump's shoes, I would pretend that I was leaning towards using the Insurrection Act, but wouldn't actually use it, and the day before Pelosi tried to impeach me (it looks like she wants to do it Tuesday), I would release all kinds of classified shit (so I would crap that shit out on Monday).

    I mean, if I'm going to get impeached anyway, fuck it.

    Besides, chances are good I could say that the classified info was taken from Pelosi's laptop, and as President, I could probably request and receive a list of the classified shit that she has, and maybe even get access to the info that proves that she was doing some insider trading (I think it's actually legal for people in her position to do that, but the optics would be terrible).

    Of course, I would only release the stuff that would make Pelosi and certain democrats and republican traitors look bad. There's no point in releasing the stuff that could actually harm the USA.

    It would be hilarious if there actually were documents stamped TS that detailed overt attempts to make life miserable for American citizens. "We shall condition them to think they need vaccines and boosters on a regular basis, and then we will shorten the intervals until they are required to inject the 'vaccine' every other day. Eventually we will convince them that a COVID-19 booster will be needed multiple times a day. Then we will replace the vaccine with a drug that makes them submissive and easier to control. Failure to use the drug as scheduled will result in severe withdrawal symptoms, making subversives easy to identify."
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

  17. #14
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    I'm not worried about Ye Olde Joe -- I worry about fake sheboon Harris doing everything it can to turn the entire country into California. Joe will be gone in a matter of months, and White-hater Kamala, will begin an all out war on traditional America.

    I am hopeful and optimistic by nature, but I am also a reality-based critical thinker. I fear there are some very dark days ahead...
    Yes, that exactly is what I guess / fear as well. Joe was just the dummy to hide the real candidate since even hard left people would not have voted for the sheboon Harris.

  18. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    I'm not worried about Ye Olde Joe -- I worry about fake sheboon Harris doing everything it can to turn the entire country into California. Joe will be gone in a matter of months, and White-hater Kamala, will begin an all out war on traditional America.

    I am hopeful and optimistic by nature, but I am also a reality-based critical thinker. I fear there are some very dark days ahead...
    Yep!Prepare for the worst!

  19. #16
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest

    Hate? Really?

    Just caught on the news....the good Americans who will be peacefully "hopefully" protesting to stolen election in the coming days are being called a "hate" group by the MSM.No such names for the Damned niggers who have burned, looted, and killed all during 2020.
    15,000 national guard troops sent in to protect Alzheimer's Joe, but almost know used last year to protect citizens and property.Niggers burning shit down is called " peaceful protest", while patriotic Americans who occupied the capitol are called armed terrorists...the only weapon I saw in any picture was a pr24 baton.A weapon ,yes, but far from the Molotov cocktails and fireworks used by antifa.
    Joe was right about one thing.....there sure as hell is a double standard in this country....
    Niggers are treated like heroes when they have a collective bitch fit, and Americans are treated like criminals when they take a stand for justice.
    BTW.....Gun show report..guns are flying off the shelves faster than dealers can replace them, and ammo is selling out. Even at $1 a round for 9mm and 5.56.
    That is lot of firepower in the hands of patriots.

  20. #17
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    Um, where is Ye Olde Joe anyway...?

    Is he already dead?

  21. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Um, where is Ye Olde Joe anyway...?

    Is he already dead?
    The Usurper's handlers are resting him up and preparing to drug him up, so he is both physically and mentally capable of attending the fake inauguration for his fraudulant occupation of the White House.
    Melbourne does not have a gang problem. Melbourne has a nigger problem!

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